Hybos daqinggouensis, Wang & Dong & Yang, 2015

Wang, Ning, Dong, Hui & Yang, Ding, 2015, Notes on Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Empididae) in Inner Mongolia with description of a new species, Florida Entomologist 98 (2), pp. 575-578 : 576-577

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1653/024.098.0108

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hybos daqinggouensis


1. Hybos daqinggouensis View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 1-4 View Figs )


First flagellomere elongate, slightly longer than scape and pedicel combined, without dorsal setula. Legs entirely black. Mid tibia with 2 ad; apically with 1 av and 1 pv long hair-like and apically curved. Acr irregularly quadriseriate. Hypandrium with short lateral process at middle, apically without long setae.


Male. Body length 3.6-3.9 mm, wing length 3.0- 3.5 mm.

Head. Black with gray pollinosity. Eyes contiguous on frons, brownish yellow, with distinctly enlarged upper facets. Setulae and setae on head black except postero-ventral setulae yellow; ocellar tubercle distinct, with 2 long oc and 2 short posterior setulae. Antenna black; scape without setulae, pedicel with circlet of subapical setulae; first flagellomere elongated, slightly longer than scape and pedicel combined, without dorsal setula; arista distinctly longer than basal 3 an- tennal segments, pubescent except apical 1/4 or so thin and bare. Proboscis slightly shorter than head, blackish or black. Palpus black, with 3 ventral setulae.

Thorax. Black with gray pollinosity. Setulae and setae on thorax black, setulae on scutum short and rather sparse; ppn absent, 2 npl (posterior npl long), irregularly quadriseriate acr, uniseriate hair-like dc nearly as long as acr, 1 long prsc, 1 psa slightly shorter than prsc; scutellum with 8 or 10 short marginal setulae (2 setulae between sc) and 2 long sc. Legs entirely black. Setulae on legs brown or brownish, setae black. Hind coxa apically with 2-3 spinose anterior setae. Fore femur 1.2 times and hind femur 2.7 times as wide as mid femur. Fore and mid femora each with row of very long, thin pv. Hind femur with 2-3 long, thin preapical ad, with about 3 rows of spinose ventral setae on tubercles (av relatively long, only 2-3 pv located at base). Fore and mid tibiae and tarsomere 1 with some long setulae. Fore tibia with 2 weak ad; apically with 1 short av. Mid tibia with 2 ad; apically with 1 av and 1 pv, very long and thin (av nearly as long as tarsomere 1). Hind tibia with row of 6-7 long ad and 8-9 long pd setulae; apically with 1 long erect subapical pd. Hind tarsomeres 1-2 with several short ventral spines. Wing nearly hyaline, slightly tinged grayish; stigma long, dark brown; veins dark brown, R 4+5 and M 1 weakly divergent apically. Squama brownish yellow with yellow setulae. Halter dark yellow except base brown and knob pale yellow.

Abdomen. Weakly or strongly curved downwards, subshiny black with pale gray pollinosity; hypopygium weakly swollen. Setulae and setae on abdomen dark yellow except hypopygium with some black setae.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 1-4 View Figs ). Lef epandrial lamella slightly longer than right epandrial lamella, with weakly convex inner margin near middle; lef surstylus long and thick, with short basal process. Right epandrial lamella with concave inner margin near middle; right surstylus rather short and wide, with apical margin weakly incised. Hypandrium much longer than wide, deeply clef with right lobe much shorter and apically pointed; lef lobe rounded apically. Long setae on hypandrium lacking.

Female. Body length 3.6-3.9 mm, wing length 3.6-3.9 mm. Similar to male, pv on fore and mid femora shorter. Fore and mid tibiae and tarsomere 1 without long setulae.


HOLOTYPE 3 , CHINA, Inner Mongolia, Tongliao, Daqinggou National Nature Reserve, Yuanshisenlin (E 122° 10' 19" N 42° 48' 26"), 180 m, 23.VII.2014, N. Wang & D. Yang ( CAU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 2 33, 8 ♀♀, same data as holotype ( CAU) GoogleMaps .


China (Inner Mongolia).


The new species is somewhat similar to H. grosspies (Linnaeus) , but it may be separated from the latter in the following characters: first flagellomere elongated, slightly longer than scape and pedicel combined; mid tibia with 2 ad, apically with 1 av and 1 pv thin hair-like and apically curved; left surstylus with small inner lateral process about 1/5 as long as outer lateral process; hypandrium with very short right lobe about 1/5 as long as left lobe, apically without long setae. In H. grosspies , the first flagellomere is shorter than scape and pedicel combined; the mid tibia has 3 ad, but apically with 1 av and 1 pv thick bristle-like and straight; the hypandrium has the long right lobe about 1/2 as long as left lobe and long setae apically; the left surstylus has a long inner lateral process about 1/3 as long as outer lateral process ( Yang & Yang 2004; Shamshev et al. 2015).


The specific name refers to the type locality Daqinggou.


China Agricultural University













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