Esagonatopus niger (Fenton)

Olmi, Massimo & Guglielmino, Adalgisa, 2010, Revision of Nearctic species of Esagonatopus, with description of a new species from Florida (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae), ZooKeys 70, pp. 57-66 : 60-61

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scientific name

Esagonatopus niger (Fenton)


Esagonatopus niger (Fenton) Figs 1, 2, 3

Chalcogonatopus nigrus Fenton 1924: 193.

Neogonatopus niger (Fenton): Freytag 1980: 145.

Esagonatopus niger (Fenton): Olmi 1984: 1495.

Esagonatopus perdebilis (Perkins): Malausa et al. 2003: 25.

Esagonatopus perdebilis (Perkins): Nusillard et al. 2003: 3.

Esagonatopus perdebilis (Perkins): Malausa 2004: 23.

Esagonatopus niger (Fenton): Malausa 2004: 23.

Esagonatopus niger (Fenton): Guglielmino and Olmi 2006: 53, 54.

Esagonatopus niger (Fenton): Moya-Raygoza and Olmi 2010: 99.

Material examined.

Type:Holotype, female, USA: Iowa, Story Co., Ames, 8.vii.1923, C.J. Drake coll., ex Scaphoideus sp. probably immistus Say (USNM!). Further specimens examined: CANADA: Ontario: Marmora (CNC!); Near Windsor, Ojibway Park (PMA!); Ottawa (MZLU!); Walpole Island (MZLU!); S Minonico (CNC!); St. Davids (CNC! AMNH!). MEXICO: Mexico (New record): Chapultepec (USNM!). Morelos: Cuernavaca (USNM!). U SA.: Arizona: Johnson Co., McKay Bog, 9 mi. NE Clarksville (CNC!). California (New record): Tulare Co., Ash Mountain, Kaweah Power Station (RDHC!); Contra Costa Co., Moraga (CDAE!); Imperial Co., Niland (USNM!); Riverside Co., Menifee Valley, 33°39'N; 117°13'W (UCR!). Florida (New record): Liberty Co., Torreya State Park (CNC!). Georgia (New record): Rabun Co., Clayton (LACM!). Kentucky: Fayette Co., Lexington (DEUK!); Robertson Co. (Freytag, 1977). New York: Schuyler Co., Valois (BNC!); Yates Co., Dresden (BNC!); Ontario Co., Geneva (BNC!). North Dakota: Walsh Co., Grafton (AMNH!); Ramsey Co. (AMNH!). Pennsylvania: Dauphin Co., Harrisburg (USNM!). Virginia (New record): Louisa Co., 6.5 Km S of Cuckoo (AMNH!).


Female with meso-metapleural suture obsolete; metanotum with lateral rounded protrusions (Fig. 1). Male with notauli posteriorly separated; dorsal process of parameres broad (Fig. 3).


Female: apterous; length 2.3-3.0 mm. Head black or ferruginous, except anterior region of face, clypeus and mandibles yellow; occasionally head completely yellow or with a black transverse band on vertex. Antenna brown, except segment 1 testaceous, or yellow and segments 8-10 darkened; occasionally antennae totally yellow. Mesosoma usually black, occasionally completely yellow, or ferruginous, with irregular dark spots. Petiole black. Gaster usually brown-ferruginous; occasionally testaceous. Legs completely yellowish red, or with fuscous areas. Occasionally body completely yellow or testaceous, with petiole black. Antenna clavate; antennal segments in following proportions: 8:5:15:9:6:6:5:5:5:7. Head excavated, shiny, smooth, with vertex without sculpture and face and occiput granulated; frontal line complete; occipital carina absent; POL = 1.5; OL = 2; OOL = 7.5. Palpal formula 6/2. Pronotum crossed by a strong transverse impression, shiny, with anterior collar smooth and without sculpture, disc granulated and lateral regions sculptured by longitudinal striae. Scutum shiny, with few longitudinal striae, without lateral pointed apophyses. Scutellum flat, shiny, without sculpture. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete. Metanotum transversely striate, not hollow behind scutellum. Metathorax + propodeum shiny, granulated, with lateral rounded protrusions (Fig. 1). Mesopleura, metapleura and posterior surface of propodeum strongly transversely striate. Fore tarsal segments in following proportions: 13:2:5:16:23. Enlarged claw (Fig. 2) with a small subapical tooth and a row of 7-9 peg-like bristles. Segment 5 of fore tarsus (Fig. 2) with two rows of approximately 16-17 lamellae or one row of 13-15 lamellae (with proximal lamellae longer than medial and distal lamellae); distal apex with a group of 7-18 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

Male : fully winged; length 2.0 mm. Head black, except mandibles testaceous. Antenna brown. Mesosoma and petiole black. Gaster and legs brown. Antenna hairy, filiform; antennal segments in following proportions: 4:5:7:6:6:6:6:5.5:5.5:10. Antennal segment 3 less than three times as long as broad (2.8). Head shiny, granulated; occiput excavated; temples distinct; frontal line absent; occipital carina absent; POL = 6; OL = 2; OOL = 4. Palpal formula 6/2. Scutum shiny, granulated. Notauli complete, posteriorly separated; minimum distance between notauli shorter than greatest breadth of posterior ocelli (2:3). Scutellum and metanotum shiny, smooth, without sculpture. Propodeum completely reticulate rugose. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; stigmal vein with distal part longer than proximal part (17:8). Dorsal process of the parameres (Fig. 3) broadened. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.


Cicadellidae ( Guglielmino and Olmi 2006): in USA, California: Lycioides amoenus (Van Duzee)( Guglielmino and Olmi 1997); in USA, Iowa: Scaphoideus sp. probably Scaphoideus immistus Say ( Fenton 1924); in USA, Kentucky: Scaphoideus paludosus Ball ( Freytag 1977, 1980, 1985); in USA, New York: Scaphoideus titanus Ball ( Malausa et al. 2003; Malausa 2004; Guglielmino and Olmi 2006).