Loboscelidia sisik, Kimsey, Lynn S., 2012

Kimsey, Lynn S., 2012, Review of the odd chrysidid genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Loboscelidiinae), ZooKeys 213, pp. 1-40 : 26

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scientific name

Loboscelidia sisik

sp. n.

Loboscelidia sisik View in CoL   ZBK sp. n. Figures 163546

Type material.

Holotype male: Borneo, W. Kalimantan, Gunung Palung Nat. Pk., 15 June-15 Aug. 1991, Darling, Ubaidillah (Rosichon), Sutrisno, 11S 910131 (MBBJ).

Paratype: 1 male, same data as holotype, 11S 910125 (BME).


This species has a number of distinctive features that in combination will distinguish it from other Loboscelidia , including the scale-like setae on the head and legs and the scrobal sulcus reduced to a series of foveae.

Male description.

Body length 3-4 mm; forewing length 3.5-4.5 mm. Head (Fig. 16): length 1.7 × height in side view; eye asetose; frontal projection triangular in front view; frons smooth, not microstriate; vertex without transverse fovea, posterior expansion strongly convex in profile; frons with ridge extending from vertex along inner eye margin; gena without scale-like setae; scape smooth, not striate, length 1.8 breadth; flagellomere I length 1.8 × breadth; flagellomere II length 2.8 × breadth; flagellomere XI length 3.5 × breadth. Mesosoma: pronotal length 0.8 × breadth, with lateral carina, as wide as head in dorsal view; scutum with notauli reaching posterior margin; scutellum with scattered large punctures and fine dense striae posteriorly; metanotum medially finely, densely striate/punctate impunctate laterally. 0.3 × as long as scutellum; mesopleuron with scrobal sulcus consisting of 3-4 large pits or foveae; propodeum without transverse dorsal carina; legs (Fig. 46) smooth, polished; forefemoral flange 0.7 x femur length, flange maximum width 0.6 × width of tubular part of femur; foretibial flange 0.4 × tibial length, flange maximum width 0.4 x width of tubular part of tibia; midfemoral flange 0.5 × femur length, flange maximum width as wide as tubular part of femur; midtibial flange absent; hindfemoral flange 0.9 × femur length, flange maximum width as wide as tubular part of femur; hindtibial flange 0.9 × tibial length, flange maximum width 0.6 × width of tubular part of tibia; hindtibia with two longitudinal carinae on posterior margin; hindcoxa with longitudinal carina on inner medial surface; forewing (Fig. 35) R1 length 0.5 × R length; cu-a length 0.7 × R length; Rs length 2.3 × R length; Cu+M as long as A; medial vein submedially curved. Color: body dark brown; wing membrane brown-tinted, darker along vein remnants.




The species name is Indonesian for scale, referring to the scale-like setae on the head and legs (noun).













