Trichophallus concolor ( Redtenbacher, 1891 )

Ingrisch, Sigfrid, 2024, Revision of the genus Trichophallus Ingrisch, 1998 with notes on the genera Secsiva Walker, 1869 and Subrioides C. Willemse, 1966 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Agraeciini), Zootaxa 5442 (1), pp. 1-66 : 12

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Trichophallus concolor ( Redtenbacher, 1891 )


Trichophallus concolor ( Redtenbacher, 1891) View in CoL

Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 .

Subria concolor Redtenbacher, 1891 Verh. der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellsch. Wien View in CoL 41:435 Brongniart. 1897. Bull. Soc. entomol. Fr. 83 >> Subria concolor View in CoL

Kirby, W.F. 1906. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera ( Orthoptera Saltatoria , Locustidae View in CoL vel Acridiidae View in CoL ) 2:256 >> Subria concolor View in CoL

Karny. 1907. Abh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 4(3):57 >> Subria concolor

Karny. 1912. Genera Insectorum 141:10 >> Subria concolor

Karny. 1926[1925]. Treubia 7:209 >> Subria concolor

Ingrisch. 1998. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 206:123 >> Trichophallus concolor Syntypes: 1 male, 1 female. Indonesia, Maluku, Amboina (3°37‘S 128°6‘E), 1.i.–31.xii.1859, coll. Doleschal — 1 female, 1 male (Wien, NHMW) GoogleMaps .

Other specimen studied: Indonesia: Maluku, Buru (3°24‘S, 126°40‘E), Station 9, 1.i.–31.xii.1921, coll. L.J. Toxopeus — 1 female (Bogor, MBBJ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. The species can be recognised by the shape of the male last abdominal tergite terminating into a pair of roughly triangular projections with obtuse tips combined with male cerci that have the apical area spatulate-triangular but swollen, and slightly curved and with obtuse tip. The female subgenital plate is of the simple shape with narrow, transverse anterior area bent on both sides apicad (tip damaged in specimens studied).

Description. Fastigium verticis with dorsal surface very faintly furrowed. Pronotum with posterior margin subtruncate or faintly convex. Prosternum unarmed. Mesocoxa with a short triangular projection at dorsal-anterior margin. Femora with the following number of spines on ventral margins: fore femur 6–10 external, 5–6 internal; mid femur 6–7 external, 2–4 internal near base; hind femur 11 external, 10 internal (the latter partly very small). Knee lobes of hind femur bi-spinose on both sides.

Male. Stridulatory file with about 113 teeth. Tenth abdominal tergite with hind margin extended into a pair of moderately long, triangular extensions with rounded tips, angularly excised in between. Cerci elongate, narrow, slightly curved; apex about spatulate with swollen surface and with obtuse tip. Subgenital plate bowl-shaped; disc about triangular in general outline but apex deeply divided in middle and terminating into two rounded lobes; divided area setose. Titillators separate, basal parts simple; medial part greatly bulging laterally, ventral apical surface of bulging area with a large field of long bristles; apex curved, rounded.

Female. „Ovipositor incurvus, acuminatus, in medio dilatatus.Lamina subgenitalis valde et profunde emarginata, lobis elongatis, angustis“ Redtenbacher (1891). Subgenital plate horse-shoe-shaped and with a faint medial carinula. Ovipositor with dorsal margin in about apical half finely granulated.

Coloration. Yellowish-brown. Fastigium verticis, vertex and disc of pronotum with a narrow dark brown, medial band. Tegmen with brown dots. Legs with a few more or less distinct brown spots, most distinct at tympanum of anterior tibia. Spines partly darkened.

Measurements sensu Redtenbacher (1891): body male 25, female 25; pronotum male 7.2, female 6.5; tegmen male 36, female 35; hind femur male 20, female 19.6; ovipositor 13 mm.

Remark. The female described by Karny 1926 from Buru is markedly smaller than the specimens described by Redtenbacher (1891) from Ambon.

Measurements sensu Karny (1926), female only: body 18; pronotum 4.7; tegmen 33.5; hind femur 16.8; ovipositor 10.8 mm.














Trichophallus concolor ( Redtenbacher, 1891 )

Ingrisch, Sigfrid 2024

Subria concolor

Redtenbacher 1891

Subria concolor

Redtenbacher 1891

Subria concolor

Redtenbacher 1891
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