Egerocoris ecuatorianus, Minghetti & Montemayor & Dellapé, 2024

Minghetti, Eugenia, Montemayor, Sara Itzel & Dellape, Pablo Matias, 2024, Two new genera and four new species of Neotropical Eccritotarsini (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 71 (1), pp. 1-15 : 1

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Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift by Pensoft

scientific name

Egerocoris ecuatorianus

sp. nov.

Egerocoris ecuatorianus sp. nov.

Figs 1C View Figure 1 , 2C View Figure 2 , 3C View Figure 3 , 5C, D View Figure 5 , 6C, D View Figure 6 , 7C, D View Figure 7 , 8C, D View Figure 8 , 9C, D View Figure 9 , 10B View Figure 10


Antennal segment I bicolored, lighter basally (Figs 2C View Figure 2 , 3C View Figure 3 ), and segment III with basal half pale yellow, distal half darker; femora yellow and irregularly tinged with orange; level of vertex not attaining the dorsal margin of eyes (Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ); labium extending to abdominal segment III and segment I slightly concave ventrally; calli large, attaining lateral pronotal margins; embolium shorter than abdomen; internal margin of cell straight; internal margin and length of cuneus not sexually dimorphic (Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ); genital capsule with a sclerotized broad tooth on left apex of posterior margin (Figs 5D View Figure 5 , 6C View Figure 6 ); left process of the subgenital plate sclerotized, pointed, curved (Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ); left paramere same size as right paramere; and female subgenital plate longer than anterior margin width.


Macropterous male. Coloration. Head yellow. Clypeus apex reddish. Labrum reddish. Labium yellow, segments II-IV pale yellow. Eyes silver. Antennal segment I brown, base yellow; II, brown; III, basal half pale yellow, distal half darker; IV, brown. Thorax: collar yellow. Pronotum orange. Mesoscutum yellow. Scutellum yellow, apex orange. Pleural area yellow. Hemelytron orange. Membrane and veins yellow. Legs: coxae and trochanters pale yellow. Femora and tibiae yellow and irregularly tinged with oranges. Tarsi pale yellow. Claws brown. Abdomen yellow.

Surface. Antennal segment I with recumbent setae and a few erect setae (Fig. 3C View Figure 3 ). Antennal segments II-III with semierect setae and some erect setae. Antennal segment IV with semierect setae. Pleural area and abdomen with longer and more dispersed setae than dorsum. Coxae, trochanters, femora, and tarsi with semierect setae. Tibiae with abundant recumbent setae.

Structure. Head: level of vertex not attaining dorsal margin of eyes (Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ). Maxillary plates medium-sized, wide. Labium extending to abdominal segment III, segment I extending to procoxae and slightly concave ventrally. Antennal segment II more than 2 times as long as antennal segment I. Thorax: posterior pronotal margin 2 times as wide as pronotum length. Calli attaining lateral pronotal margins. Pronotal width across calli more than half of posterior margin width. Hemelytron: embolium slightly wider at posterior margin, bent upwards from its anterior end to less than a half its length. Internal margin of cuneus concave (Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ). Male genitalia: genital capsule less than one quarter abdomen length, almost 2 times as wide as long. Right wall straight. Left wall convex on anterior half and concave on posterior half. Dorsal wall at left apex with evident concavity, adjacent margin sclerotized and bent upwards as a broad tooth (Figs 5C, D View Figure 5 , 6C View Figure 6 ). Left process of subgenital plate smaller than right process, flat and broad internally, curved at pointed apex (Fig. 7D View Figure 7 ). Right process of subgenital plate longer than left process, broad basally and tapered towards apex, curved, with a left basal expansion (Fig. 7C, D View Figure 7 ). Left paramere (Fig. 8C, D View Figure 8 ) almost the same size as right paramere, with a sclerotized and pointed dorsal projection; ventral margin concave; apical process tapering towards the sclerotized apex. Right paramere (Fig. 9C, D View Figure 9 ) with body wider than basal and apical processes, curved; apical process narrower apically, curved, apex rounded, flat and bent, appearing as an internal, flat, broad tooth. Aedeagus (Fig. 10B View Figure 10 ) phallotheca sclerotized on distal half dorsally and at middle as a stripe. Ductus seminis sclerotized at the same level as phallotheca dorsally; endosoma membranous, base sclerotized.

Measurenments: Body length to apex of membrane 4.61; body length to apex of cuneus 4.3; body width 2.18. Head: width 1.13; interocular distance 0.54, 1.17 times as wide as head length and 1.08 times as wide as antennal segment length. Labium: segment I length 0.56; II, 0.66; III, 0.23; IV, 0.22. Antenna: segment I length 0.5; II, 1.26; III, 0.77; IV, 0.67. Pronotum: length 0.71; anterior width 0.80; posterior width 1.42. Scutellum: length 0.48; width 0.72. Claval commissure more than 2 times as long as scutellum. Cuneus: length 1.18; anterior width 0.67. Cell 2.55 times as long as wide.

Macropterous female. Similar to males in size, coloration, surface, and structure, with medial fracture longer than half of corium. Body length to apex of membrane 4.84; body length to apex of cuneus 4.37; body width 2.02. Head: width 1.16; interocular distance 0.54; vertex 1.22 times as wide as head length and 1.14 times as wide as antennal segment I length. Labium: segment I length 0.58; II, 0.68; III, 0.22; IV, 0.22. Antenna: segment I length 0.50; II, 1.18; III, 0.80; IV, 0.78. Pronotum: length 0.74; anterior width 0.84; posterior width 1.50. Scutellum: length 0.47; width 0.73. Cuneus: length 1.03; anterior width 0.68. Cell 2.63 times as long as wide.

Geographic distribution.

Ecuador (Fig. 11 View Figure 11 ).


The specific epithet is a latinized adjective created from the Spanish adjective ecuatoriano, -a, meaning "related to the Ecuador", in reference to the country Ecuador, where the specimens were collected.

Type material.

Holotype ♂: Ecuador: Napo [Orellana]: Tiputini / Biodiversity Station, 216 m, / 0°37'55"S, 76°08'39"W, / 7 February 2002, / T. J. Henry & P. S. F. Ferreira (USNM). Paratype ♀: Ecuador: Napo [Orellana]: Tiputini / Biodiversity Sta., Tower 1, / 0°37'55"S, 76°08'39"W, / 216 m, 3 February 2002, / T. J. Henry & P. S. F. Ferreira / Ex. Mercury vapor light (USNM).











