Lasioseius orangrimbae, Quintero-Gutiérrez & Sandmann & Cómbita-Heredia & Klarner & Widyastuti & Scheu, 2020

Quintero-Gutiérrez, Edwin Javier, Sandmann, Dorothee, Cómbita-Heredia, Orlando, Klarner, Bernhard, Widyastuti, Rahayu & Scheu, Stefan, 2020, A new species of the genus Lasioseius (Acari: Blattisociidae) inhabiting litter of secondary rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia, Acarologia 60 (2), pp. 338-352 : 340-349

publication ID 10.24349/acarologia/20204371


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lasioseius orangrimbae

sp. nov.

Lasioseius orangrimbae n. sp. Quintero-Gutiérrez and Sandmann

Zoobank: B3F5F066-ABEB-4C0E-9B19-8AE00F85DF4E

Figures 1–9 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 , 10a View Figure 10


Female — Dorsal shield with reticulate surface, bearing 36 pairs of setae that are relatively long and tricarinate, except z1, s1, r2, r4, J5 which are smooth and aciculate, Z3–Z5, S4 and S5 tricarinate and with serrate margin. Soft integument bearing only seven relatively short pairs of setae r5, r6, R2–6; seta R1 and UR series absents. Ventral shields with all setae aciculate and smooth, sternal shield mostly smooth, central region slightly punctate, sparse lateral striations, and with two parallel anteromedian lines between st1 and st2; st 1 in the sternal shield. Genital shield punctate (difficult to discern) with posterior margin truncate; four transversely aligned and elongated platelets between genital and ventrianal shield. Ventrianal shield strongly reticulate, bearing six pairs of preanal setae ZV2–ZV3, JV1–JV3, JV4 10–11; posterior margin slightly narrow at level of JV4. Only three pairs of setae ZV1, ZV4 and JV5 on opisthogastric integument, JV5 at least twice longer than ZV1 and ZV4. Two pairs of semi-rounded metapodal elements. Spermatheca with a short major duct leading to a weakly sclerotized shallowly funnel-shaped calyx as long as wide from which a long and thin minor duct arise. Tarsus II with pl2 macrosetae.

Male — Dorsal shield with 38 pairs of setae including r5–6 (r6 inserted sometimes on unsclerotized lateral cuticle), unsclerotized lateral cuticle with the setae R -UR series absents. Sternogenital shield with five setae st1–st5, ventrianal shield bearing six pairs of setae with six pairs of preanal setae, seta JV5 longer than other preanal setae; ZV 5 in soft opisthogastric


Female ( Figures 1–6 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 , 10a View Figure 10 ) (n = 5)

Idiosomal dorsum — ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ). Dorsal shield 340–363 long, 219–239 wide (at level of seta S1), covering partially the idiosoma, strongly reticulate, except between the bases of Z5 and Z4 being slightly reticulate and with some granulations, reticulations less distinct centrally due to dense internal muscle insertions, lateral margins of soft integument exposed. Dorsal shield bearing 36 pairs of setae of similar length and shape; most setae relatively long and tricarinate, except pairs z1, s1, r2, r4, J5 which are smooth and aciculate; pairs of setae Z3–Z5, S4 and S5 tricarinate with serrate margin. Unsclerotized lateral cuticle bearing only seven pairs of relatively short setae of similar length r5, r6, R2-6, and a pair of lyrifissures (RP) between R3 and R4; R1 and UR series absents. Length of setae: j1 20–21, j2 18–19, j3–j4 25–26, j5 22–23, j6 23–24, z1 7–9, z2 20–2, z3 30, z4 27, z5 22, z6 22-23, s1 11 –12, s2 7 –9, s3 27 –28, s4– s6 29–30, r2 7–8, r3 28–29, r4 7–8, r5 9–10, r6 7, J1 23 –24, J2–J4 24–25, J5 11–12, Z1 28–29, Z2 29–30, Z3 36, Z4 46–47, Z5 41–42, S1– S3 25 –27, R2–R3 9–10, R4–R6 11–12. Dorsal shield with 22 pairs of pore-like structures, including six pairs of gland openings gd (1–2, gd4, gd6, gd7 and gd9) and 16 pairs of poroids.

Idiosomal venter — ( Figures 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 a–d). All setae aciculate and smooth. Tritosternum with columnar base and pair of completely free pilose laciniae. Pre-sternal region little sclerotized, punctate and transversely striate ( Figures 3a View Figure 3 ). Sternal shield 253–260 long, 170–174 wide

(at level of st2) mostly smooth, central region slightly punctate, difficult to discern ( Figures 3a View Figure 3 ), with sparse lateral striations and with two parallel anteromedian lines between st1 and st2 ( Figures 3a View Figure 3 , see arrow), bearing three pairs of setae st1–st3 (15–16) and two pairs of slit-like poroids iv1–2, oblique. Posterior portion of endopodal plate represented by a triradiate fragment between coxae III–IV. Metasternal plates roundish, with st4 (16) and a pair of lyrifissures (iv3). Genital shield 72–75 long, 55–58 wide (at level of st5), evenly punctated, but difficult to discern ( Figure 3b View Figure 3 ); posterior margin truncate, shield bearing one pair of setae st5 (15–16), slit-like poroids iv5 on unsclerotized cuticle and posterolaterad of st5; in front of the posterior margin four transversely aligned elongate platelets. Exopodal shield narrow, between coxa I–IV long and fused posteriorly (at level to the coxa IV) with the peritremal–parapodal shields. Peritrematal shield smooth, anteriorly fused with dorsal shield at level of the setae s1, fused posteriorly with the exopodal–parapodal shields; bearing pairs of poroids id3, gd3, id7, gdp and ip. Ventrianal shield wider 312–316 (at level of ZV3) than long 194–204, posterior margin slightly narrow at level of JV4; strongly reticulate and punctate anterior to the postanal seta; shield with six pairs of setae ZV2 15–16, ZV3 7, JV1 11–12, JV2 15–16, JV3 12–13 and JV4 10–11 additionally to the circumanal setae (postanal seta slightly longer 21–22 than para-anal setae 15–16). Further, with one pair of marginal pores (gv3) posterolaterad of para-anal setae and two pairs of poroids (ivo). Soft opisthogastric cuticle bearing only three pairs of setae, JV5 20-21 twice longer than ZV1 and ZV4 10–11, with two pairs of semi-rounded metapodal platelets (met) well developed ( Figures 3 View Figure 3 c–d).

Gnathosoma — ( Figures 4 View Figure 4 a–c). Subcapitulum ( Figure 4a View Figure 4 ) corniculi well sclerotized, elongated and horn-like. Internal malae lanceolate, densely fimbriated, with apices slightly beyond of the corniculi. Deutosternum with eight transverse rows of denticles with first row (most distal), from second to seventh rows with 10-15 denticles, the first seven lines are connected by the lateral subparallel deutosternal lines, eighth line (most proximal) extending beyond lateral deutosternal lines and with 20–23 denticles; with smooth lines laterad of delineating deutosternal lines at region between fifth and sixth transverse lines; subcapitular setae smooth and aciculate, h1 and h3 32 longer than h2 23 and pc 29. Chelicerae ( Figure 4b View Figure 4 ). Fixed digit with 13 small teeth plus one distal hook-like tooth, and a setiform pilus dentilus; dorsal and antiaxial lyrifissures as well as dorsal setae distinct; mobile digit with three large teeth and one large distal tooth. Gnathotectum ( Figure. 4c View Figure 4 ) with three anterior projections, two serrate lateral projections and one acuminate middle process longer than the lateral ones (not serrate).

Legs — ( Figures 5 View Figure 5 a–d) Lengths: I 303–307, II 255–261, III 220–224, IV 298–304. Chaetotaxy/setation—Coxae: I: 0, 0/1, 0/1, 0; II: 0, 0/1, 0/1, 0; III: 0, 0/1, 0/1, 0; IV: 0, 0/0, 0/1, 0; trochanters: I: 1, 0/1,1/2, 1; II: 1, 0/1, 0/2, 1; III: 1, 1/1, 0/2, 0; IV: 1, 1/1, 0/2, 0; femora:

I: 2, 3/1, 2/2, 2; II: 2, 3/1, 2/2, 1; III: 1, 2/1, 1/0, 1: IV: 1, 2/1, 1/0, 1; genua: I: 2, 3/2, 3/1, 2; II: 2, 3/1, 2/1, 2; III: 2, 2/1, 2/1, 1; IV: 2, 2/1, 3/0, 1; tibia: I: 2, 3/2, 3/1, 2; II: 2, 2/1, 2/1, 2; III: 2, 1/1, 2/1, 1; IV: 2, 1/1, 3/1, 2; tarsi I: not counted, II: 18; III: 18; IV: 18. All legs I–IV with pretarsi, including a pair of claws and a pulvillus with median lobe rounded. Legs with all setae aciculate and smooth. Legs I-IV with most of the dorsal setae in femur–tibia slightly thicker than ventral setae. The most of setae in the tarsus I–IV moderately longer and/or stout than other segments. Tarsi II-IV with seta md 3.2 times longer than mv. Leg II with al setae in femur–tibia shorter than pl setae (al 1 in femur II is long). Tarsus II with pl2 macrosetae (5.2 times longer than al2) ( Figure 10a View Figure 10 ) and pd2 moderately longer than ad2. Legs III–IV with pl setae in femur–tibia shorter than pl setae. Tarsus IV with al2 slightly longer than pl2.

Spermathecal apparatus — ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ). With a short major duct leading to a weakly sclerotized shallowly funnel-shaped calyx as long as wide from which a long 33 and thin minor duct arise with terminus duct indiscernible in specimens at hand.

Male ( Figures 7–9 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 ) (n = 3)

Idiosomal dorsum — ( Figures 7 View Figure 7 a–b). Dorsal shield 268–275 long, 178–180 wide at level of setae S1, chaetotaxy as in female but bearing two more pairs of setae r (5–6, Figure 7a) for a total 38 pairs of setae (r6 inserted on unsclerotized lateral cuticle in one of the three males, Figure 7b View Figure 7 ), other setae from R -series absent; dorsal setae slightly shorter than in female. Poroidotaxy, adenotaxy and ornamentation identical to that of female.

Idiosomal venter — ( Figure 8 View Figure 8 ). Similar to female except the following: Sternigenital shield 130–134 long, 58–61 wide at level between st2; bearing five pairs of simple setae (st1–5). Ventrianal shield with six pairs of setae (JV1–3, JV5, ZV1–2), excluding three circum-anal setae, JV5 longer than other preanal setae; ZV 5 in soft opisthogastric integument.

Gnathosoma — ( Figures 9 View Figure 9 a–b). As in female except the following: Chelicerae (Figure 9a); fixed digit with 12 small teeth plus one distally hook-like tooth and a setiform pilus dentilus; dorsal and antiaxial lyrifissures and dorsal setae distinct; mobile digit with a single tooth slightly directed forward and distally hook-like; with a slightly curved spermadactyl. Gnathotectum ( Figure 9b View Figure 9 ) anteromedian region of epistome convex, with variably denticulate extensions.

Legs — Similar to those of female. Lengths: I 255–260, II 232–236, III 182–190, IV 264– 268. Tarsus II with pl2 macrosetae.

Type material and depository

Indonesia, Sumatra, holotype and all paratypes from Bukit Duabelas National Park , litter from secondary rainforest, research site BF1a, S 01°59’42.5 ’‘, E 102°45’08.1”, 83 m a.s.l. Holotype: • 1♀, deposited at LIPI ( OSAL 00124869 ); GoogleMaps Paratypes: • 2♀ deposited at SMNG (OSAL 00124865 SMNG 2020 / 61895/1, OSAL 00124867 SMNG 2020 / 61895/3). • 2♀ deposited at OSAL, (OSAL 00124868, 00124870). • 1♂ deposited at LIPI, (OSAL 00124864).

• 1♂ deposited at SMNG (OSAL 00124866 SMNG 2020 / 61895/2). • 1♂ deposited at OSAL (OSAL 00124863). All specimens were collected in November 2013 by B. Klarner. Additional photos of the species (ECOTAX_ID: 424404) are deposited in Ecotaxonomy database at


The epithet orangrimbae refers to forest-dwelling people “Orang Rimba” living in the sampling region.


Differential characters: Lasioseius orangrimbae n. sp., significantly differs from the other species in the floridensis -group by the smaller body size in females and males (Females: 268–275 long, 178–180 wide, Males: 268–275 long, 178–180 wide) compared to L. floridensis (F: 433–450 long, 238–255 wide, M: 300–325 long, 190–208 wide), L. latinoamericanus (F: 402–422 long, 205–212 wide, M:302–315 long, 168–171 wide), L. queenslandicus (F: 430 long, 260 wide, M: 317-320 long, wide not reported), and L. sugawarai (F: 430 long, 270 wide, M: unknow). Additionally, the spermathecal apparatus in females of L. orangrimbae n. sp., has a sclerotized, funnel-shaped calyx that is as long as wide without conspicuous vesicle, in L. floridensis the spermathecal apparatus is sclerotized, shallowly funnel-shaped calyx with a conspicuous vesicle and a long, relatively thick minor duct; in L. latinoamericanus the spermathecal apparatus has a densely sclerotized region (embolus) with a slender funnelshaped calyx with a conspicuous long vesicle and a very thin minor duct; in L. sugawarai the spermathecal apparatus is small, weakly sclerotized, bulbous and without discernible minor duct, and in L. queenslandicus the spermathecal apparatus is bifurcated after leaving the solenostome with a weakly sclerotized, tubular calyx and a relatively short thick minor.

Also, females of L. orangrimbae n. sp. differ from the those of the other species in the floridensis -group in having a total of seven pairs of marginal setae on soft cuticle r (5–6, R 2–6) with R 1 and UR setae absent, while L. floridensis , L. latinoamericanus and L. queenslandicus have eight pairs of marginal setae r (5–6, R 1–6) with setae UR present, and L. sugawarai has eleven pairs of marginal setae (r5–6, R 1–7) with two pair of UR setae. In addition, females L. orangrimbae n. sp., have only three pairs of setae in the opisthogastric cuticle JV (5, ZV1, ZV4), compared to L. floridensis and L. latinoamericanus which have six pairs (JV4–5, ZV3–5) and (ZV1, ZV3–4, JV4–5), respectively; L. latinoamericanus has seven pairs (ZV1, ZV3–ZV5, JV4–JV5, and a pair of submarginal UR) and L. sugawarai has five pairs (JV4–5, ZV1, ZV3–4). Finally, males of L. orangrimbae n. sp., do not have marginal setae (except r 6 in one of the three examined males), whereas males in L. floridensis have five pairs of marginal setae ( R 2–6), L. queenslandicus two pairs ( R 2, R 5) and L. latinoamericanus six pairs ( R 1–6).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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