Climaciella amapaensis Penny, 1982

Ardila-Camacho, Adrian & García, Alexander, 2015, Mantidflies of Colombia (Neuroptera, Mantispidae), Zootaxa 3937 (3), pp. 401-455 : 432-435

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Climaciella amapaensis Penny, 1982


Climaciella amapaensis Penny, 1982 View in CoL

( Figs. 17 View FIGURE 17 a‒e, 18a‒f, 25, Map 4)

Climaciella amapaensis Penny, 1982: 450 View in CoL ; Penny & da Costa 1983: 670 (redesc.); Ohl 2004: 166 (cat.); Machado & Rafael 2010: 6 (cit.). Holotype: male, Brazil, Amapá (DZUP), not studied.

This species is here redescribed, in order to provide complementary data that allows developing a comparison with the original description, considering that this species was described from a single male specimen. In addition, some characters omitted in Penny (1982b) are described and illustrated (i.e., male pregenital abdominal apparatus, mediuncus and ventromedial lobes of ectoproct).

Specimens examined. Colombia: Risaralda: Tatamá, Centro de visitantes planes de San Rafael, 5°4’20,87’’N – 75°57’44,45’’W, 2400 m, 10.VI.2010, F. Gaviria, entomological net (1 ♂ —CEH-085).

Diagnosis. Distinguished from other Climaciella species by having forefemur with a dark brown spot at distal half, remainder surface including the sub-basal spine and the row of minor spines yellow. Anterior half of wings light amber. Sternite IX subtrapezoidal with the posterior margin rounded. Gonarcal median lobe prominent and acuminate, as long as pseudopenis. Mediuncus with apical projections short.

Redescription. Based on one pinned male.

Head. Clypeus yellow, mandibles amber, labial and maxillary palpi amber; genae piceous; labrum yellow ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 d); frons with anterior half yellow, posterior half black. Vertex dark brown, medially with transverse yellow stripe. Scape and pedicel dark brown, flagellum with 29 or 30 articles, piceous, densely covered with black setae. Posterolateral region of head, adjacent to eye, yellow ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 a); occiput dark brown.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly curved in lateral view, pronotum dark brown in the anterior region, laterally yellow, medially ochre; maculae inconspicuous ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 b). Pterothorax with notal region predominantly dark brown to black, mesoscutum with two yellow anterolateral spots; scutellum with posterior half yellow. Metanotum with pigmentation similar to mesonotum ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 b). Pteropleura with sclerites yellow in the middle, black at periphery ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 a). All thoracic sclerites covered with fine yellow setae.

Legs. Foreleg with coxa pale brown, covered with brown or yellow setae. Trochanter ochre; femur dorsally infuscated, inner surface with basal half yellow, distal half with brown spot; sub-basal spine with brown spot at base; outer surface basally yellow, distal half and along of row of minor spines brown ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 c). Minor spines predominantly yellow, except by their tips which are reddish brown. Tibia with posterior surface ochre, brown on the inner surface. Tarsomeres amber. Mid- and hindlegs with all segments mostly ochre; apex of femora and base of tibiae brown. All segments covered with yellow setae.

Wings. Forewing length, 13 mm; costal field with eight crossveins; seven longitudinal veins extending posteriorly from the RP. Anterior half light amber, remainder light yellow; venation brown ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 e). Hindwing similar to forewing, length 12 mm; costal field with ten crossveins; six veins extending posteriorly from the RP; base of RA dark brown. Pterostigma brown in both wings.

Abdomen. Predominantly very dark brown, tergites III and IV yellow in anterior and posterior regions. Sternites with pigmentation pattern consisting of a diffuse mixture of brown and yellow. All segments covered with yellow setae. Male tergites IV‒V with two anterolateral patches of pores on each side, consisting of two parallel rows, forming an elliptical shape, with approximately 64 pores on tergite IV and 80 on tergite V; membrane between tergites V‒VI invaginated ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 a). Ectoproct and sternite IX dark brown or black.

Male genitalia. Ectoproct ovoid in dorsal view ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 c), ventromedial lobe partially sclerotized, covered with about 36 short and thickened setae. Sternite IX subtrapezoidal in ventral view, with posterior border rounded ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 e). Gonarcal median lobe prominent and acuminate, as long as the pseudopenis ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 d). Gonocoxites slightly shorter than mediuncus, apex rounded and widened ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 b). Mediuncus with apical projections attenuated. Hypomeres present as two sclerotized granules in pseudopenal membrane, with two on each side ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 b). Pseudopenis sclerotized, as long as pseudopenal membrane; pseudopenal membrane without spinules evident. Hypandrium internum triangular.

Remarks. This species presents some particular variations in the color of the head and thorax, but it is easily distinguished by the pattern of pigmentation and wing venation. In the original description, Penny (1982b) does not illustrate or mention the presence of hypomeres, apical projections of mediuncus and male pregenital apparatus, the author also mentions that the ventromedial lobes of ectoprocts only have six or seven setae.

Adults of this species have been collected in February and November. Its altitudinal distribution range is comprised between 0 and 300 m in Brazil and over 2400 m in Colombia. The present study constitutes the first record of C. amapaensis for the country.

Distribution. Brazil, Colombia.
















Climaciella amapaensis Penny, 1982

Ardila-Camacho, Adrian & García, Alexander 2015

Climaciella amapaensis

Machado 2010: 6
Ohl 2004: 166
Costa 1983: 670
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