Dianous LEACH

Puthz, Volker, 2015, Übersicht über die Arten der Gattung Dianous LEACH group I (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 345. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1747-1783 : 1763-1767

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Marcus (2021-08-27 06:50:20, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 23:17:08)

scientific name

Dianous LEACH


Key to the species of the genus Dianous LEACH View in CoL group I

A= Aedeagus; FB = forebody; l = length; PT = paratergite; S = sternite; Sg = segment; T = tergite Preliminary note: Since sculptural characters of the pronotum and elytra are variable, some species appear twice in the key.

1 Head distinctly broader than elytra (HW: EW 1.05), micropterous and macropterous species.................................................................................................................................2

- Head less broad, not or only slightly broader than elytra (HW: EW 1.04); macropterous species........................................................................................................27

2 Elytra broader than long......................................................................................................3

- Elytra as long as or longer than broad.................................................................................7

3 Smaller, FB 1.7mm. A (fig. 10, PUTHZ 1988). Malaysia: Borneo.............. concretus PUTHZ

- Larger, FB>2,0mm.............................................................................................................4

4 Pronotum strongly convex, distinctly longer than broad (PW: PL: 0.87). Larger: 4.7- 5.4mm (FB 2.4mm).: Apical portion of median lobe broadly rounded with a small and short median projection. Indonesia: Java .................................... hygrobius (L. BENICK)

- Pronotum less convex, slightly longer than broad (PW: PL 0.90). Smaller,FB 2.1- 2.2mm .................................................................................................................................5

5 Paratergites impunctate; posterior middle of frons slightly elevated; elytral punctation predominantly discrete (fig. 26). unknown. 4.6mm (FB 2.1mm). Myanmar.................... ................................................................................................................. silvicultrix PUTHZ View in CoL

- Paratergites punctate; posterior middle of frons concave....................................................6

6 Elytral punctation predominantly discrete, body with strong metallic shine.: A (fig. 4, PUTHZ 2011). 4.1mm (FB 2.1mm). Myanmar.......................................... silvicola PUTHZ

- Elytral punctation transversely confluent in medial half (fig. 16x); body without or with slight metallic tinge. unknown. 3.5-4.5mm (FB 2.2mm). Philippines: Mindanao .... ........................................................................................................ davaomontium (PUTHZ) View in CoL

7 Smaller, FB 2.0mm...........................................................................................................8

- Larger, FB 2.0mm...........................................................................................................12

8 Elytral punctation finer, diameter of punctures much smaller than medial cross section of antennal segment 2; punctation of paratergites very fine and extremely dense; posterior middle of frons slightly elevated.: A (fig. 71). 3.7-4.2mm (FB 2.0mm). S India: Kerala .............................................................................................. keralanus nov.sp.

- Elytral punctation/sculpture coarser, diameter of largest punctures/sulci about as large as medial cross section of antennal segment 2; punctation of paratergites less fine and less dense; posterior middle of frons concave.....................................................................9

9 Larger, FB 1.8-1.9mm .......................................................................................................10

- Smaller. Metallic dark-green. 3.4-3.7mm (FB 1.6mm). Elytra (fig. 22). N-India ................. ........................................ nagamontium PUTHZ View in CoL [L. BENICK 1942: 7 = D. yao ROUGEMONT View in CoL ]

10 Lateral portions of frons slightly elevated (convex); legs dark brown to blackish; punctation of paratergites coarser, largest punctures about as largeas basal crosssection of antennal segment 3. Black with brassy reflex. Habitus: figs. 7-10, TANG et al. 2011.: A (fig. 6, TANG & LI 2013). 3.7-4.4mm (FB 1.9mm).N India; Nepal; China: Jiangxi, Guizhou ............................................................... cyaneovirens (CAMERON)

- Lateral portions of frons not elevated; legs predominantly reddish yellow; punctation of paratergites finer, punctures distinctly smaller than basal cross section of antennal segment 3..........................................................................................................................11

11 Metallic blue (-violet); elytral punctation entirely discrete.: unknown. 3.1-3.6mm (FB 1.9mm). Malaysia: Borneo........................................................................ boops PUTHZ

- Metallic greenish-brassy, elytral punctation obliquely coalescent on its posteromedial portion.: A (fig. 3, PUTHZ 1968). 3.3-4.3mm (FB 1.8mm). N India.................................. ................................................................................................... cupreoaeneus (CHAMPION)

12 Elytral punctation discrete.................................................................................................13

- Elytral punctation coalescent............................................................................................17

13 Metallic brassy. ꞉ A (fig. 56). 3.7-4.5mm (FB 2.1mm). Nepal..... nepalensis ROUGEMONT View in CoL

- Metallic blue.....................................................................................................................14

14 Median portion of frons deeply concave, paratergites ± densely punctate........................15

- Median portion of frons slightly elevated posteriorly. Punctation of elytra distinctly less dense on medial half than on lateral half. Paratergites extremely densely punctate.: A (fig. 19, PUTHZ 1988). 4.0- 4.8mm (FB 2.1-2.2mm). Malaysia: Borneo....................... ........................................................................................................................ naicus PUTHZ

15 Elytral punctation denser, interstices distinctly smaller than half diameter of punctures.........16

- Elytral punctation less dense, interstices mostly larger than half diameter of punctures.: A (fig. 3, PUTHZ l. c.). 3.8-5.0mm (FB 2.0- 2.1mm). Malaysia: Borneo ......... amicus PUTHZ

16 Punctation of frons coarser, punctures about as large as apical cross-section of antennal segment 2, pronotum less long (PW: PL 0.88).: A (fig. 60). (FB 2.1-2.2mm). Penisular Malaysia; Thailand..................................................................... festinus HERMAN View in CoL

- Punctation of frons less coarse, punctures smaller than apical cross section of antennal segment 2, pronotum longer (PW: PL <0.88).: A (fig. 1, PUTHZ 1988). 3.9-4.8mm (FB 2.0- 2.1mm). Malaysia: Borneo ........................................................ rougemonti PUTHZ View in CoL

17 Legs predominantly reddish..............................................................................................18 - Legs predominantly dark (brownish to blackish) OR bicolorous......................................20

18 With brilliant metallic reflex (greenish, brassy, coppery).: A (fig. 67). 3.4-4.0mm (FB 2.0mm). Nepal............................................................................ martensi ROUGEMONT View in CoL

- With less brilliant metallic reflex (dark blue, olive-green)................................................19

19 Frons very coarsely punctate, diameter of punctures at least as large as apical cross section of antennal segment 2. Larger.: A (figs 1, 22, PUTHZ 1974). 4.0- 4.8mm (FB 2.3mm). Philippines: Mindanao ................................................................ saxicola (PUTHZ)

- Frons moderately coarsely punctate, diameter of punctures about as large as basal cross-section of antennal segment 3 (fig. 4). Smaller. 3.3-3.7mm (FB 2.0mm). Philippines: Luzon .................................................................................. philippinus PUTHZ View in CoL

20 Basal half of femora reddish yellow, apical half brownish or darker................................21

- Legs entirely dark brown to blackish................................................................................25

21 Bright metallic green/coppery; elytra with a posthumeral impression..............................22

- Metallic dark blue; elytra without as posthumeral impression..........................................23

22 Posthumeral impression of elytra conspicuously deep, lateral outline of elytra distinctly indented; punctation of abdomen sparser (fig. 36).: A (fig. 69). 4.5-5.0mm (FB 2.5mm). Nepal.......................................................................... viridisplendens nov.sp.

- Posthumeral impression of elytra less deep, lateral outline of elytra very slightly indented; punctation of abdomen slightly less fine and slightly less dense (fig. 35). Habitus (figs 13, 14,TANG & LI 2011): A (fig. 68). 4.2-5.2mm (FB 2.2-2,4mm). Nepal.......................................................................................... viridicupreus ROUGEMONT View in CoL

23 Abdominal punctation less fine and less dense, punctation of paratergites moderately sparse.................................................................................................................................24

- Abdominal punctation very fine and very dense, punctation of paratergites fine and dense.: A (fig. 66). 3.8-4.7mm (FB 2.1-2.2mm). Nepal..................... loebli ROUGEMONT View in CoL

24 Middle of metasternum with a longitudinal impunctate area, slightly elevated anteriorly, punctation of sternites coarser and denser (fig. 30). Habitus (figs 1,2, TANG & LI 2011).: Sides of impression of sternite 7 strongly projecting (fig. 31), A (fig. 49). 4.2-4.7mm (FB 2.2mm). Vietnam; Thailand; China: (Yunnan); Malaysia: Borneo ...... .............................................................................................................. tonkinensis (PUTHZ) View in CoL

- Middle of metasternum uniformly punctate, without any elevation anteriorly, punctation of sternites finer and sparser (fig. 33).: Sides of impression of sternite 7 slightly projecting (fig. 32), A (fig. 50). 4.0- 4.7mm (FB: 2.4-2.5mm). Indonesia: Sulawesi ............................................................................................... transgressor nov.sp.

25 Punctation of paratergites fine and very dense..................................................................26

- Punctation of paratergites fine and moderately sparse (one longitudinal series of punctures).: A (fig. 1, PUTHZ 1990). 4.0- 4.5mm (FB 2.2-2.3mm). Nepal......................... ................................................................................................................. fluctivagus PUTHZ

26 Segment 1 of posterior tarsi longer, about 1.5x as long as segments 2-4 combined; sculpture of pronotum coarser, densely confluent.: A (fig. 41). 4.2-5.3mm (FB 2.2- 2.3mm). Bhutan............................................................................. bhutanensis ROUGEMONT View in CoL

- Segment 1 of posterior tarsi shorter, about 1.2x as long as segments 2-4 combined; sculpture of pronotum less coarse, punctures mostly discrete.: A (fig. 64). 3.7- 4.4mm (FB 2.2mm). Laos.............................................................................. hajeki nov.sp.

27 Punctation on elytra discrete or predominantly discrete...................................................28

- Punctation/sculpture on elytra predominantly confluent...................................................50

28 Punctation/sculpture on pronotum transversely confluent................................................29

- Punctation/sculpture on pronotum discrete.......................................................................31

29 Smaller, FB ≤ 2.2mm .........................................................................................................30

- Larger, FB ≥ 2.2mm ...........................................................................................................31 30 Punctation of medial half of elytra sparse, interstices much larger than punctures (fig. 15).: A (figs 42, 46, 47). 3.8-4.2mm (FB 2.0- 2.1mm). Peninsular Malaysia.................... ................................................................................................................ biformis nov.sp. A

- Sculpture of medial half of elytra dense, interstices smaller than half diameter of punctures. A (fig. 76). 3.2-3.9mm. Malaysia: Tioman ........................... tiomanensis PUTHZ View in CoL

31 Segment 1 of posterior tarsi longer (lSg1; lSg2-4 <1.20).: A (fig. 75), apical portion of median lobe broader. 4.2-5.5mm (FB 2.2mm). Indonesia: Java, Bali ............................... .......................................................................................................... striatellus (L. BENICK) View in CoL

- Segment 1 of posterior tarsi shorter (lSg1:lSg2-4>1.2).: A (fig. 25, PUTHZ, 1997), apical portion of median lobe narrower. 4.0-5.0mm (FB 2.3mm). Indonesia: Sumatra ........ ....................................................................................................... flavicoxatus (L. BENICK) View in CoL

32 Smaller, FB 2.0mm.........................................................................................................33

- Larger, FB  2.1mm ...........................................................................................................36

33 Legs entirely yellowish red.: A (fig. 77). 3.1-4.0mm (F 1.7-1.8mm). N India; Nepal...... ........................................................................................................ bracteatus (CHAMPION) View in CoL

- Legs bicolorous, basal half of femora yellowish red, apical half brownish......................34

34 Lateral portions of frons slightly elevated (convex); abdominal punctation fine and very dense.........................................................................................................................35

- Lateral portions of frons not elevated (fig. 6); abdominal punctation less fine and less dense.: A (fig. 44). 3.5-4.0mm (FB 1.9-2.0mm). Nepal............ manaslumontium nov.sp.

35 Pronotum with a small lateral callus. With dark greenish reflex.: A (fig. 12, PUTHZ 2015). 3.5-4.3mm (FB 1.9-2.0mm). Thailand.................................................... betzi PUTHZ

- Pronotum without a lateral callus. With dark blue reflex.: A (fig. 6, PUTHZ 1988). 3.5-4.0mm (FB 1.9mm). Malaysia: Borneo ............................................ burckhardti PUTHZ

36 Paratergites 4 distinctly broader than antennal segment 2.: A (figs 16, 17, PUTHZ l. c.). 4.2-5.2mm (FB 2.5mm). Malaysia: Borneo ........................................ loeblianus PUTHZ

- Paratergite 4 narrower, as broad as or very slightly broader than antennal segment 2......37

37 Paratergites 4 distinctly narrower than antennal segment 2..............................................38

- Paratergites 4 about as broad as antennal segment 2.........................................................43

38 Posterior middle of frons slightly elevated; knees narrowly blackish. Habitus: fig. 16, TANG & al. 2011). unknown. 4.5-5.2mm FB 2.5mm). China: Yunnan. limitaneus PUTHZ

- Posterior middle of frons not elevated; colour of legs otherwise......................................39

39 Lateral portions of frons slightly elevated (convex)..........................................................40

- Lateral portions of frons not elevated................................................................................41

40 Punctation of PT 4 fine and moderately dense; all punctures on pronotum discrete. Habitus: figs 5,6, TANG et al. 2011): A (figs 26, 27, l. c., fig. 73). 3.7-4.8mm (FB 2.1mm). Myanmar; Thailand................................................................... shan ROUGEMONT View in CoL

- Punctation of PT 4 fine and sparse; few punctures on pronotum coalescent.: A (about as in fig. 24, PUTHZ 1997). 3.8-4.8mm (FB 2.3-2.5mm). Indonesia: Ceram .............. ......................................................................................................................... jaechi PUTHZ

41 PT 4 narower than antennal segment 2. A (figs 38, 39). 3.8-4.3mm (FB 2.2.2-3.mm). N India................................................................................................. borailmontis nov.sp.

- PT 4 as broad as antennal segment 2.................................................................................42

42 Pronotum with a minute anterolateral callus.: A (fig. 70). 3.7-4.2mm (FB 2.2mm). N India........................................................................................................ nokrekensis PUTHZ View in CoL

- Pronotum simple.: A (fig. 55). 3.7-4.6mm (FB 2.1mm). Bhutan...................................... .................................................................................................... inconspicuus ROUGEMONT View in CoL

43 Legs dark brown to blackish.............................................................................................44

- Legs reddish yellow to light brown...................................................................................45

44 Paratergites matt, punctation extremely fine and dense; metallic blue-violet.: A (fig. 3, PUTHZ 1973). 3.6-4.5mm (FB 2.2mm). Malaysia: Borneo......... kinabalumontis (PUTHZ) - Paratergites slightly shiny, punctation moderately fine and dense; metallic dark blue.: A (fig. 19, PUTHZ 1997). 4.4-5.4mm. (FB 2.6-2.7mm). Indonesia: Java ......................... .................................................................................................................. javanicola PUTHZ View in CoL

45 Lateral portions of frons slightly elevated (convex)..........................................................46

- Lateral portions of frons not elevated................................................................................49

46 Punctation of abdomen coarser, punctures on tergite 3 as large as basal cross section of antennal segment 3; blackish-brassy.: A (fig. 45). 4.2-4.8mm (FB 2.2-2.3mm). Nepal.................................................................................................... bhotius ROUGEMONT View in CoL

-. Punctation of abdomen fine, punctures on tergite 3 smaller than basal cross-section of antennal segment 3............................................................................................................47

47 Legs reddish yellow, apical half of femora light brown; paratergites very finely and very densely punctate; metallic dark greenish.: A (fig. 51). 3.8-4.2mm (FB 2.1- 2.2mm. Thailand...................................................................................... corvipenis nov.sp.

- Legs bicolorous, basal half of femora reddish yellow, apical half brown; paratergites less fine punctate...............................................................................................................45

48 Punctation of paratergites coarser and less dense, punctures on PT 4 about as large as basal cross section of antennal segment 3; segment 1 of posterior tarsi longer (lSg1: lSg2-4>1.1); posterior portion of frons slightly elevated. Black with faint dark bluish tinge.: A (fig. 1, PUTHZ 2011a; fig. 72). 3.8-4.5mm (FB 2.3mm). S India: W Ghats........ ............................................................................................................. karnatakanus PUTHZ View in CoL

- Punctation of paratergites finer and denser, punctures on PT 4 smaller than basal cross section of antennal segment 3; segment 1 of posterior tarsi shorter (lSg1:lSg2-54 <1.05); posterior portion of frons as concave as anterior portion. Metallic dark blue. Habitus: figs 4, 5, TANG & LI 2013.: A (figs 10, 11, l. c.). 4.3-5.2mm (FB 2.2- 2.3mm). Myanmar; Laos; Thailand; China: Yunnan .................................. yao ROUGEMONT View in CoL

49 Segment 1 of posterior tarsi distinctly longer than segments 2-4 combined. Metallic dark blue. Habitus: figs. 4, 5, TANG et al 2011.: A (figs 27, 28, l. c.; figs 58, 59). 4.5- 4.9mm (FB 2.2mm). China: Hainan ................................................... fengtingae TANG & LI View in CoL

- Segment 1 of posterior tarsi about as long as segments 2-4 combined. Metallic green and/or coppery...................................................................................................................51

50 Abdominal punctation coarser, punctures on tergite 3 about as large as basal cross section of antennal segment 3, interstices smaller than half diameter of punctures; elytra longer than broad. With slight dark-green metallic reflex.: A (fig. 1, ROUGEMONT 1984). 4.2-4.7mm (FB 2.4mm). Bali ............................ baliensis ROUGEMONT View in CoL

- Abdominal punctation less coarse, punctures on tergite 3 smaller than basal crosssection of antennal segment 3; elytra as long as broad. Elytra as long as broad. With brilliant greenish reflex. Head (fig. 1). unknown. 3.8-4.2mm (FB 2.1mm). N India........ ........................................................................................................... wittmeri ROUGEMONT View in CoL

51 Smaller: FB 2.0mm.........................................................................................................52

- Larger: FB 2.0mm...........................................................................................................59

52 Pronotum with a mediolateral callus (fig. 7, PUTHZ 2015); median portion of frons narrowly elevated, impunctate.: A (fig. 13, l.c.). 3.0- 3.3mm (FB 1.7-1.8mm). Laos; Thailand.................................................................................................. tubericollis PUTHZ

- Pronotum simple, median portion of frons concave..........................................................53

53 Legs dark brown to blackish.............................................................................................54

- Colour of legs otherwise...................................................................................................57

54 Segment 1 of posterior tarsi distinctly shorter than or as long as segments 2-4 combined...........................................................................................................................55

- Segment 1 of posterior tarsi distinctly longer than segments 2-4 combined.....................56

55 Head distinctly narrower than elytra (HW: EW 0.88), punctuation of abdominal tergites sparser, interstices on tergite 7 twice as large as punctures. Metallic blue-green with some coppery reflex.: A (fig. 40). 3.2-3.7mm (FB 1.9-2.0mm). Nepal.................... ........................................................................................................ annapurnaensis nov.sp.

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