Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900

Li, Yange, Jing, Wenqing, Hao, Shulian & Yu, Haili, 2023, Descriptions of two new species of Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Olethreutinae) from China, ZooKeys 1187, pp. 223-236 : 223

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Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900


Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900 View in CoL

Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900: 130. Type species: Phaecadophora fimbriata Walsingham, 1900.


Walsingham (1900) defined Phaecadophora based on external traits, distinguishing it from Phaecasiophora Grote by its narrower forewing, densely scaled hind tibia, and the hindwing featuring a long hair-scaled anal margin in males. In fact, the hind tibiae of males in the Phaecasiophora species are frequently broadened by long scales and carry one or two long hair pencils. Diakonoff (1973) and Razowski (1989) redescribed the genus, and both asserted its close relationship to Temnolopha Lower and Saliciphaga Falkovitsh based on the characteristics of both male and female genitalia. However, they did not provide a specific differential diagnosis for Phaecadophora . The two previously known species, in conjunction with the two newly described species in this present investigation, exhibit a conspicuous characteristic in their appearance-fine longitudinal stripes on the forewing. They can be defined by the combination of the following genitalia characters: in males, the tegumen is high and narrow; the uncus is slender, hooked, densely spined, and sometimes shortly furcated apically ( P. dactylina sp. nov.); the socius is small, oval, and densely spined; the gnathos is a simple band, membranous or weakly sclerotized; the valva is robust and curved, often with a deeply concave area (except P. vascularis sp. nov.) that separates the sacculus from the densely bristled cucullus; the basal excavation has a protruding rim above which there is a short, apically spined prominence below the costa ( P. dactylina sp. nov. and P. vascularis sp. nov.); the sacculus is weakly spined, occasionally with a tuft of short spine cluster medially on the ventral margin ( P. fimbriata and P. dactylina sp. nov.); the cucullus bears bristles across its base, enlarged and raised on a ridge ( P. fimbriata and P. acutana ), and its ventroproximal base is lightly projecting ( P. acutana and P. vascularis sp. nov.) or produced into a ventral process ( P. fimbriata and P. dactylina sp. nov.), which carries a long spine cluster; the caulis is very short; the anellus is a narrow ring; the phallus is short and the cornuti is present ( P. fimbriata ) or absent. In females, the sterigma is derived from a raised fold encircling the ostium and is aciculate; the colliculum is well developed and normal in shape or expanded caudally ( P. fimbriata and P. dactylina sp. nov.); the signa consist of two double-folded plates, either obviously unequal in size ( P. acutana and P. vascularis sp. nov.) or roughly equal in size ( P. fimbriata and P. dactylina sp. nov.).














Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900

Li, Yange, Jing, Wenqing, Hao, Shulian & Yu, Haili 2023


Walsingham 1900

Phaecadophora fimbriata

Walsingham 1900