Syringophilopsis wilsoni, Skoracki & Spicer & Oconnor, 2016

Skoracki, Maciej, Spicer, Greg S. & Oconnor, Barry M., 2016, A systematiC review of the subfamily Syringophilinae (ACari: Syringophilidae) of the NearCtiC region. Part 1: quill mites assoCiated with passerines (Aves: Passeriformes), Zootaxa 4084 (4), pp. 451-494 : 474-476

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Plazi (2017-11-16 22:47:41, last updated 2019-10-20 03:56:47)

scientific name

Syringophilopsis wilsoni

sp. nov.

Syringophilopsis wilsoni sp. nov.

( Figs. 9A, B View FIGURE 9 and 10A –C View FIGURE 10 )

Description. FEMALE, holotype. Total body length 1,290. Gnathosoma . Hypostomal apex with 1 pair of minute protuberances. Infracapitulum apunctate. Stylophore apunctate, 300 long. Each medial branch of peritremes with 4 chambers, each lateral branch with 15 chambers. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield well sclerotized, anterior margin flat, with striae in anterior part, distinctly sculptured laterally, and lightly sculptured in medial part, bearing bases of setae vi, ve, si, se and c1. Length ratio of setae vi: ve: si 1:1.4:2.2. Setae c1 and se situated at same transverse level. Setae c2 situated posterior to level of setae si. Hysteronotal shield reduced to 2 small and punctate shields at bases of setae d1. Pygidial shield sparsely punctate with distinct rounded anterior margin. Both pairs of pseudanal setae equal in length. Both pairs of genital setae equal in length and several times shorter than agenital setae. Agenital setae ag1–3 subequal in length. Coxal fields I –IV sparsely punctate. Coxal fields III constricted anteriorly. Setae 3b and 3c subequal in length. Legs. Fan-like setae p' and p" of legs III and IV with 13–14 tines. Lengths of setae: vi 235, ve 330 (340), si (520), se 570, c1 520, d1 530, e2 560, f1 670, f2 590, h1 520, h2 570, ag1 410, ag2 390, ag3 390, g1 and g2 65 (70), ps1 and ps2 50 (50), l'RIII 100 (125), 3b 215, 3c (215–250).

MALE. Not found.

Type material. Female holotype and 3 female paratypes (AMU-SYR.762) from secondary quill of Pheucticus melanocephalus (Swainson) ( Passeriformes : Cardinalidae ), USA: California, Mono Co., July 2007, coll. G. S. Spicer (field no. GSS 2241).

Type material deposition. All type specimens in AMU, except 1 female paratype in FMNH.

Differential diagnosis. S. wilsoni sp. nov. is morphologically similar to S. spinolettus . In females of both species, the hypostomal apex is ornamented by one pair of minute protuberances; setae se and c1 are situated at the same transverse level; genital setae are short and several times shorter than agenital setae ag2, and setae vi are longer than 200. This new species differs from S. spinolettus by the following features: in females of S. wilsoni , the anterior margin of the propodonotal shield is flat; the hysteronotal shields are present, and the pygidial shield is with distinct rounded anterior margin. In females of S. spinolettus , the anterior margin of the propodonotal shield is concave; the hysteronotal shields are absent, and the pygidial shield is with indistinct anterior margin.

Etymology. This species is named in the honor of the American naturalist, identified also as the “father of American Ornithology”—Alexander Wilson (1766–1813).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9 A, B. Syringophilopsis wilsoni sp. nov., female. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 10 A – F. Syringophilopsis wilsoni sp. nov., female. A, hypostomal apex; B, peritreme; C, hysteronotal shield.


Field Museum of Natural History