Epithele bambusina Rick, Iheringia, Bot.

Baltazar, Juliano M., Da Silveira, Rosa Mara B. & Rajchenberg, Mario, 2016, Type studies of J. Rick’s corticioid homobasidiomycetes (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) housed in the Herbarium Anchieta (PACA), Phytotaxa 255 (2), pp. 101-132 : 111-128

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.255.2.1

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scientific name

Epithele bambusina Rick, Iheringia, Bot.


Epithele bambusina Rick, Iheringia, Bot. View in CoL 4: 87, 1959. Figures 4–5 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 16 Aug 1943, FR 12936 ( PACA!).

Description.—Basidiome resupinate, widely effused, at first orbicular, then confluent,felty,ceraceous to subcrustaceous, up to 0.5 mm thick. Hymenophore with grandinioid to odontioid appearance due to the emergent hyphal pegs, yellowish white (1 A 2) to pale yellow (1 A 3, 2 A 3). Margin indeterminate, white (1 A 1) to yellowish white (1 A 2). Hyphal pegs cylindrical to conical, with an acute apex, usually penicillate, concolorous with the margin, 0.5–2 (–3) per mm, 110– 340 × 45–100 μm.

Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae clamped, hyaline, thin to slightly thick-walled, frequently branched, (2–) 2.5–5 μm diam., near to the hymenium usually short-celled. Dendrohyphidia present in the hymenium and in the apex of the hyphal pegs, hyphoid to irregular, hyaline, thin-walled, usually with a dendroid apex and short knobby branches, up to 25 × 2.5 μm. Cystidia subglobose, subclavate, pyriform to ventricose, apex obtuse, thin-walled, hyaline, sometimes covered by a fine crystalline matter, present in the hymenium but not emergent, 12.5–25 (–30) × (6.5–) 9–14 μm. Basidia clavate to subclavate, with one or two median constrictions, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with 4 sterigmata, 36–55 × 9.5–11.5 μm, sterigmata up to 8 × 2 μm. Basidiospores ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, usually slightly curved, with a distinct apiculus, thin- to thick-walled (especially in IKI), rugulose, 12–15 × (6–) 7.5–10 μm, IKI-, acyanophilous to weakly cyanophilous.

Remarks.— Epithle bambusina is characterized, above all, by a bamboosicolous substrate and by the ellipsoid, slightly curved basidiospores with a distinct apiculus and rugulose walls. The rugosity may be difficult to see under the light microscope, but it is evident and was confirmed with SEM ( Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Epithele bambusina View in CoL is similar to Epithele cylindricosterigmata Han C. Wang & Sheng H. Wu View in CoL due to the monomitic hyphal system with clamped hyphae, similar cystidia, dendrohyphidia and basidiospore shape. Wang et al. (2010: 1155) described E. cylindricosterigmata View in CoL as lacking cystidia, but they were found in the paratype by Nakasone (2013: 73). Epithele cylindricosterigmata View in CoL differs from E. bambusina View in CoL by narrower cystidia (5–8 μm wide), larger hyphidia [22–50 (72) × 2.5–5 μm] and smooth, smaller basidiospores [(9.2) 10–11 (12) × (6.8) 7.2–8 (8.5) μm] ( Nakasone 2013: 73).

Epithele fasciculata (G. Cunn.) Boidin & Gilles View in CoL also has ellipsoid, rugulose basidiospores and similar hyphidia as those of E. bambusina View in CoL , but it differs by having a dimitic hyphal system, lack of cystidia and slightly larger basidiospores, (13.5–) 14–16.5 × (9–) 9.5–11.5 (–12) μm ( Nakasone 2013: 76).

Epithele alba (Viégas) Boidin et al. is another species with rugulose basidiospores, but it differs from E. bambusina by the basidiospores being biapiculate, broadly to narrowly ellipsoid or subfusiform, and distinctly larger, (15–) 16–19 (–22) × (6.8–) 7–11 (–13) μm ( Nakasone 2013: 63).

Epithele bambusae (Burt) Nakasone is the only other species accepted in Epithele (Pat.) Pat. by Nakasone (2013) which also grows on bamboo. Its basidiospores appear rugulose when collapsed, but they differ from those of E. bambusina by being ellipsoid to broadly fusiform, occasionally biapiculate and remarkably longer, (14–) 16–20 (–23) × (8–) 9–10.5 μm. Furthermore, E. bambusae differs by lacking hyphal pegs and cystidia, and by possessing different hyphidia and larger basidia, 52–80 (–100) × 10–13 μm.

Epithele nivea Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 87, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1943, FR 12943 ( PACA!).

= Fibrodontia tomentosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Hjortstam & Ryvarden in Synop. Fungorum 20: 55, 2005.

Remarks.—The features of the type fit the description of F. tomentosa . Basidiospores are slightly smaller in E. nivea when compared to those described for F. tomentosa [6–7(–8) × 3–4 in E. nivea , 7–9 × 3.5–4.5 in F. tomentosa ] by Langer (1994: 231), but they are similar to the holotype described by Hjortstam (1990: 416)—6.5–7.5 (–8) × 3.8–4 μm.

Epithele straminea Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 87, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1943, FR 20933 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The specimen seems to correspond to a Hyphodontia s.l. due to its macroscopical features and the characteristic clamps. However, no hymenial elements (i.e., basidia, basidioles, cystidia or cystidioles) and basidiospores were seen.

Gloeocystidium cremeum ” Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 90, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not designated.

Remarks.— Scytinostromella cerina (Bres.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden. We did not find any specimen under G. cremeum at PACA. In the type collection there is an exsiccatum labelled as “ Gloeocystidium ceraceum ” Rick , a name that was never published. It is possible that ‘ cremeum ’ was mistyped as ‘ ceraceum ’.

Specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1936, FR 13398 (PACA, labeled as “ Gloeocystidium ceraceum ” Rick ).

Gloeocystidium ferrugineum Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 90, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 30 Jun 1944, FR 20949 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The type is sterile and the determination was not possible. Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 264) studied FR 22794 and identified it as Sebacina sp.

Gloeocystidium clavuligerum var. brasiliense Rick in Iheringia, Bot. 4: 90, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1949, FR 13446 ( PACA!, labeled as “ Gloeocystidium butyraceum ” Rick ).

= Scytinostromella cerina (Bres.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Mycotaxon 10(2): 287, 1980.

Gloeocystidium luteostramineum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 46, 1934

Sebacina luteostraminea (Rick) Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 2: 37, 1958.

Syntype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1933, FR 13439 (PACA!).

Remarks.—A heterobasidiomycete.

Gloeocystidium subincarnatum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 7(34): 76, 1938

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria , 1935, FR 13383 ( PACA!).

Remarks.—A heterobasidiomycete.

Gloeoradulum luteosulphureum Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 183, 1959 (basionym)

Resinicium luteosulphureum (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815708).

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , FR 19740 ( PACA!, labeled as “ Radulum luteo-sulphureum ”).

= Resinicium friabile Hjortstam & Melo, Mycotaxon 65: 324, 1997.

Remarks.—See Hjortstam & Melo (1997: 324) and Nakasone (2007: 426) for full descriptions and drawings of this species. Basidiospore size in the type of G. luteosulphureum is 5.5–7 × 3–3.5 (–4) μm, slightly different from those described for R. friabile by those authors, (4–) 4.5–5.5 × (2.5–) 3–3.5 μm. On the basis that all other features observed in G. luteosulphureum are in accordance with the concept of R. friabile , and that the type locality of the latter ( Brazil, São Paulo, Ubatuba, Ilha Anchieta) is rather close to that of G. luteosulphureum , we decide to consider the differences in basidiospore size as an intraspecific variation and to place R. friabile under synonymy of R. luteosulphureum . This is the only Resinicium Parmasto species known from the southern Hemisphere up to date ( Nakasone 2007: 429).

Resinicium bicolor (Alb. & Schwein.: Fr.) Parmasto is a similar species, with basidiospores presenting a size range similar to that of R. luteosulphureum , i.e., (4.5–) 5.5–7.2 (–8) × (2.5–) 2.9–3.5 μm. However, the basidiospores are consistently cylindrical in R. bicolor , while in R. luteosulphureum they are typically ellipsoid. Resinicium bicolor also differs from R. luteosulphureum by having larger basidia and asterocystidia, and a north temperate distribution ( Nakasone 2007: 429).

Grandinia braunii ” Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 173, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not designated.

Remarks.— Rick (1959b: 173) cited three specimens but he did not select a type. Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 265) studied FR 22711 and determined it as H. corrugata . We studied another specimen cited by Rick (1959b), but its determination was not possible because it lacks most of the microscopic elements.

Specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador, 07 Feb 1943, A. Braun, FR 16048 (PACA).

Hypochnus anceps Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 129, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , FR 13636 ( PACA!).

= Oliveonia fibrillosa (Burt) Donk, Fungus 28: 20, 1958.

Remarks.—This species is characterized by the scarce, up to 50 μm long leptocystidia, and by the repetitive, hyaline, oblong-ellipsoid and slightly curved basidiospores measuring 8–10 × 4.5 μm.

Hypochnus aurantiacus Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 129, 1959, nom. illeg., non (Pat.) Burt 1916

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , FR 13640 ( PACA!, labeled as Hypochnus aureus ).

Remarks.— Vararia / Dichostereum sp. The type is sterile, no basidiospores were found, but it is undoubtedly a species either of Vararia P. Karst. or Dichostereum Pilát , due to the presence of arboriform, dextrinoid dichohyphae.

Hypochnus carneoroseus Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 152, 1934 (basionym)

Peniophora carneorosea (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815709).

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1931, FR 13645 ( PACA!).

= Peniophora laxitexta C.E. Gómez in Gómez & Loewenbaum, Darwiniana 20(1–2): 195, 1976.

Holotype.— ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Punta Lara , s/troncos de Ocotea sp. , Jun 1975, Galvagno & López G. 2596 ( BAFC!).

Remarks.— Hypochnus carneoroseus is a previous name for P. laxitexta . For descriptions and drawings see Gómez & Loewenbaum (1976a: 195) and Andreasen & Hallenberg (2009: 76).

Additional specimen studied.— ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Tigre, Rincón de Milberg, 07 Sep 1968, J.E. Wright G-2183 (BAFC 52167).

Hypochnus rhizomorphus Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 129, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 15 Aug 1943, FR 20330 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Phanerochaete sp. The specimen has a pellicular, yellowish basidiome with rhizomorphic margins that reminds one of Rhizochaete spp . However, it has no reaction in KOH and the specimen is sterile.

Irpex arborescens Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 191, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1940, FR 16591 ( PACA!).

= Peniophorella rude (Bres.) K.H. Larss., Mycol. Res. 111(2): 192, 2007.

Remarks.— Rajchenberg (1987b) and Nietiedt & Guerrero (1998) already studied the type of I. arborescens and placed it under synonymy with Peniophorella rude (Bres.) K.H. Larss.

The type specimen comes close to P. odontiiformis (Boidin & Berthier) K.H. Larss. , described from the Central African Republic, given its smaller basidiospores [7.5–9 × 3.5–5 μm in P. odontiiformis ; 9–10 × 6 μm in P. rude according to Larsson (2007: 192)]. Larsson (2007: 192) maintained P. odontiiformis separated, but we consider it difficult to sustain on the basis of the morphological variation displayed by P. rude . We point out that I. arborescens type and P. rude type (‘ ad ramos arbor. frond. S. Leopoldo Brasiliae, Rick no. 51’) were both collected by Rick in the same area. Therefore it is unlikely that they belong to different taxa unless this is proved experimentally.

We also note that other taxa such as Hyphoderma crystallophorum Gilb. & Adask. ( Gilbertson & Adaskaveg 1993: 374) and Hyphoderma mucronatum (H. Furuk.) Sheng H. Wu ( Wu 1990: 75) could be considered synonyms of P. odontiiformis due to their basidiospore size, but have been properly compared and synonymized to P. rude by Nietedt & Guerrero (1998). Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1980: 279) have previously suggested the synonymy of P. odontiiformis with P. rude .

Irpex corticioides Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 187, 1959 (basionym)

Hyphodontia corticioidea (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815711).

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , FR 16667 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodontia sphaerospora (N. Maek.) Hjortstam in Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Synop. Fungorum 15: 12, 2002.

Remarks.—This is a previous name for H. sphaerospora . See Maekawa (1993: 120) for a full description and drawings. Odontia chroospora Rick is also the same species (see below). It was published in the same work by Rick (1959b: 165) in a previous page but, on the basis of Art. 11 of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants ( McNeill et al. 2012) which does not give preference for species published in the same work, we have selected I. corticioides because its type material is in far better condition than that of O. ochrospora .

The holotypes of I. corticioides and O. chroospora were studied by Rajchenberg (1987b: 555) and Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 268), respectively, and were identified as Hyphodontia arguta (Fr.) J. Erikss. Nevertheless , Hyphodontia corticioidea is distinguished and separated by its globose to subglobose, 3.5–4 (–4.5) × 3.5–4 μm basidiospores, whereas H. arguta bears ellipsoid to ovoid, 4.5–5 × (3–) 3.5–4 μm basidiospores ( Maekawa 1993: 120).

Irpex furfuraceovelutinus Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 188, 1959

Phanerochaete furfuraceovelutinus (Rick) Rajchenb., Nordic. J. Bot. 7 (5): 556, 1987.

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1939, FR 16597 ( PACA!).

= Kneiffiella stereicola (Bres.) Nakasone, Cryptogam. Mycol. 29 (3): 252, 2008.

Remarks.— Nakasone (2012: 36) studied a probable isotype of I. furfuraceovelutinus and treated it as a synonym of K. stereicola . The holotype of I. furfuraceovelutinus deposited at PACA has slightly larger basidiospores than those described by Nakasone (2012: 36), but it agrees with the basidiospores size observed in other specimens ( Gilbertson & Blackwell 1988: 383; Langer 1994: 170; Nakasone 2008: 252). See papers cited above for descriptions and drawings of K. stereicola , and Rajchenberg (1987b: 556) for a description and drawings of the holotype of I. furfuraceovelutinus .

Irpex microdon Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 187 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 18 Mar. 1943, FR 16619 ( PACA!).

= Steccherinum ciliolatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Budington, J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 6(2): 97, 1970.

Remarks.—Few basidiospores were found in the holotype, and they are coincident with measurements presented by Rajchenberg (1987b: 557).

Irpex poria Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 190, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1936, FR 16653 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Ceriporiopsis sp. Contrary to a previous statement by Rajchenberg (1987b) we were able to find the type specimen at PACA. It is similar to Ceriporiopsis latemarginata (Rick) Rajchenb. due to its macroscopic features and the thick-walled contextual hyphae; see Rajchenberg (1987b: 554) for a description and drawings of C. latemarginata . However, the holotype of I. poria is sterile and a final determination was not possible.

Irpex regularissimus ” Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 190, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not designated.

Gloeodontia americana Rajchenb., Nordic J. Bot. 7(5): 557, 1987.

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 14 Aug 1943, FR 20206 ( PACA!).

Remarks.—Contrary to Rajchenberg’s (1987b: 557) description, this species does have skeletocystidia. They were found in the holotype as variably encrusted skeletal hyphal endings, which are abundant in the core of the aculei and rarely observed in the subhymenium, hymenium or projecting above the basidia. See drawings in Rajchenberg (1987b: Figs. 10–11). This is a good morphological species in Gloeodontia Boidin due to the combination of a dimitic hyphal system and ellipsoid basidiospores, measuring 6–7.5 × 4–4.5 μm.

Irpex subhypogaeus Rick, Egatea 17: 212, 1932

Lectotype, designated by Rick (1959b: 189).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1939, FR 16631 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Trechispora sp. We have found hyaline, ellipsoid basidiospores that are slightly thick-walled and echinulate, IKI-, 4.5–6 × 3.5–4 μm. Microscopically, the specimen is close to Trechispora verruculosa (G. Cunn.) K.H. Larss. However , the basidiome is scant and badly broken and a study of its macroscopic features was not possible in order to properly determine it. See also comments in Rajchenberg (1987b: 558).

Kneiffia lurideolivacea Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 74, 1934

Peniophora lurideolivacea (Rick) Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 109, 1959.

Neotype, designated by Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 267).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí , 1935, FR 16864 ( PACA!).

= Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) Jülich, Persoonia 10(1): 137, 1978.

Remarks.—Already revised by Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 267), who proposed the synonymy. We could not find any basidiospores in the neotype, but other features are according to the concept of P. gigantea . We have studied another original material (FR 16836) but it corresponds to Phlebiopsis flavidoalba (Cooke) Hjortstam.

Additional specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí, 1935, FR 16836 (PACA).

Kneiffia grisea Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 74, 1934, nom. illeg. non Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868

Peniophora grisea (Rick) Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 110, 1959.

Types.— Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1931, FR 16780 (PACA!). Epitype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador, 1939, FR 16874 (PACA!).

= Hypochnicium cymosum (D.P. Rogers & H.S. Jacks.) K.H. Larss. & Hjortstam, Mycotaxon 5(2): 477, 1977.

Remarks.— FR 16780 is the unique specimen kept at PACA under K. grisea which was collected before 1934, and is herein considered the holotype. However, it is sterile and indeterminable. FR 16874 is selected as epitype and K. grisea is placed under synonym with H. cymosum . Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 266) also studied this specimen but did not typify the name arguing that the specimen was not in accordance with the description in the protologue, and stated that Rick described the species as being ‘granular with subangular spores’. We consider these discrepancies between the decription and the specimen unimportant, since Rick’s descriptions usually show incongruencies with their respective specimens. Furthermore, other features described in the protologue agree with the concept of H. cymosum , including the basidiospore size and the description of cystidia—‘ setulis longis, hyalinis ’ ( Rick 1934: 74). FR 16847, also determined as K. grisea by Rick, corresponds to Subulicystidium perlongisporum Boidin & Gilles.

Additional specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1939, FR 16847 (PACA).

Kneiffia grisea var. hyalina ” Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 74, 1934

≡ “ Peniophora grisea var. hyalina ” (Rick) Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 110, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not found at PACA.

Remarks.—No specimen under this name was found at PACA. Two specimens labeled as “ Kneiffia hyalina ” Rick , an unpublished name, could be the ones used by Rick to describe K. grisea var. hyalina . However, both specimens are sterile and their determination was not possible.

Additional specimens studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1930, FR 16704, FR16791 (PACA, both labeled as “ Kneiffia hyalina ” Rick ).

Kneiffiella sparsa ” Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 112, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not found at PACA.

Remarks.—We found the specimen FR 17816 which was probably used by Rick to propose this species (see below), and it corresponds to Botryodontia cirrata (Hjortstam & Ryvarden) Hjortstam.

Additional specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador, 1943, FR 17816 (PACA, labeled as ‘ Kneiffiella grisea Rick [OBS: sparsa]’).

Lloydella carneo-olivacea Rick [as ‘ Lloydiella ’], Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 89, 1940

Lectotype, designated by Rick (1959a: 77).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Rio Grande , 1936, FR 16949 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. We have studied the lectotype and one of the five additional specimens cited by Rick (1959a: 77). Both are sterile and contaminated by anamorphic fungi. Other specimens were not found at PACA.

Additional specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria, 1936, FR 16972 (PACA).

Lloydella cinereoalba Rick [as ‘ Lloydiella ’], Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 89, 1940 (basionym)

Hyphoderma cinereoalbum (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815712).

Lectotype, designated by Rick (1959a: 78).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1935, FR 17006 ( PACA!).

= Hyphoderma variolosum Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles, Bull. Trimest. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 107(3): 143, 1991.

Remarks.— Lloydella cinereoalba is a previous name for H. variolosum , a species originally described from the Central African Republic and later reported from Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Gabon and Taiwan ( Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2007: 72). See Boidin et al. (1991: 143) for a complete description and drawings.

This species is characterized by a hymenophore and a subiculum of beige, pinkish gray or grayish pale brown color, with a yellowish brown zone near the substrate, presence of crystal masses which lump on the hymenophore, and yellowish to pale brown subicular hyphae that are compactly arranged. The holotype of L. cinereoalba slightly differs from the original description of H. variolosum , which is purplish gray to pinkish gray or more grayish pale brown (in the original ‘ gris pourpé à gris rousâtre, ou plus bistre ’) ( Boidin et al. 1991: 143). The basidiome of L. cinereoalba holotype has a beige to yellowish hymenophore, but this is considered a variation within the species.

Hyphoderma romeroae C.E. Gómez et al. View in CoL is close to H. cinereoalbum View in CoL and possesses similar masses of crystals, basidiospores and cystidia, but differs by a tomentose, brownish subiculum, and microscopically by the loosely interwoven, brown subicular hyphae ( Gómez & Loewenbaum 1976b: 347, under “ Mutatoderma brunneocontextum ” C.E. Gómez View in CoL nom. inval.). This species is known only from the holotype ( Baltazar & Rajchenberg 2014: 117), and specimens from northern Argentina assigned to it were herein determined as H. cinereoalbum View in CoL (see ‘Additional specimens studied’ below). Hyphoderma heterocystidium (Burt) Donk , another related species, also has loosely interwoven, brown subicular hyphae, thus differing from H. cinereoalbum View in CoL . There is no record of masses of crystals in H. heterocystidium .

Hyphoderma populneum (Peck) Donk also has the striking masses of crystals in the subiculum and the hymenium, and shares with H. cinereoalbum View in CoL the yellowish brown subicular hyphae and similar basidiospores. They differ in the size of the metuloids, which are wider in H. cinereoalbum View in CoL (6–12 μm, up to 20 μm considering the encrustation in H. cinereoalbum View in CoL ; 5.4–7.2 μm in H. populneum ). Moreover, H. populneum is mainly collected on Populus spp . ( McKeen 1952: 770).

Hjortstam & Ryvarden (2005: 38) treated Porostereum pilosiusculum Hjortstam & Ryvarden under Hyphoderma Wallr. and compared it with H. variolosum . Nevertheless, P. pilosiusculum has typical features of Porostereum Pilát , despite its monomitic hyphal system ( Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1990: 49). Microscopically it differs from H. cinereoalbum by lacking leptocystidia, by yellowish brown and larger metuloids (100–150 × 10–15 μm in P. pilosiusculum , 22–38 × 6–12 μm, up to 20 μm considering the encrustation in H. cinereoalbum ), and by its slightly larger basidiospores [13–15 × 4–5 μm in P. pilosiusculum , (9–) 11–13 (–13.5) × 3–4 μm in H. cinereoalbum ].

Additional specimens studied.— ARGENTINA. Formosa: Capital, Guaycoleq, vicinity of Arroyo Pilagá, on riparian forest, 16 Nov 1995, O. Popoff et al. 2855 (CTES). Ibid., Misiones: Guaraní, Predio Guaraní, close to the northern limit, 06 Sep 1994, O. Popoff et al. 2340 (CTES).

Lloydella cretacea Rick [as ‘ Lloydiella ’], Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 86, 1940

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1932, FR 16990 ( PACA!).

= Lopharia cinerascens (Schwein.) G. Cunn., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 83(4): 622, 1956.

Remarks.— Rick (1940a: 86) cited no specimen when he described L. cretacea , but later he cited 13 specimens ( Rick 1959a: 75) but did not designate any of them as type. Among these specimens, three were collected by 1940, and we select FR 16990 as the lectotype. FR 16983 is also L. cinerascens , while the exsiccatum FR 16976 only has wood material and no basidiome.

Additional specimens studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1935, FR 16983 (PACA). Ibid., Parecí, 1936, FR 16976 (PACA).

Lloydella durissima Rick [as ‘ Lloydiella ’] in Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 88, 1940.

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1939, FR 17047 ( PACA!).

= Phlebiopsis galochroa (Bres.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Mycotaxon 10(2): 285, 1980.

Remarks.—The type specimen of L. durissima agrees in all features with the concept of P. galochroa , except by possessing slightly dextrinoid metuloids. However, the importance of the dextrinoid reaction of metuloids has not been investigated in many corticioid genera.

Lloydella farinacea Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 76, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 21 Jun. 1943, FR 17030 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The type is sterile and the determination was not possible.

Lloydella intermedia Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 74, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1939, FR 16998 ( PACA!).

= Scytinostroma duriusculum (Berk. & Broome) Donk, Fungus 26: 20, 1956.

Lloydella ochracea Rick [as ‘ Lloydiella ’] in Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 90, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1933, FR 17015 ( PACA!).

= Phlebiopsis ravenelii (Cooke) Hjortstam, Windahlia 17: 58, 1987.

Lloydella retiruga var. griseorubra Rick [as ‘ retirugis ’], Iheringia, Bot. 4: 76, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1939, FR 16964 ( PACA!, labeled as “ Lloydiella grisea-cerea ” Rick ).

= Lopharia cinerascens (Schwein.) G. Cunn., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 83(4): 622, 1956.

Lloydella stramineomembranacea Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 90, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , Oct. 1939, FR 17049 ( PACA!, labeled as “ Lloydiellochaete stramineomembranacea ” Rick).

Remarks. — Vararia / Dichostereum sp. The specimen is sterile and indeterminable at species level but the dichohyphae are typical of those genera. Rick (1959a: 78) cited another specimen (FR 17025), which was not found at PACA.

Lloydella subalba Rick [as ‘ Lloydiella ’], Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 87, 1940

Lectotype, designated by Rick (1959a: 76).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria , 1935, FR 16938 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Unknown application. There are two specimens in the exsiccatum that belong to different species. One is Peniophorella aff. praetermissa (P. Karst.) K.H. Larss. , differing from the species concept by possessing distinct reflexed margins. Another specimen is a Stereum sp. D .A. Reid has annotated ‘This portion is Stereum australe Lloyd’ in the exsiccatum. We cannot confirm its identity because the specimen has no hymenial elements and the basidiospores are collapsed. The original description by Rick is very brief and we are unable to assert which specimen he had in mind when he described L. subalba , then the status of the name remains unknown.

Lopharia albida Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 7(34): 13, 1938

Lectotype, designated by Rick (1960: 199).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí , 1930, FR 13935 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Hyphodontia sp. The specimen is sterile and indeterminable at species level. Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1990: 59) also studied the type and reached the same conclusion.

Lopharia bambusae Rick, Iheringia, Bot 7: 199, 1960

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1939, FR 13938 ( PACA!).

= Fomitiporia bambusarum (Rick) Campos-Santana & Decock, Cryptogam. Mycol. 36(1): 48, 2015.

Poria bambusarum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 6(33): 146, 1937.

Phellinus rickianus J.E. Wright & J.R. Deschamps, Mycotaxon 21: 414, 1984, nom. superf.

Phellinus bambusarum (Rick) M.J. Larsen, Synop. Fungorum 3: 40, 1990.

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1932, FR 18570 ( PACA!).

= Phellinus garuhapensis J.E. Wright & Blumenf., Mycotaxon View in CoL 21:420. 1984.

Holotype.— ARGENTINA. Misiones: Garuhapé , on bamboo, Jun 1965, Gómez & Guerrero ( BAFC 29452 About BAFC !).

Remarks.—This species is a member of Fomitiporia Murrill due to its globose to subglobose, hyaline, and dextrinoid basidiospores, and the dimitic hyphal system. It belongs to the Fomitiporia punctata (Pilát) Murrill species complex, and a phylogenetic approach is desirable to solve its relationships within this group. For descriptions and discussions on this taxon see Rajchenberg (1987a: 114), Rajchenberg (1987b: 562), Larsen & Cobb-Poulle (1990: 40), and Coelho et al. (2009: 2).

Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1990: 59) also studied the holotype of L. bambusae and determined it as ‘cfr. Phellinus punctatus (Fr.) Pilát’.

Neokneiffia sulphurella ” Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 178, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not designated.

Remarks.— Rick (1959b) cited FR 22633 in the protologue, which was not extant at PACA, and the specimen cited below. None of them was designated as ‘ typus’. FR 22626 corresponds to Hyphodermella corrugata .

Specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador, 1944, FR 22626 ( PACA).

Odontia alutacea var. dubia Rick, Egatea 17: 275, 1932

Odontia dubia (Rick) Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 161, 1959.

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Jan 1922, J. Rick 278 ( BPI 265225 View Materials ).

Remarks.— Unknown application. Rick (1911: 179) treated this taxon as a variety of Odontia alutacea (Fr.) Quél. , and later proposed it as an independent species ( Rick 1932: 275; 1959a: 161). We studied one of the specimens cited by Rick (1959b), FR 17553, which corresponds to a Fibrodontia sp. It is sterile and contaminated by anamorphic fungi; therefore it was not possible to identify it at species level.

Specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Leopoldo, 1905, FR 17553 (PACA).

Odontia crassa Rick, Egatea 17: 279, 1932

Kneiffiella crassa (Rick) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Synop. Fungorum 15: 14, 2002.

Neotype, designated by Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 268).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1933, FR 19888 ( PACA!).

= Kneiffiella stereicola (Bres.) Nakasone, Cryptogam. Mycol. 29 (3): 252, 2008.

Remarks.— Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 268) studied Odontia crassa Rick and treated it as a synonym of Kneiffiella barba-jovis (Bull.) P. Karst. Later , they considered the taxon as a different species and proposed the binomial Kneiffiella crassa (Rick) Hjortstam & Ryvarden ( Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2002) . Nakasone (2008: 252), during a revision of Bresadola’s type specimens, found an earlier name for that species and proposed the binomial K. stereicola , which is herein considered the correct name.

Odontia chroospora Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 165, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1934, FR 20003 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodontia corticioidea (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , cfr. above under Irpex corticioides Rick.

Odontia flava Rick, Egatea 18: 129, 1933

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1932, FR 19938 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Unknown application. The studied specimen is sterile and its determination was not possible. Rick (1959b) did not cite O. flava in his treatment of Odontia spp .

Odontia irpicoidea Rick, Egatea 17: 278, 1932

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1930, FR 17476 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Rick (1959b: 150) cited three specimens under O. irpicoidea , two of them collected by the date of publication. FR 17476 was the only one found at PACA, and then is herein designated as the lectotype. However, it is indeterminable because it is sterile and contaminated by anamorphic fungi. Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 269) studied FR 17478, another specimen collected by the date of publication of O. irpicoidea , which is also collapsed and indeterminable. The third specimen cited by Rick (1959b: 150), FR 17651, was collected after the publication of the species and corresponds to Phaneroites subquercinus (Henn.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden.

Additional specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1939, FR 17651 (PACA).

Odontia isabellina Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 163, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1933, FR 17843 ( PACA!).

= Phanerochaete cana (Burt) Burds., Mycol. Mem. 10: 50, 1985.

Remarks.—For a description see Burt (1925: 227) and Burdsall (1985: 50). This species was previously known solely from Florida, USA. Rick’s specimen agrees with P. cana in presenting a soft, hypochnoid/woolly and fibrous basidiome, and allantoid, narrow basidiospores 3.5–4.5 × 1.2–1.5 μm. Several metuloids are dextrinoid, as those observed in the holotype of O. isabellina var. caesia Rick (see below), but the meaning of this feature in this group of organisms is unknown, due to the fact that few observations have been made in Melzer’s reagent and their reaction is rarely reported by specialists.

Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 269) reduced O. isabellina to synonymy with Scopuloides hydnoides (Cooke & Massee) Hjortstam & Ryvarden , but this species differs by a crustaceous, grandinoid to hydnoid hymenial surface and ellipsoid, larger basidisopores 4.5–5 × 2–2.5 μm ( Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1979: 509).

Zmitrovich et al. (2006: 15) transferred P. cana to Scopuloides (Massee) Höhn. & Litsch. but did not give any comment. This combination needs a critical revision with further evidence.

Odontia isabellina var. caesia Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 163, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 15 Feb 1943, FR 17827 ( PACA!).

= Phanerochaete cana (Burt) Burds., Mycol. Mem. 10: 50, 1985.

Remarks.—The type material is identical with Odontia isabellina , and also possesses dextrinoid metuloids.

Odontia lividogrisea Rick, Egatea 18: 39, 1933

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1930, FR 17473 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The holotype, a single specimen at PACA collected by 1933, is in poor condition and indeterminable. Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 269) studied FR 17529, collected in 1935, and asserted that the specimen is close to Brevicellicium olivascens (Bres.) K.H. Larss. & Hjortstam ; this specimen is also in very poor condition and indeterminable.

Additional specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí, 1935, FR 17529 (PACA).

Odontia subconspersa Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 164, 1959 (basionym)

Phlebia subconspersa (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815714).

Mycoacia subconspersa (Rick) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Mycotaxon 15: 272, 1982.

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1939, FR 17676 ( PACA!).

Remarks.—We follow Nakasone (1997) who reduced Mycoacia Donk as a synonym of Phlebia Fr. , and therefore the new combination P. subconspersa is proposed. See Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 272) for a description.

Odontia subirpicoidea Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 162, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 13 Oct 1942, FR 17805 ( PACA!).

= Phaneroites subquercinus (Henn.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Synop. Fungorum 27: 31, 2010.

Odontia subraduloides Rick, Egatea 17: 279, 1932

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1932, FR 19996 ( PACA!).

= Fibrodontia brevidens (Pat.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Synop. Fungorum 20: 54, 2005.

Remarks.—We found three specimens labeled under O. subraduloides in PACA’s type collection. FR 17548 is sterile and contaminated by anamorphic fungi, and it is left as Fibrodontia sp. FR 17596 is in good condition but was collected after the publication date of O. subraduloides . FR 19996 has many collapsed basidiospores, but we could also observe many in good condition and confirm its identity; therefore this specimen was designated as the lectotype. This species was not treated by Rick (1959b).

Additional specimens studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1931, FR 17548 (PACA). Ibid., São Salvador, 1939, FR 17596 (PACA).

Peniophora gelatinosula Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 107, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1943, FR 20016 ( PACA).

Remarks.— Unknown application. The holotype was not found at PACA. We studied two specimens labeled as ‘ Kneiffia gelatinosula Rick’, a genus name under which Rick (1959a) treated Peniophora Cooke taxa in his previous work ( Rick 1934). Both specimens were collected previous to the publication of P. gelatinosula but they were not cited in the original work. Unfortunately they are sterile and it was not possible to identify them. Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982) also studied FR 16979 and asserted that ‘the collection is completely indeterminable’.

Additional specimens studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí, 1935, FR 16797 and FR 16831 (PACA).

Odontia rosea Rick, Egatea 18: 43, 1933, nom. illeg., non Bres. 1926

Cystidiodendron roseum (Rick) Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 172, 1959.

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí , 1931, FR 17471 ( PACA!).

= Steccherinum fimbriatum (Pers.: Fr.) J. Erikss., Symb. Bot. Ups. 16(1): 134, 1958.

Remarks.— Hjortstam & Ryvarden (1982: 272) studied specimen FR 20139, which was collected in 25 Aug 1945, and according to them also corresponds to S. fimbriatum .

Phlebia cinnamomea Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 7: 194, 1960

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria (Santa Rosa in the protologue), 1936, FR 14566 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The specimen has a phlebioid appearence both macro and microscopically. However, only in a small portion was possible to observe a hymenium with basidioles. No basidia, basidiospores or cystidia were seen.

Prillieuxia flavidula Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 121, 1959 (basionym). Figure 6 View FIGURE 6

Clavulicium flavidulum (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815715).

Holotype.— URUGUAY. Tacuarembó, 1936, FR 18826 ( PACA!).

Description.—Basidiome resupinate, effused, adnate, membranaceous, up to 0.1 mm thick. Hymenophore smooth to tuberculate, light yellow (4A4, 4A5), grayish yellow (4B4, 4B5) to light orange (5A4), in some parts brownish orange (7C7) with a resinous appearance under the lens, cracking and exposing a white (1A1) subiculum. Margin fimbriate, white (1A1).

Hyphal system monomitic, all generative hyphae clamped, hyaline, thin-walled, regularly branched, 2–5 μm wide, crystals abundant in the whole basidiome and forming subglobose aggregations up to 50 μm in diam. Cystidia hyphoid, variable in shape, thin-walled and smooth, rarely with a dendroid apex, 23–40 × 4–5 μm. Basidia subclavate to cylindrical, sometimes with 1–2 constrictions, hyaline, smooth and thin-walled, with 2–4 sterigmata, clamped at the base, 55–80 × (4–) 6–8 (–10) μm, sterigmata up to 10 μm long. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, hyliane, smooth and slightly thick-walled, with a distinct apiculum, with a granular and refractive content, 7.5–10 (–10.5) × 6.5–9 μm, IKI-, collapsed in cotton blue and variably cyanophilous.

Remarks.— Clavulicium flavidulum is characterized by a membranaceous basidiome with fimbriate and whitish margin, clamped generative hyphae, hyphoid cystidia, and large basidia with four sterigmata. It deviates from other species in Clavulicium Boidin by lacking gloeocystidia ( Bernicchia & Gorjón 2010: 214).

Macroscopically, Clavulicium macounii (Burt) J. Erikss. & Boidin ex Parmasto is very similar to C. flavidulum , but microscopically it is quite different by having rounded, yellowish matter irregularly present in some hyphal ends, gloeocystidia, smaller basidia (35–50 × 7–8 μm), and more elongated, slightly larger basidiospores, 9–12 × 6.5–8 μm ( Eriksson & Ryvarden 1973: 249; Bernicchia & Gorjón 2010: 215). Clavulicium extendens Hood from Australia has similar cystidia, but differs from C. flavidulum by having smaller, two sterigmated basidia (33–51 × 6–9 μm), and narrower basidiospores (7–) 8–11 (–12) × 4.5–6.5 μm ( Hood & Ramsden 1999: 102).

Radulochaete flavoalutacea Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 184, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1944, FR 22969 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodermella corrugata (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden , Corticiaceae N. Eur. 4: 579, 1976.

Remarks.—K. Hjortstam studied the holotype of R. flavoalutacea and reached the same conclusion (note in the exsiccatum).

Radulum abortivum Rick, Ann. Mycol. 38(1): 57, 1940

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1932, FR 18926 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodontia crustosa (Pers.: Fr.) J. Erikss., Symb. Bot. Ups. 16(1): 104, 1958.

Remarks.— Rick (1940b) proposed R.abortivum but cited no specimen.Later, Rick (1959b:183) cited two specimens but did not designate a lectotype. One of them, FR 18926, kept in PACA as ‘ typus ’, is here designated as the lectotype.

Radulum album Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 181, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1939, FR 18961 ( PACA!).

= Byssomerulius corium (Pers.: Fr.) Parmasto, Eest. NSV Tead. Akad. Toim., Biol. Seer. 16(4): 383, 1967.

Radulum brunneum Rick, Egatea 17: 104, 1932

Neotype, designated by Rick (1959b: 180).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1935, FR 18929 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Phlebia sp. The specimen is characterized by a hydnoid, reddish ochraceous basidiome, and ellipsoid, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, IKI-, 4–5 (–5.5) × 2–3 μm basidiospores. Other microscopic elements are completely collapsed and the specimen is indeterminable at species level.

Radulum griseum Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 182, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria , 1935, FR 18938 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodermella corrugata (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden , Corticiaceae N. Eur. 4: 579, 1976.

Radulum horridulum Rick, Egatea 17: 102, 1932 (basionym)

Radulochaete horridula (Rick) Rick [as ‘ horridulum ’], Ann. Mycol. 38(1): 58, 1940

Hypochnicium horridulum (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815716).

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1931, FR 18951 ( PACA!).

= Hypochnicium gomezii S.E. López & J.E. Wright, Mycotaxon 23: 439, 1985.

Nodotia gomezii (S.E. López & J.E. Wright) Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Synop. Fungorum 18: 18, 2004.

Remarks.—Rick did not designate any specimen when describing R. horridulum , but later, he cited FR 18951 as the single specimen for the species ( Rick 1959b: 181). The specimen agrees well with most features of H. gomezii studied by us (see below). Macroscopically, Rick’s specimen has darker basidiomes than the Argentinian collections of H. gomezii , being beige to almost light cinnamon brown, while specimens of the latter are yellowish white to pale beige. However, when describing the species, Rick stated ‘… when fresh it is white but then yellowish red’ (translation from Portuguese). Cystidiodendron gossypinum Rick , another synonym of H. horridulum (see above), also has brownish colors, but they are considerably paler than in R. horridulum lectotype. The aculei of R. horridulum are longer than those of H. gomezii , but they have their same shape and the penicilliate appearence. Microscopically all the specimens are similar and no remarkable differences could be noted. There is a good description and drawings of this species in López & Wright (1985: 439). We measured the basidiospores as 7.27–9.7 × 6.3–7.27 μm, slightly larger than those described by López & Wright (1985: 439), i.e., 6–9 × 5.5–6.5 μm.

Hjortstam (1987) established Nodotia Hjortstam based on Nodotia aspera Hjortstam as separated from Hypochnicium J. Erikss. by the presence of skeletoid encrusted cystidia. Later, Hjortstam & Ryvarden (2004a) further transferred H. gomezii and Odontia lyndoniae D.A. Reid to Nodotia . However, molecular evidence has shown that the type species of these genera are phylogenetically closely related, and that Hypochnicium is monophyletic, including Nodotia ( Paulus et al. 2007; Telleria et al. 2010).

Additional specimens studied.— ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Ezeiza, on a fallen branch in Eucalyptus woods, VI.1968, J.E. Wright G-2148 (BAFC 30093, paratype of H. gomezii ). Ibid., Berazategui, Parque Pereyra Iraola, on a hardwood stump, VI.1969, C.E. Gómez G-2207 (BAFC 30094, paratype of H. gomezii ). BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1931, FR 18957 (PACA).

Radulum molare var. sulphureum Rick [as ‘ sulphurea ’], Iheringia, Bot. 5: 180, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1937, FR 18925 ( PACA!).

= Hyphoderma setigerum (Fr.) Donk, Fungus 27: 15, 1957.

Radulum molliusculum Rick, Egatea 17: 104, 1932 (basionym). Figure 7 View FIGURE 7

Hyphoderma molliusculum (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. , comb. nov. (MycoBank MB 815717).

Lectotype, designated here.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1930, FR 18932 ( PACA!).

Description.—Basidiome resupinate, effused, adnate, pellicular and cottony, less than 0.1 mm thick. Hymenophore smooth to grandinioid, pale yellow (1A3, 4A3), light yellow (1A4, 1A5) to orange-white (5A2), aculei pale orange (5A3) to light orange (5A5), up to 0.2 mm high. Margin indeterminate.

Hyphal system monomitic, all generative hyphae clamped, hyaline to yellowish in the subiculum, thin to slightly thick-walled, sparsely branched, variably covered by a cristaline matter, in the subiculum hard to discern, near the hymenium richly branched and somewhat short-celled, 2.5–5.5 (–6) μm. Cystidia of two kinds: 1) hymenial, moniliform, with two or more constrictions, apically obtuse to subcapitate, projecting up to 10 μm or not, hyaline, thin-walled, variably covered by a crystaline matter, 14–29 (–40) × 4.5–8 μm; 2) enclosed leptocystidia rare, ventricose, apically obtuse, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, embedded, 26–60 × 8–10.5 μm. Basidia clavate to suburniform, with one or two constrictions, hyaline, thin-walled, variably covered by a crystaline matter, 30.5–36 × 6–7 μm. Basidiospores cylindrical to slightly curved, hyaline, smooth and thin-walled, with one big oil drop or several little ones, 13–16 × 4–5 μm, IKI-, acyanophilous.

Remarks.— Rick (1959b:180) cited three specimens but did not designate a lectotype. They correspond to a good morphological species in Hyphoderma , and FR 18932 is here designated as the lectotype.

This species is characterized by its small hymenial cystidia, its rare, ventricose, enclosed leptocystidia, the fine encrustation on hyphae that easily dissolves in KOH, moniliform, subcapitate cystidia, and basidia variably covered by a crystalline matter. It is morphologically related to Hyphoderma nemorale K.H. Larss. and Hyphoderma incrustatum K.H. Larss. , two European species, due to similar cystidia and basidiospores. They are inseparable by the basidiospores, which are very similar in shape and size. Nevertheless, H. molliusculum is distinguished by the encrustation on other microscopic structures (i.e., hyphae and basidia), the ventricose, enclosed leptocystidia and the hymenial, moniliform, subcapitate cystidia. On the other hand, H. nemorale has enclosed cystidia with several constrictions and capitate, hymenial cystidia without constrictions, while H. incrustatum has cylindric leptocystidia and hymenial cystidia as in H. nemorale ( Larsson 1998) .

Additional specimens studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1931, FR 18944 (PACA). Ibid., Santa Maria, 1930, FR 18942 (PACA).

Radulum obtusum Rick, Egatea 17: 104, 1932

Lectotype, designated by Rick (1959b: 180).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1931–1932, FR 18965 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The lectotype is sterile, as well as two other specimens extant at PACA (see below).

Additional specimens studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, 1931–1932, FR 18939, 18952 (PACA).

Radulum subsulphureum Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 182, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 1943, FR 20413 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodermella corrugata (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden , Corticiaceae N. Eur. 4: 579, 1976.

Radulum tenue Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 183, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí , 1935, FR 18931 ( PACA!).

= Hyphodermella corrugata (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden , Corticiaceae N. Eur. 4: 579, 1976.

Stereofomes terrestris Rick, Egatea 15: 396, 1930

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1929, FR 15242 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Scytinostroma sp. The studied specimen is a Scytinostroma sp. due to its dextrinoid skeletal-binding hyphae. However, it is in poor condition and indeterminable at species level.

Stereogloeocystidium albogriseum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 83, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1936, FR 19656 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The single specimen cited by Rick (1959a: 73) of this taxon is sterile and indeterminable.

Stereogloeocystidium alboverrucosum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 82, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1938, FR 14748 ( PACA!).

= Gloeocystidiellum stereoideum (Rick) Ginns, Opera Bot. 61: 57, 1982.

Coniophora stereoidea Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 166, 1934.

Coniophorafomes stereoideus (Rick) Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 167, 1934.

Lectotype, designated by Ginns (1973: 256).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , Aug 1933, FR 14219 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Ginns (1973: 256) described this species as ‘apparentely dimitic […] the skeletal (?) hyphae yellowish, rather thin-walled, occasionally branched, aseptate, 1.6–3.2 μ in diam […]’. We found yellowish to pale rusty brown, slightly thick- to distinctly thick-walled, clamped generative hyphae that are anastomosed in some parts, in the subiculum of the types of C. stereoidea and S. alboverrucosum . These hyphae are probably the same as those that Ginns suspected to be skeletal hyphae. Therefore, we consider this species as monomitic.

The lectotype of C. stereoidea was studied by Sheng-Hua Wu, Ellen Larsson and Karl-Henrik Larsson (notes on the exsiccatum), and they pointed out the similarities of this species with Scytinostromella cerina (Bres.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden. We agree that these species are very similar, possessing almost identical gloeocystidia and basidiospores. However, they have different hyphal structures: S. cerina has distinct skeletal hyphae, which is the case of the holotype of Gloeocystidiellum clavuligerum var. brasiliense Rick (see above), while G. stereoideum is monomitic. For the time being, we prefer to keep these species separated.

Stereogloeocystidium avellaneum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 82, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria , 1935, FR 15222 ( PACA!).

= Ramaricium polyporoideum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Ginns, Bot. Not. 132(1): 98, 1979.

Stereogloeocystidium citrinum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 81, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1939, FR 15223 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The studied specimen is sterile and indeterminable.

Stereogloeocystidium gausapatum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 80, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1930, FR 14749 ( PACA!).

= Stereum hirsutum (Willd.: Fr.) Pers., Obs. Mycol. 2: 90, 1800 [“1799”].

Remarks.—Although this and the holotype of Stereogloeocystidium subsanguinolentum were in poor condition, it was possible to observe basidiospores, skeletocystidia and acutocystidia, which helped to confirm their identity.

Stereogloeocystidium subsanguinolentum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 80, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria , 1936, FR 14745 ( PACA!).

= Stereum hirsutum (Willd.: Fr.) Pers., Obs. Mycol. 2: 90, 1800 [“1799”].

Stereum humillimum Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 4: 68, 1959

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador , 01 Mar. 1943, FR 19249 ( PACA!).

= Phanerochaete sordida (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden , Corticiaceae N. Eur. 5: 1023, 1978.

Remarks.—The dried type specimen is a fragment of bamboo with two resupinate basidiomes that correspond to two different species. Although the original description of S. humillinum is brief, it points out several features that correspond to the specimen we determine: an avellanous hymenial color (cream in the other), a cracked hymenial surface (smooth in the other), the presence of cystidia and basidiospores size that correspond to P. sordida ; these features helped us to be sure of which basidiome Rick had in mind when he described the species. The other basidiome is Aleurodiscus phragmitis (Boidin et al.) Núñez & Ryvarden , easily distinguishable by the basidiospore amyloidity and size, small gloeocystidia, acanthophyses and the presence of protuberances in basidia; it has been recorded from NE Argentina by Núñez & Ryvarden (1997: 123).

Stereum metallicum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36): 45, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1930, FR 19135 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The holotype is in poor condition and the determination was not possible.

Stereum obliteratum Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 9(36):76, 1940

Holotype.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo , 1932, FR 19235 ( PACA!).

Remarks.— Indeterminable. The holotype is sterile and the determination was not possible.

Thelephora clavarioides ” Rick [as ‘ lavarioides ’], Egatea 16: 39. 1931, nom. inval. [same holotype of an earlier name], non Torrend 1914

Remarks.—The original material of “ Thelephora clavarioides ” Rick is undoubtedly the holotype of Thelephora clavarioides Torrend. Notes in the exsiccatum are the same as those from the protologue and the basidiome is the same as drawn by Torrend (1914: 61). Then, “ T. clavarioides ” Rick is an invalid name since it was clearly based on a specimen previously designated as the type for another species, i.e., T. clavarioides Torrend. The studied specimen is a clavarioid fungus; however, it is sterile and indeterminable.

Specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Bahia, ‘ ad terram argillaceam ’, J. Tavares (PACA!, holotype of Thelephora clavarioides Torrend ).

Tulasnella lividogrisea Rick, Brotéria. Ciências Nat. 3(30): 169, 1934

Neotype, designated by Rick (1959a: 99).— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Parecí , 1935, FR 15063 ( PACA!).

Remarks.—A heterobasidiomycete.

Wiesnerina grandinioides ” Rick, Iheringia, Bot. 5: 177, 1959, nom. inval.

Type.—not designated.

Remarks.— Rick (1959b: 177) did not cite any specimen when describing this species, although he cited the substrate: ‘ Ad Bambusam ’. We found one specimen at PACA under this name, FR 20872, and it corresponds to Hypochnicium horridulum (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. (see above).

Specimen studied.— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Salvador, 1944, FR 20872 (PACA).


Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas/UNISINOS


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Universidad de Buenos Aires


Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum


University of the Witwatersrand














Epithele bambusina Rick, Iheringia, Bot.

Baltazar, Juliano M., Da Silveira, Rosa Mara B. & Rajchenberg, Mario 2016

Thelephora clavarioides ”

Rick 1931: 39
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