Parhaplopus, Frank H. Hennemann, Oskar V. Conle & Daniel E. Perez-Gelabert, 2016

Frank H. Hennemann, Oskar V. Conle & Daniel E. Perez-Gelabert, 2016, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XVI: Revision of Haplopodini Günther, 1953 (rev. stat.), with notes on the subfamily Cladomorphinae Bradley & Galil, 1977 and the descriptions of a new tribe, four new genera and nine new species (Phasmatodea: “ Anareolatae ”: Phasmatidae: Cladomorphinae), Zootaxa 4128 (1), pp. 1-211 : 150-152

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Plazi (2016-06-27 12:18:21, last updated 2016-06-27 13:15:47)

scientific name


n. gen.

5.7. Genus Parhaplopus n. gen.

Type-species: Haplopus cubensis Saussure, 1868: 68 , by present designation.

Haplopus, Westwood, 1859: 85 , pl. 18: 6, 6a & b (in part). Saussure, 1868: 68.

Kirby, 1904 a: 363, 364 (in part).

Redtenbacher, 1908: 429 (in part). Otte & Brock, 2005: 150 (in part).

Description: ♂♂, ♀♀. Large (body length ♀♀ 117.5–164.5 mm, ♂♂ 78.0– 99.2 mm), slender and elongate Haplopodini, ♀♀ brachypterous, ♂♂ with fully developed alae. Body sub-cylindrical (♀♀) or cylindrical (♂♂) in cross-section. Colouration of ♀♀ various shades of brown and grey. ♂♂ rather colourful insects, mostly green or greenish brown with body surface slightly glabrous. Head distinctly longer than wide, vertex very gently convex and moderately bi-spinose. Antennae moderately thickened; in ♀♀ reaching to median segment, in ♂♂ at least to abdominal segment II. Pronotum slightly shorter than the head, rectangular and sparsely tuberculose; entirely unarmed in ♂♂. Mesothorax moderately elongate and at best 2.3 x longer than head and pronotum combined; parallel-sided in ♂♂ and medially swollen in ♀♀. Mesonotum of ♀♀ convex medially and rather irregularly armed with prominent, spiniform tubercles or blunt spines of various sizes; those in the raised central portion of the mesonotum largest and with a very broad base. Mesonotum of ♂♂ armed with 8–12 pointed spines. Mesopleurae with a longitudinal row of ± distinct tubercles and mesosternum irregularly granulose (♂♂) or minutely tuberculose (♀♀). Metasternum sparsely granulose in ♀♀ and smooth in ♂♂. Tegmina elongate, oval and with a moderately distinct central hump in ♂♂; reaching almost half way along median segment. Alae of ♀♀ indistinctly longer than tegmina; of ♂♂ well developed and reaching to abdominal segment VI. Anal region reticulate with distinct brown to black radial and transverse veins in ♀♀, translucent orange or pink with only the marginal portion slightly reticulate in ♂♂. Abdomen considerably longer than head and thorax combined. Median segment longer than metanotum, smooth. Segments II–VII distinctly longer than wide; II–VI ± rectangular. Tergites unarmed in ♂♂, II–IV sometimes with a ± distinct pair of posterior spines in ♀♀. VII with lateral margins ± rounded and elevated posteriorly (♀♀ in particular). VIII–X distinctly narrower (♀♀) or slightly wider (♂♂) than previous segments. Sternites II–VII smooth, except for a very few small granules on II–III of ♀♀. Praeopercular organ of ♀♀ indistinct and formed by a faint and short longitudinal median ridge close to posterior margin of sternum VII. Anal segment longitudinally carinate and the posterior margin with a small median notch; tapered in posterior portion in ♀♀. Epiproct very small, roundly triangular and almost completely hidden under anal segment in ♀♀. Vomer of ♂♂ prominent, broadly triangular and with a moderately long, acute terminal hook. Cerci very small, straight and tapered towards the pointed apex in ♀♀; obtuse, about 2 / 3 the length of anal segment and laterally compressed in ♂♂. Poculum of ♂♂ moderately convex, cup-like. Subgenital plate of ♀♀ very long, naviculate with the apex rounded or broadly truncate; projecting over apex of abdomen by at least the combined length of tergites VIII–X. Legs of moderate length, rather robust in ♀♀; pro- and mesofemora shorter (♀♀) or slightly longer (♂♂) than mesothorax. Hind legs ± reaching (♂♂) or clearly not reaching (♀♀) to the apex of abdomen. Two outer ventral carinae of meso- and metafemora each with 1–2 sub-apical spines and very minutely denticulose, the medioventral carina of these femora armed with a longitudinal row of five rather prominent spines. Dorsal carinae of all femora unarmed, those of the meso- and metafemora sometimes with a shallow sub-apical tooth in ♀♀. Tibiae unarmed except for a few small teeth in the apical portion of the medioventral carina; anterodorsal carina of ♀♀ undulate and lobate. Basitarsi of moderate length, longer than following two tarsomeres combined. Dorsal carina of probasitarsus with a rounded lobe.

Eggs ( Figs. 320–321): Of moderate size (capsule length 3.8 mm), barrel-shaped and cylindrical in crosssection; capsule about 2 x longer than wide. In lateral aspect, dorsal surface of capsule considerably more convex than ventral surface. Polar-area impressed. Capsule surface strongly granulose and covered with irregular ridges. Micropylar plate small heart-shaped and <1 / 3 as long as capsule; posterior end with a wide median gap. Operculum flat, circular and in the centre with prominent, raised tubercles and hump-like projections; no conspicuous central capitulum. Colouration brown.

Differentiation ( Table 29): Very closely related and certainly the sister-taxon of Haplopus Burmeister, 1838 . The eggs represent the most striking distinctive features, being barrel-shaped with the capsule surface distinctly tuberculose and covered with irregular ridges, the polar-area impressed and the operculum lacking the hat or knoblike extension seen in Haplopus . Adult insects may be distinguished by: the more elongate and distinctly less convex head, which merely bears two small cephalad spines or tubercles; medially swollen mesothorax; apically rounded or truncate subgenital plate and dorsally lobed probasitarsus of ♀♀; as well as the plain anal region of the alae and smaller, laterally compressed cerci ♂♂. For a detailed comparison and distinction from Haplopus see Table 29 below.

Comments: The status of a subgenus of Haplopus Burmeister, 1838 was originally considered for the three species here contained in Parhaplopus n. gen.. In addition to a number of morphological characters of the insects the very distinctive eggs however appear to justify the status of Parhaplopus as a generic unit. Unfortunately, only a very few specimens are yet known.

Distribution ( Fig. 378): Cuba, Gonaive Island and Hispaniola.

Etymology: Masculine. A combination of the prefix “ Par(a)- “ (gr. = very similar) and the generic name Haplopus Burmeister, 1838 to emphazise the close relation to this genus.

Species included:

1. Parhaplopus cubensis (Saussure, 1868: 68) [ Haplopus ]. n. comb. [Distribution: Cuba]

2. Parhaplopus evadne (Westwood, 1859: 85, pl. 18: 6, 6a & b (♂)) [ Haplopus ]. n. comb. [Distribution: W-Hispaniola]

3. Parhaplopus navarroi n. sp.

[Distribution: Hispaniola]


1. Subgenital plate naviculate to lanceolate with the apex bluntly rounded to pointed; Hispaniola......................... 2

- Subgenital plate gradually broadened towards a roundly truncate apex ( Fig. 293); Cuba....................... cubensis

2. Body length> 140.0 mm; cephalad horns prominent and acutely pointed ( Fig. 303); pronotum multi-spinose ( Fig. 303); mesonotum slender ( Fig. 298); subgenital plate lanceolate with apex pointed ( Fig. 308)......................... evadne

- Body length 117.5 mm; cephalad horns small, conical ( Figs. 312–313); pronotum sparsely tuberculose ( Fig. 312); mesonotum widened medially ( Fig. 310); subgenital plate with apical half gently widened and apex bluntly rounded ( Fig. 316).................................................................................................. navarroi n. sp.


1. Vertex with a pair of small spines; tegmina and costal region of alae green with a brown stripe along anterior margins...... 2

- Cephalad spines prominent, conical ( Figs. 301–302); tegmina and alae yellow with all longitudinal veins green ( Fig. 298); His- paniola & Gonaive Island.......................................................................... evadne

2. Head unicolourous ( Fig. 297); abdominal tergum VII deflexed laterally; Cuba............................... cubensis

- Cheeks white ( Fig. 314); abdominal tergum VII parallel-sided; Hispaniola.............................. navarroi n. sp.

TABLE 29. Comparison and differentiation of Parhaplopus n. gen. and Haplopus Burmeister, 1838

Parhaplopus Haplopus
n. gen.
Head Longer than wide; vertex at best gently Globose and indistinctly longer than wide;
rounded and armed with two small vertex ± convex and distinctly bi-cornute
spines or tubercles

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