Hydroides dipoma ( Schmarda, 1861 )

Ben-Eliahu, M. Nechama & Ten Hove, Harry A., 2011, Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Suez Canal- From a Lessepsian Migration Perspective (a Monograph) 2848, Zootaxa 2848 (1), pp. 1-147 : 16-17

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Felipe (2021-08-23 12:03:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 12:39:19)

scientific name

Hydroides dipoma ( Schmarda, 1861 )


Hydroides dipoma ( Schmarda, 1861) View in CoL

Not present in the Suez Canal, but in nearby Suez harbour fouling.

Eupomatus dipoma Schmarda, 1861: 29 View in CoL , pl. 61, fig. 177 [Type locality: South Africa, Cape of Good Hope ].

Eupomatus spinosus Pixell 1913: 78 View in CoL , pl. 8, fig. 5 [Type locality: Suez].

Hydroides uncinata var. macronyx Ehlers, 1913: 582–583 View in CoL , pl. 46, figs 1–2 [South east Atlantic: South Africa, Simonstown].

Hydroides dipoma: Zibrowius 1973b: 33–35 View in CoL , figs 4 f, g [redescription, synonymy; from Río de Oro, Morocco to Cape of Good Hope, intertidal and subtidal; Suez].

Gulf of Suez

Eupomatus spinosus Pixell, 1913: 78 View in CoL , pl. 8, fig. 5 [Suez, see “Material examined”].

Material examined. Locations adjacent to the Suez Canal, Mediterranean side: None.

Suez Canal proper: No records.

Locations adjacent to the Suez Canal, Red Sea side: Egypt: 2 lots. Gulf of Suez , Suez, C. Crossland, details concerning substrate or habitat not available, det. H.L.M. Pixell Eupomatus spinosus, BM(NH) 1924:6 :13:135, 2 specs ; syntypes of Eupomatus spinosus Pixell, 1913 , donated J.S. Gardiner, BM (NH) 1938:7:25:9–12, 4 specs .

South Africa, legit W. Stephensen 11.VI.1932, det. H. Zibrowius 1972, Hydroides spinosus, BM(NH) 1932.12.23.20, 1 spec. ; Cape Peninsula, shore, Stn CP 138, legit, presented and det. J.H. Day H. dipoma, BM(NH) 1963.1.175, 1 spec.

Distribution. Atlantic Africa: Río de Oro, Morocco to the Cape of Good Hope; Suez.

Remarks. Pixell (1913: 78) reported Hydroides dipoma (as Eupomatus spinosus ) from Suez. Zibrowius (1973b: 36) commented on the species’ disjunctive distribution, from the length of the south east Atlantic coast, without additional records from the Mediterranean or from the Indian Ocean or Red Sea; and with a single Indo-West-Pacific location, Suez. We agree with him that it is likely that the record at Suez is due to a ship-borne introduction. We have not enumerated Hydroides dipoma among the species reported from the Canal. However, due to the proximity of Suez to the southern opening of the canal, we would not be surprised if it were to be found in the canal.

Ehlers, E. (1913) Die Polychaeten-Sammlungen der deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition, 13, 4, 397 - 598.

Pixell, H. L. M. (1913) Polychaeta of the Indian Ocean, together with some species from the Cape Verde Islands. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology), 16, 69 - 92; London. (Vol. 5, The Reports of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905).

Schmarda, L. K. (1861) Neue wirbellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde 1853 bis 1857. I. Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden (2). Verlag von Wilhelm Englemann, Leipzig, 164 pp.

Zibrowius, H. (1972) Hydroides norvegica Gunnerus, Hydroides azorica n. sp. et Hydroides capensis n. sp. (Polychaeta Serpulidae), especes vicariantes dans l'Atlantique. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Serie 3, 33 (39), 433 - 446.

Zibrowius, H. (1973 b) Serpulidae (Annelida Polychaeta) des cotes ouest de l'Afrique et des Archipels Voisins. Annales du Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgique, Serie 8, Sciences zoologiques, 207, 1 - 93.


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