Pseudoolenoides acicaudus Zone

Adrain, Jonathan M. & Karim, Talia S., 2012, 3467, Zootaxa 3467, pp. 1-97 : 7

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Pseudoolenoides acicaudus Zone


Pseudoolenoides acicaudus Zone View in CoL

This zone is as outlined by Hintze (1953, pp. 20–23). Hintze's main collection was made at Section CP 150 feet (45.7 m). This level features sparse limestone nodules in an olive shale with very limited lateral outcrop on the side of a small gully. New sampling has yielded very few fossiliferous nodules and it appears most were removed during the original collection. A few more were recovered slightly higher at CP 48.8 m and these yielded all of the material of P. acicaudus illustrated herein. We have since found another exposure of this zone along strike to the east, but silicification is very sporadic in the rocks. The fauna is as listed by Hintze (1953, p. 42), with the addition of a large effaced bathyurid.

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