Haplopus woodruffi, Hennemann, Conle & Perez-Gelabert, 2016

Frank H. Hennemann, Oskar V. Conle & Daniel E. Perez-Gelabert, 2016, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XVI: Revision of Haplopodini Günther, 1953 (rev. stat.), with notes on the subfamily Cladomorphinae Bradley & Galil, 1977 and the descriptions of a new tribe, four new genera and nine new species (Phasmatodea: “ Anareolatae ”: Phasmatidae: Cladomorphinae), Zootaxa 4128 (1), pp. 1-211 : 145-147

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Plazi (2016-06-27 12:18:21, last updated 2025-02-18 18:32:58)

scientific name

Haplopus woodruffi

sp. nov.

Haplopus woodruffi View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs. 279–286 View FIGURES 279 – 286 , 363 View FIGURES 357 – 364 )

HT, ♂: Cayman Islands: Cayman Brac, Bight Road at Maj. Donald Rd., 24-V-2009, coll.: R. H. Turnbow [FSCA]. PT, ♂: Cayman Islands: Cayman Brac, Bight Road at Maj. Donald Rd., 24-V-2009, coll.: R. H. Turnbow [FSCA]. PT, ♀: Cayman Islands: Cayman Brac, Bight Road at Maj. Donald Rd., 24-V-2009, coll.: M. C. Thomas [FSCA].

Diagnosis: Very close to H. scabricollis (Gray, 1835) but differing by: the averagely smaller size; smaller and blunt horns of the head ( Figs. 281–282 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ); relatively larger eyes and lack of a sub-apical dorsal tooth on the meso- and metafemora; lack of a sub-basal tooth on the anterodorsal carina of the meso- and metatibiae; slightly longer tegmina and alae, the first distinctly projecting over the posterior margin of the metanotum and the latter in ♀♀ reaching about half way along the median segment with the anal region not distinctly red as in H. scabricollis . ♀♀ also differ by the slender probasitarsus, differently shaped anal segment and much smaller, triangular epiproct ( Fig. 283 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). ♂♂ can be distinguished from those of H. scabricollis by: the lack of a white longitudinal marking along the lateral margins of the pronotum ( Fig. 282 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ) and median portion of the median segment; lack of a posterolateral tooth or lobe of abdominal tergum VII ( Fig. 285 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ); club-like, much more prominently swollen and broadened abdominal segments VIII–X ( Fig. 285 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ); shorter and dorsally globose anal segment ( Fig. 286 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ); smaller but conical basal projection of the poculum ( Fig. 286 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ) and differently shaped vomer, which has the terminal hook considerably shorter than in H. scabricollis ( Fig. 355 View FIGURES 349 – 356 ).

Etymology: This new species is dedicated to Dr. R. E. Woodruff (FSCA) for arranging loan of many specimens from the collection of FSCA and his private collection.

Description: ♀ ( Fig. 279 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Of medium size (body length including the subgenital plate 142.0 mm) and moderately slender for the genus; body surface slightly glabrous. General colour creamish mid brown with faint darker speckles on body. Ventral body surface with a pale greyish wash. Head with two small, elongate black markings above the eyes. Cheeks irregularly furnished with white and dark brown ( Fig. 281 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ); two small black spots on frons. Antennae greyish straw, the apical portion with three dark transverse bands, otherwise about every fourth segment with a dark apex. Eyes pale ochraceous grey. Tubercles and spines of the thorax with black points. Tegmina and costal region of alae dark brown with the venations pale cream; the latter black basally. Anal region of alae transparent with a slight pinkish wash and all major longitudinal and transverse veins marked with black.

Head: About 1.3x longer than wide and ovoid with the cheeks moderately convex. Vertex rounded and armed with a pair of moderately sized, blunt and conical cephalad tubercles ( Fig. 281 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). A further pair of small acute granules posteriorly. Eyes circular and contained about 1.8x in length of cheeks. Antennae almost reaching posterior margin of median segment; consisting of 61 segments. Scapus about 2x longer than wide and slightly constricted towards the base. Pedicellus roughly half the length of scapus and 2/3 the length of III.

Thorax: Pronotum longer but narrower than head, almost 2x longer than wide, roughly rectangular and with the lateral margins roundly emarginated medially. Transverse median sulcus rather decided, gently curved and not reaching lateral margins of segment. Dorsal surface with a two pairs of minute spines in the anterior portion and a pair of small spines near posterior margin; otherwise with a variable number of small rather irregularly disposed tubercles ( Fig. 281 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Anterior margin raised and with four spiniform tubercles. Mesothorax about 2.6x longer than head and pronotum combined. Mesonotum very slightly gradually widened towards the posterior and with a fine but acute longitudinal median carina; surface sparsely set with irregularly disposed small, spiniform tubercles and two pairs of small spines in anterior portion. Lateral margins with a marginal row of 10–12 spiniform tubercles. Meso- and metapleurae armed with an irregular longitudinal marginal row of small but pointed spines. Mesosternum with a few scattered granules and metasternum smooth except for two very small granules medially. Tegmina oval, coriaceous, with the venation very distinct, dense and irregularly disposed; reaching about ¼ along median segment. The median protuberance very shallow and conspicuously displaced towards the apex of tegmen. Alae a little shorter than tegmina and reaching only about half way along median segment.

Abdomen: Median segment about 1.7x longer than wide and very gently widened towards the posterior. All segments unarmed, except for a pair of small posteromedian spines on tergum II. Segments II–VI roughly equal in length and width, all rectangular and about 2x longer than wide. Tergum VII slightly shorter and narrower than previous, about 2.2x longer than wide with lateral margins very slightly deflexed posteriorly. Praeopercular organ formed by a rounded sepia-coloured tubercle, which posteriorly extends into a longitudinal furrow, leaving a median gap in the posterior margin of sternum VII. Tergum VIII slightly shorter than VII, narrowed mediallly, almost 3x longer than wide and 2.5x longer than IX. IX roughly rectangular. Anal segment with a very faint longitudinal median carina, the posterior margin slightly deflexed, broadly rounded and with a small posteromedian indentation. Epiproct very small, triangular ( Fig. 283 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Cerci very small, conical and with an acute tip; not reaching to posterior margin of anal segment. Subgenital palte very long, lanceolate, longitudinally keeled over entire length and with a narrow but rounded apex; extending over abdomen by almost the combined length of tergites VIII–X ( Figs. 283–284 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ).

Legs: Profemora about 4/5 the length of mesothorax, mesofemora slightly projecting over posterior margin of median segment and metafemora reaching about half way along abdominal segment IV. Profemora unarmed.

Anteroventral carina of meso- and metafemora with two, posteroventral carina with one sub-apical spine; medioventral carina armed with 4–6 pointed and fairly strong spines. Both dorsal carinae of meso- and metafemora smooth but very gently elevated sub-apically. All tibiae unarmed. Basitarsi roughly equal in length to following three tarsomeres combined.

♂ ( Fig. 280 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Fairly small (body length 76.4–80.0 mm) and stocky for the genus with conspicuously shortened alae (length 4.7–5.5 mm). General colour of dorsal body surface pale ochre with a greenish hue. Head, meso- and metapleurae, most of ventral body surface and legs green. Lateral margins of abdominal tergites II–VII each with a white anterior marking, largest on II and gradually decreasing in size towards VII ( Fig. 280 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Tergites VIII and IX with entire lateral margins broadly white and anal segment with a small white marking anterolaterally. Points of thoracal spines black. Eyes pale reddish brown, antennae ochre with a slight reddish wash in basal portion. Tegmina greenish cream in central portion with the anterior and posterior margins broadly white. Costal region of alae greenish cream interiorly, whitish anteriorly and black towards the base. Anal region transparent with a slight pinkish wash and all major longitudinal and transverse veins marked with dark black. Tarsi pale brown.

Head: Generally as in ♀♀ but eyes much more prominent, projecting hemispherically and their length contained only about 1.1x in that of cheeks. Vertex smooth except for the two small, blunt cephalad tubercles ( Fig. 282 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Antennae moderately robust and slightly projecting over abdominal segment II; otherwise as in ♀♀.

Thorax: Pronotum slightly longer and about as wide as head, general shape as in ♀♀; surface smooth except for one (paratype) or two (holhotype, Fig. 282 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ) moderate pairs of spines in the anterior portion. Probasisternum smooth. Mesothorax about 2.4–2.5x longer than head and pronotum combined. Mesonotum with 6–8 paired spines of moderate size in the anterior 2/3; the one (holotype, Fig. 282 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ) or two (paratype) pairs near anterior margin largest. Mesosternum smooth except for 2–4 green granules in anterior portion and occasionally a further small pair of granules medially; metasternum smooth. Mesopleurae with a few small granules in anterior portion, metapleurae smooth. Tegmina broadly oval and very slightly projecting over posterior margin of metanotum, central protuberance very shallow. Alae small, slightly shorter than alae and almost reaching half the way along median segment.

Abdomen: Segments II–V roughly equal in length and about 3.3x longer than wide. VI and VII decreasing in length with VII no more than 2.3x longer than wide; posterior portion of tergum VII very gently widened. All tergites and sternites smooth. Tergites VIII–X conspicuously swollen and about 1.7x broader than previous segments ( Fig. 285 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). VIII about ¾ the length to VII, trapezoidal and strongly widening towards the posterior. IX about equal in length to VIII and gently narrowed towards the posterior. Anal segment shorter than IX, roundly rectangular with the dorsal surface roundly convex ( Fig. 286 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Posterior margin broadly rounded with a very shallow median indentation ( Fig. 285 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ); slightly swollen and on ventral surface armed with several small, black incurving denticles. Epiproct very small. Vomer with a broad base and a moderately elongate, conical, gently upcurving terminal hook which is about equal in length to basal portion ( Fig. 363 View FIGURES 357 – 364 ). Cerci large, obtuse and scarcely shorter than anal segment ( Fig. 286 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ). Poculum convex, cup-like with a small but acutely conical basal hump ( Fig. 286 View FIGURES 279 – 286 ).

Legs: Profemora scarcely shorter than mesothorax, mesofemora about 4/5 the length of mesothorax and metafemora reaching to anterior of abdominal segment V. All less carinate than in ♀♀ but armature generally alike. Tarsi relatively more elongate and basitarsi a little longer than following three tarsomeres combined.

Distribution: Cayman Islands ( Cayman Brac: forest along Major Donald Drive) [FSCA].

Number of specimens examined: 3

Gallery Image

FIGURES 279 – 286. Haplopus woodruffi n. sp .. 279. ♀ PT: Cayman Islands, Cayman Brac [FSCA]; 2480 ♂ HT: Cayman Islands, Cayman Brac [FSCA]; 281. Head and pronotum of ♀ PT [FSCA]; 282. Head and pronotum of ♂ HT [FSCA]; 283. Apex of abdomen of ♀ PT (dorsal view) [FSCA]; 284. Apex of abdomen of ♀ PT (lateral view) [FSCA]; 285. Apex of abdomen of ♂ HT (dorsal view) [FSCA]; 286. Apex of abdomen of ♂ HT (lateral view) [FSCA].

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FIGURES 357 – 364. Ventral view of anal segment of ♂♂ showing the vomer. 357. Haplopus bicuspidatus deHaan, 1842 ♂: captive reared from Dominican Republic [coll. FH, No. 0342 - 8]; 358. Haplopus brachypterus n. sp. ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Santiago Province [USNM]; 359. Haplopus intermedius n. sp., ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Valverde Province, nr. Maizal [USNM]; 360. Haplopus micropterus (St. Fargeau & Audinet-Serville, 1828) ♂: captive reared from Dominican Republic [coll. FH, No. 0243 - 90]; 361. Haplopus scabricollis Gray, 1835 ♂: Loggerhead Key [ANSP]; 362. Haplopus scabricollis Gray, 1835 ♂: Vanassa Island [USNM]; 363. Haplopus woodruffi n. sp. ♂ HT: Cayman Islands, Cayman Brac [FSCA]; 364. Venupherodes venustula (Audinet-Serville, 1838) n. gen., n. comb. ♂: captive reared from NW-Cuba, Pinar del Rio [coll. FH, No. 0599 - 1].

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FIGURES 349 – 356. Ventral view of abdominal sternum VII of ♀♀ showing the praeopercular organ and anal segment of ♂♂ showing the vomer. 349. Diapherodes martinicensis Lelong & Langlois, 2005 ♀: captive reared from Martinique [coll. FH, No. 0750 - 1]; 350. Diapherodes achalus (Rehn, 1904) ♀: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez [ANSP]; 351. Diapherodes jamaicensis (Drury, 1773) ♀: captive reared from Jamaica [coll. FH, No. 0428 - 17]; 352. Aploploides stenocephalum Rehn & Rehn, 1938 ♂ PT: NW-Cuba, Pinar del Rio [ANSP]; 353. Cephaloplopus euchlorus n. gen., n. sp., ♂ PT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Province, Sierra Prieta [USNM]; 354. Cephaloplopus pulchellus n. gen., n. sp., ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Pedernales Province, Boca de la Cañada [USNM]; 355. Parhaplopus evadne (Westwood, 1859) n. gen., n. comb. ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo [NHMUK]; 356. Parhaplopus navarroi n. gen., n. sp. ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Monseñor Nouel Province, Bonao [USNM].













