Gaultheria ciliisepala Airy Shaw ex P.W.Fritsch & Lu Lu, 2015

Fritsch, Peter W., Lu, Lu, Wang, Hong & Li, De-Zhu, 2015, New species, taxonomic renovations, and typifications in Gaultheria series Trichophyllae (Ericaceae), Phytotaxa 201 (1), pp. 1-26 : 5-8

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.201.1.1


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scientific name

Gaultheria ciliisepala Airy Shaw ex P.W.Fritsch & Lu Lu

sp. nov.

2. Gaultheria ciliisepala Airy Shaw ex P.W.Fritsch & Lu Lu View in CoL , sp. nov.

Haec species Gaultheria hypochlora Airy Shaw (1941: 324) simillima, sed ab eo laminis longioribus ellipticis vel leviter obovatis, 3.1– 5.7 mm latis, setis abaxialibus 1–circa 23, positis secus costam, costa abaxiali leviter vel valde incrassata proxime infra glandem apicalem; calyce rubro vel viridi complano rubro; calyce fructifero crateriformi vel late cupuliformi differt.

Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Gongshan Dulongzu Nuzu Zizhixian, Dulongjiang Xiang, Sandui, W side of Gaoligong Shan, along Gamolai He on trail from Xishaofang to Bapo, 2570 m, 27°43 ʹ 00 ʺ N, 98°25 ʹ 20 ʺ E, 17 July 2002, H. Li 15033 (holotype KUN!, isotype CAS!).

Many-branched prostrate-ascending shrublet with stems to 10 cm long from horizontal stolons, hermaphroditic. Current-year branchlets pale green and occasionally flushed red above, to 7 (to 11) cm long, with sparse to dense white puberulence and with ascending or uncinate straight or often slightly undulate setae, longer setae 0.4–0.8 mm long. Internodes among largest leaves averaging ca. 1.1–3 mm. Petioles 0.4–1 mm long, abaxially glabrous or with sparse ascending or appressed setae, adaxially with sparse white puberulence in a line, margin entire or 1- to 3-toothed per side. Longer leaf blades elliptic or slightly obovate, 6–11.3 × 3.1–5.7 mm, 1.7–2.4 times as long as wide, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, planar, abaxially dull whitish green except glossy deep green near margin, at least some leaves with 1 to ca. 23 ascending setae scattered on midvein or occasionally also on surface but near midvein (longer setae 0.26–0.7 mm long), adaxially glossy deep green, midvein abaxially raised, slightly to strongly thickened immediately below apical gland, adaxially impressed and with white puberulence proximally, secondary veins abaxially obscure or 2 to 5 on each side of midvein, adaxially obscure; base cuneate to rounded; margin serrulate throughout, slightly thickened, slightly to strongly revolute, marginal teeth (setae) 9 to 14 per side, all oriented off leaf surface, longer teeth 0.1–0.46 mm long; apex obtuse to subrounded, tip with planar or usually downward-pointing apical gland. Overwintering flower bud pedicels 0.7–1.5(–2) mm long, glabrous or with white puberulence and/or minute setae; overwintering flower buds slightly to strongly compressed laterally, 1.6–2.8 × 1.3–2.1 mm, 1–1.8 times as long as wide, glabrous, bracteoles keeled, margins glabrous or sparsely ciliolate at apex. Flowers 3.5–7.5 mm long. Calyx red or green flushed red, 2.3–4.5 mm long; lobes ovate-deltoid, 1.3–2.5 × 1.2–2.5 mm, adaxially pubescent, apex acute or slightly obtuse, ciliolate, not erose. Corolla white, white flushed pink, or pink, narrowly campanulate, 3.5–6.5 × 3.5–8 mm; lobes 1.5–3 × 1.4–2.7 mm. Stamens 10; filaments dilated gradually then abruptly constricted toward middle, 0.8–1.5 mm long; anthers cells 0.5–0.74 mm long, awns 2 per theca, 0.3–0.7 mm long. Style 1.4–2.5 mm long; stigma pink. Fruiting pedicel 1.8–3 mm long. Fruiting calyx strongly oblate or occasionally subglobose or slightly prolate, cupuliform, crateriform to broadly cupuliform, widely open, 5–12 × 8–17 mm, outer wall sky blue to deeply so or occasionally white with pale bluish tinge, inner wall white; calyx lobes erect to slightly incurved, broadly deltoid, 2–5 mm long, apex ciliolate, not erose. Capsule green, exceeded by calyx lobes.

Illustration — Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 .

Images — Figure 1G–K View FIGURE 1 .

Phenology —Flowering May–June; fruiting June–September.

Etymology —The species is named for its ciliolate calyx lobes.

Habitat and distribution —Mixed conifer forests, evergreen broadleaved forests, deciduous forests, subalpine scrub, meadows, granite or marble, in moss, humus, on rocks, banks of streams, and steep moist banks along roads; 2424–3800 m elev. China (Yunnan) and Myanmar (Kachin) .

Discussion — The epithet ciliisepala first appears in H.K. Airy Shaw’s annotation label on the specimen of R.J. Farrer 1622 at E: “ Gaultheria sinensis Anth. var. ciliisepala Airy-Shaw, Determinavit H.K.A.S. 9.xi.38.” As far as we can tell this name was never published, and the specimen was not cited in Airy Shaw’s (1941) taxonomic review of Asian Gaultheria . We have taken up the epithet of Airy Shaw’s unpublished variety and applied it at the species level. Airy Shaw also identified a specimen of this species, R.J. Farrer 1191 (E), as G. hypochlora , although noting that the leaves are smaller and less green below than is usual for G. hypochlora .

Gaultheria ciliisepala , G. hypochlora , and the new species G. stenophylla (see below) are all close relatives, grouping in a clade that also comprises G. jingdongensis R.C. Fang (1999: 166) and, at least in part, G. eciliata ( Lu et al. 2010; P.W.F. & L.L., unpubl. data). These species all share calyx lobes with ciliolate margins apically, a character unique to this group within G. series Trichophyllae . All species except G. jingdongensis , endemic to Jingdong County in Yunnan, can be found growing in the same local area in close proximity, with populations frequently intermixed. The following key serves to distinguish G. ciliisepala , G. eciliata , G. hypochlora , and G. stenophylla from one another.

1. Longer stem setae 0.15–0.24 mm long; longer leaf blades 3.5–6.5 × 1.5–2.4 mm, at least some cupped; leaf blade marginal teeth 3 to 8 per side ...................................................................................................................................................................... G. eciliata View in CoL

- Longer stem setae 0.28–0.8 mm long; longer leaf blades 6–17 × 2.4–7.2 mm, planar; leaf blade marginal teeth 8 to 17 per side...........................2

2. Longer leaf blades 2–3.4 times as long as wide, narrowly elliptic to slightly oblanceolate; fruiting calyx usually ellipsoid or long-cupuliform, occasionally cupuliform............................................................................................................................ G. stenophylla View in CoL

- Longer leaf blades 1.7–2.4 times as long as wide, elliptic, suborbicular, or slightly obovate; fruiting calyx broadly crateriform to broadly cupuliform, or broadly turbinate...........................................................................................................................................3

3. Longer leaf blades elliptic or slightly obovate, 3.1–5.7 mm wide, abaxial setae 1 to ca. 23, situated along or near midvein, midvein slightly to strongly thickened abaxially immediately below apical gland; calyx red or green flushed red; fruiting calyx crateriform to broadly cupuliform..................................................................................................................................................... G. ciliisepala View in CoL

- Longer leaf blades obovate or suborbicular, 5–7.2 mm wide, abaxial setae 4 to ca. 100, situated along midvein and usually some spread across surface, often to near margins, midvein usually not thickened or occasionally strongly thickened abaxially immediately below apical gland; calyx green; fruiting calyx broadly turbinate ........................................................... G. hypochlora View in CoL

Gaultheria ciliisepala View in CoL exhibits a fruiting calyx color polymorphism, with fruiting calyces colored either blue, or white with a pale bluish tinge on separate plants. Gaultheria hypochlora View in CoL has also been observed to exhibit a similar polymorphism, with either blue or solid white fruiting calyces, as has G. stenophylla View in CoL (see also Discussion under G. stenophylla View in CoL ).

Paratypes — CHINA. Yunnan: Dali Shi. E slope of Cang Shan, rd to Zhong-he Peak, 3200 m, N25.68407°, W100.11043°, 6 September 2011, L. Lu & P.W. Fritsch LL-2011-8 (CAS!, GH!); Cang Shan, Zhonghe Peak, 3000– 3700 m, L. Lu & R.F. Lu 06-0018 (CAS [3]!); Cang Shan, Zhonghe Peak, 3000–3700 m, 17 July 2010, L. Lu 06-15 (CAS!); Diancang Shan, vicinity of Huadianba Herbal Medicine Farm, 2900–3300 m, 25°53 ʹ N, 100°01 ʹ E, 18 July 1984, 1984 Sino-American Botanical Expedition No. 1129 (CAS!, KUN!); Dali, Zhonghe Peak, 3000–3600 m, 23 May 1984, Sino-German Expedition 1984 No. 0665 (KUN!); from Dali Town to television tower, E side of Cang Shan, 3100 m, 20 April 2009, Z.J. Yin & H.J. Dong 0602 (KUN!); from Dali Town to television tower, E side of Cang Shan, 3800 m, 15 July 2009, Z.J. Yin et al. 1327 (KUN!). Fugong Xian. Lishadi Xiang [“Yaping Xiang”], between Shibali Logging Station and Yaping Pass, ca. 4.1 km W of Shibali, rd from Nujiang [River] to Yaping Pass, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3007 m, 27°10 ʹ 33 ʺ N, 98°45 ʹ 22 ʺ E, 2 May 2004, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 20140 (CAS!); Yaping Xiang, vicinity of Yaping Pass near Myanmar border, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3620 m, 27°12 ʹ 45 ʺ N, 98°41 ʹ 45 ʺ E, 5 May 2004, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 20969 (CAS!); Yaping Xiang, vicinity of Yaping Pass near Myanmar border, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3700 m, 27°12 ʹ 45 ʺ N, 98°41 ʹ 45 ʺ E, 5 May 2004, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 20975 (CAS!); Lumadeng Xiang, Yaping Cun, S side of N fork of Yamu He above Shibali, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3050 m, 27°10 ʹ 57 ʺ N, 98°43 ʹ 13 ʺ E, 8 August 2005, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 26754 (CAS!); Lishadi Xiang, Yaduo Cun, vicinity of Rimagudi, N side of N fork of Yamu He above Shibali, rd to Myanmar border, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3560 m, 27°12 ʹ 28 ʺ N, 98°42 ʹ 32 ʺ E, 12 August 2005, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 27029 (CAS!); Lumadeng Xiang, Yaping Cun, below Amero Pass along rd back down to confluence of N and S fork of Yamu He, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3120 m, 27° 04 ʹ 50 ʺ N, 98°44 ʹ 52 ʺ E, 13 August 2005, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 27161 (CAS!); Lumadeng Xiang, Yaping Cun, vicinity of Shibali, S side of N fork of Yamu He, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 2510 m, 27°10 ʹ 03 ʺ N, 98°46 ʹ 18 ʺ E, 16 August 2005, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 28501 (CAS!); Dayou to Guadi, 3350 m, 1 August 1979, Q. Lin 79-2037 (KUN [2]!); Lishadi Xiang, Yaduo Cun, N side of N fork of Yamu He above Shibali, rd to Myanmar border, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3519 m, 27°12 ʹ 40.1 ʺ N, 98°42 ʹ 25.1 ʺ E, 2 July 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-31 (CAS!, KUN!); Lumadeng, Ouliudi, W slope of Biluo Xue Shan, 3300 m, 28 May 1982, Qinghai-Xizang Expedition 6998 (KUN [2]!). Gongshan Dulongzu Nuzu Zizhixian. Cikai Zheng, E side of Gaoligong Shan, W of Gongshan, along Pula He, trail from Qiqi to Dongshaofang and Dulongjiang Valley, 2770–3050 m, 27°42 ʹ 28 ʺ N, 98°29 ʹ 49 ʺ E, 15 July 2000, H. Li 12551 (CAS!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, E side of Gaoligong Shan, W of Gongshan, along the Pula He on the trail from No. 12 bridge to Dong Shao Fang and Dulong Jiang Valley, 2900 m, 27°42 ʹ 54 ʺ N, 98°30 ʹ 08 ʺ E, 1 May 2002, H. Li 14974 (CAS!); [Dulongjiang Xiang], Gongshan Pass to Dulongjiang, year 1979, Q. Lin & X.F.Dong 79-0558 (KUN [2]!); [Cikai Zheng], E slope of Gaoligong Shan, trail between No. 12 bridge and Dong Shao Fang Pass, 2800–3000 m, 4 June 2006, L. Lu 06-0003 (CAS!); [Cikai Zheng], Dong Shao Fang Pass, Gaoligongshan, 3200–3500 m, 4 June 2006, L. Lu 06-0014 p.p. [CAS! mixed with G. sinensis (see below) and G. major ]; Cikai Zheng, Gaoligong Shan, vicinity of tunnel at Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, 3400 m, 27°46 ʹ 42.4 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 29.4 ʺ E, 13 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-15A (CAS!, KUN!); Dulongjiang Xiang, Gaoligong Shan, vicinity of tunnel at Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, 3357 m, 27°46 ʹ 30.0 ʺ N, 98°26 ʹ 49.1 ʺ E, 15 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-20 (CAS!, GH!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, Gaoligong Shan, Qiqi River drainage, along trail from No. 12 Bridge to Dong Shao Fang and pass, 3100 m, 27°41 ʹ 50.3 ʺ N, 98°29 ʹ 18.1 ʺ E, 18 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-34 (CAS!, GH!, KUN!); Bangdang Xiang, Biluo Xue Shan, Balagong spur, trail from Dimaluo to Balagong Pass, 3599 m, 27°57 ʹ 49.8 ʺ N, 98°44 ʹ 26.4 ʺ E, 23 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-42 (CAS!, GH!, KUN!); Bangdang Xiang, Biluo Xue Shan, trail from Siwanongba Valley to Sila Pass, 3569 m, 27°59 ʹ 40.9 ʺ N, 98°46 ʹ 59.0 ʺ E, 24 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-48 (CAS!, GH!, KUN!); Dulongjiang Xiang, vicinity of tunnel at Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, W side of Gaoligong Shan, 3357 m, 27°46 ʹ 30.0 ʺ N, 98°26 ʹ 49.1 ʺ E, 26 June 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-4 (CAS!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, Danzhu Cun, rd from Danzhu to Myanmar, along Damawadi He (N branch of W-most origin of Danzhu He), E side of Gaoligong Shan, 2880 m, 27°38 ʹ 6.5 ʺ N, 98°36 ʹ 25.0 ʺ E, 28 June 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-10 (CAS!, KUN!); [Cikai Zheng], Dongshaofang Pass, Gaoligong Shan, 3100–3200 m, 4 June 2006, L. Lu 06-0001 (CAS!); [Cikai Zheng], E slope of Gaoligong Shan, trail between No. 12 bridge and Dongshaofang Pass, 2800–3000 m, 4 June 2006, L. Lu 06-0004 (CAS!); [Cikai Zheng], Dongshaofang Pass, Gaoligong Shan, 3100–3200 m, 4 June 2006, L. Lu 06-0015 (CAS!); [Dulongjiang Xiang], from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, 2700 m, 9 May 1979, Nujiang Expedition 79- 0086 (KUN [2]!); [Cikai Zheng], Hepu [Heipu] Shan, on rd to Dulongjiang Village, 3200 m, July 2005, S. Yang Y0010 (CAS!). Lushui Xian. Pianma Xiang, W slope of Pianma Yakou, Fengxue Yakou, 3000 m, 27 July 1978, Bijiang Expedition 1351 p.p. (KUN 0531321 (as 1351 “A”, mixed with G. cardiosepala Handel-Mazzetti (1924: 185) !, KUN 0532610); Pianma Xiang, Pianma Pass, W side of Gaoligong Shan, 3122 m, 25°58 ʹ 23.8 ʺ N, 98°40 ʹ 48.2 ʺ E, 3 July 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-39 (CAS!, KUN!); Pianma Xiang, Pianma Pass, W side of Gaoligong Shan, 3122 m, 25°58 ʹ 23.8 ʺ N, 98°40 ʹ 48.2 ʺ E, 3 July 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-40 (CAS!, KUN!); W side, 3220 m, 4 October 1997, Gaoligong Shan Expedition 9980 (KUN!); Pianma Yakou, 3300 m, 8 June 2006, L. Lu 06-0021 (CAS [2]!); Pianma Pass, 3150 m, 4 August 1978, Nujiang Zhou Investigative Expedition 1834 (KUN [2]!); vicinity of Wan Zhuanghe, 3100 m, 30 June 1964, S.G. Wu 007333 (KUN [2]!).

MYANMAR. Kachin: Myitkyina District. [Hsawlaw Township], Shing Hong Pass, 10,500 ft, 16 June 1920, R.J. Farrer 1622 (E!); [Hsawlaw Township], Chimili Woods, 10,800 ft, 4 August 1919, R.J. Farrer 1191 (E!); [Hsawlaw Township], Chawng Maw Kha drainage, ridge above Laktang (Kang-fang route), 8000–11,000 ft, 19 May 1925, F. Kingdon Ward 3062 (E!).













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