Spermophagina Borowiec, 1987

Godínez-Cortés, Sergio & Romero-Nápoles, Jesús, 2021, Distributional Data and New Records of Seed Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) from Mexico Deposited in the National Museum of Natural History (USNM), The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (4), pp. 707-722 : 711-712

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065X-75.4.707

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scientific name

Spermophagina Borowiec, 1987


Subtribe Spermophagina Borowiec, 1987 Genus Zabrotes Horn, 1885

Zabrotes chavesi Kingsolver, 1980

Material EXamined. MEXICO: MICHOACÁN: 10 mi. N Jacona , 21/ VI /1967, over Acacia farnesiana [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Apatzingán , 28/III/1970, intercepted in Laredo, Texas (898, lot 70-8243), ( USNM, 1 ex., paratype) . SINALOA: Esquinapa , 25/ VI /1987, over Havardia pollen [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Mazatlán , 17/ VII/1963, Spangler P. J. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) . SONORA: 13 mi. N Imuris , 16/VIII/1965, Johnson C. D. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Alamos , 6/IX/1970, Hanson and Whitworth col., captured with Malaise trap, ( USNM, 1 ex.) .

Zabrotes interstitialis (Chevrolat, 1871)

Material EXamined. MEXICO: TAMAULIPAS, new state record: Mante, 23/ VI /1969, intercepted in Brownsville, Texas (152, lot 69-13227), [the specimen was found] in Tillandsia sp. [ Bromeliaceae ], (USNM, 1 ex.).

Zabrotes planifrons (Horn, 1885)

Material EXamined. MEXICO: [unknown locality], 22/III/1976, Ehni G. col., with orchids, intercepted in Nogales, Arizona (4956), ( USNM, 1 ex.) . JALISCO: 8. mi. E., La Venta de Mochitiltic , 20/VII/1955, Selander R. B and J. M. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) . MICHOACAN: San José Purua , VI /1965, Krauss N. L. H. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) . MORELOS: Cuautla , IV/1965, Krauss N. L. H., ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Cuernavaca , II/1945, Krauss N. L. H. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Cuernavaca , III/1945, Krauss N. L. H. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Cuernavaca , IV/1945, Krauss N. L. H. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Cuernavaca , V /1945, Krauss N. L. H. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) ; Cuernavaca , XII/1945, Krauss N. L. H. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.) . SINALOA: [unknown locality], 16/ V /1968, Intercepted, ( USNM, 1 ex.) . SONORA: Nogales , 23/II/1946, intercepted (63923, lot 46-2144), in Tomate, ( USNM, 1 ex.) .

Zabrotes spectabilis Horn, 1885

Material EXamined. MEXICO: [unknown locality], 26/X/1943, intercepted in El Paso, Texas (37715), in Piña, ( USNM, 1 ex.). SONORA: 17 mi. E Navojoa , 6/VIII/1959, Noel et al. col., in Cassia sp. Seeds [Leguminosae], intercepted in Nogales, Arizona (79481, lot 59-15341), ( USNM, 2 exx.) .

Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman, 1833)

Material EXamined. MEXICO: [unknown locality], 1/IX/1936, Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], intercepted in Hidalgo, Texas (1226), [the specimens were mounted on only one pin], ( USNM, 5 exx.); [unknown locality], 12/IX/1936, ( USNM, 4 exx.); [unknown locality], 1936, intercepted in Brownsville, Texas, ( USNM, 4 exx.); [unknown locality], 20/ V /1953, Rhynchosia pyramidalis (Lam.) Urb. [Leguminosae] [labeled as Rhynchosia phaseoloides ], ( USNM, 2 exx.); [unknown locality], 25/X/1935, Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], intercept- ed in El Paso del Aguila, Texas (930), ( USNM, 6 exx.); [unknown locality], 9/VII/1934, intercepted in El Paso del Aguila, Texas (884), ( USNM, 1 ex.); [unknown locality], Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 1 ex.). BAJA CALIFORNIA: Sierra Blanca, 17/ VI /1905, Knab F., col., ( USNM, 1 ex.). CHIAPAS: San Cristobal, 4/IV/1981, Phaseolus vulgaris L. [Leguminosae], found in the inspection of a house in Washington DC, ( USNM, 2 exx.). CIUDAD DE MÉXICO [labeled as Distrito Federal]: 15/I/1946, Pelter and Johnston col., Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 35 exx.); [24 specimens in gel capsule]. COLIMA, new state record, Conradt L. col., Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 5 exx.); Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 2 exx.); Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], [the specimens belonged to the] Chittenden Collection, ( USNM, 3 exx.). ESTADO DE MEXICO: Chapingo, 10/ XI/1963, Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 3 exx.). GUERRERO: Chichinualco, 1981, Vogi G. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.). HIDALGO, new state record, [unknown locality], 31/VIII/1938, Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], [the specimens are still inside the seed], ( USNM, 2 exx.). OAXACA: [unknown locality], 27/ V /1900, Deam C. C. col., ( USNM, 3 exx.). QUINTANA ROO: Chetumal, 15/XI/1979, Phaseolus vulgaris L. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 1 ex.). SAN LUIS POTOSÍ, new state record: Tamazunchale, 19/VIII/1957, intercepted in Brownsville, Texas (lot 57-13327), in Chamaedoria seeds [ Arecaceae ], ( USNM, 1 ex.). SONORA: Mercado de Nogales, 3/XII/1945, intercepted (lot 45-20325), in green corn cob, ( USNM, 1 ex.); Nogales, 1/IX/1988, Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], intercepted (27378), [the specimens was mounted in only one pin whit the seed] ( USNM, 5 exx.); Nogales, 12/X/1940, intercepted (39947), in cut flowers, ( USNM, 1 ex.); Nogales, 7/VIII/1941, intercepted (48312), in cut flowers, ( USNM, 1 ex.). TABASCO: [unknown locality], 16/XI/1909, Phaseolu s sp. [Leguminosae], [the specimens belonged to the] Chittenden Collection, ( USNM, 3 exx.); [unknown locality], 9/XI/1914, Sanford H. I. col., Phaseolus sp. [Leguminosae], [the specimens belonged to the] Chittenden Collection (#948), ( USNM, 3 exx.). TAMAULIPAS, new state record: Matamoros, 24/VIII/1937, intercepted in Brownsville, Texas, in advocates, ( USNM, 1 ex.); Matamoros, V /1918, McMillan col., [the specimens belonged to the] Chittenden Collection, ( USNM, 7 exx.); Río Bravo, 13/X/1975, intercepted in Progreso, Texas (1498), ( USNM, 1 ex.); Tampico, XII/1915, Schwarz E. A. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.); Victoria, 1907, Palmer col., Phaseolu s sp. [Leguminosae], [the specimens belonged to the] Chittenden Collection, ( USNM, 8 exx.). VERACRUZ:Córdoba, 8/VIII/1982, Ayala J. L. col., ( USNM, 1 ex.); Tlacotalpan, 7/ V /1904, Miles A. D. E. col., [the specimens belonged to the] Chittenden Collection, ( USNM, 3 exx.). YUCATÁN: Mérida, 20/II/1913, Sandford H. I. col., Phaseolus coccineus L. [Leguminosae], ( USNM, 3 exx.).

New Host Record. Rhynchosia pyramidalis (Lam.) Urb. (Leguminosae) .


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium























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