Cephaloplopus euchlorus, Frank H. Hennemann, Oskar V. Conle & Daniel E. Perez-Gelabert, 2016

Frank H. Hennemann, Oskar V. Conle & Daniel E. Perez-Gelabert, 2016, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XVI: Revision of Haplopodini Günther, 1953 (rev. stat.), with notes on the subfamily Cladomorphinae Bradley & Galil, 1977 and the descriptions of a new tribe, four new genera and nine new species (Phasmatodea: “ Anareolatae ”: Phasmatidae: Cladomorphinae), Zootaxa 4128 (1), pp. 1-211 : 47-51

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Plazi (2016-06-27 12:18:21, last updated 2025-02-18 18:32:58)

scientific name

Cephaloplopus euchlorus

gen. nov.

Cephaloplopus euchlorus View in CoL n. gen., n. sp.

( Figs. 66–79 View FIGURES 66 – 68 View FIGURES 69 – 79 , 336 View FIGURES 334 – 341 , 353 View FIGURES 349 – 356 , 379 View FIGURES 379 – 380 )

HT, ♂: Dominican Republic, RD-063 Sierra Prieta, Santo Domingo Prov., 18°38.315’N 69°58.302’W, 20.XI.2002, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro [USNM].

PT, ♀: Dominican Republic, RD-063 Sierra Prieta, Santo Domingo Prov., 18°38.315’N 69°58.302’W, 20.XI.2002, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro [USNM].

PT, egg (ex abdomen): Dominican Republic, RD-063 Sierra Prieta, Santo Domingo Prov., 18°38.315’N 69°58.302’W, 20.XI.2002, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro [USNM].

PT, ♂: Dominican Republic, RD-041, Sierra Prieta, Villa Mella, Santo Domingo Prov., 18°38.939’N 69°58.373’W, 8.VII. 2002, 500 ft., D. Perez, B. Hierro, R. Bastardo [USNM].

PT, ♂: Dominican Republic, RD-219 Sierra Prieta, Villa Mella, Santo Domingo Prov., 142 m, 18°38.925’N 69°58.303’W, 12.IV.2004, D. Perez, B. Hierro, R. Bastardo. (n) [USNM].

PT, ♀ (penultimate instar): Dominican Republic, RD-091, Sierra Prieta, Santo Domingo Prov., 133 m, 18°39.010’N 69°58.409’W, 18.III.2003, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro (night) [USNM].

PT, ♀ (nymph n3): Dominican Republic, RD-063, Sierra Prieta, Santo Domingo Prov., 18°38.315’N 69°58.302’W, 20.XI.2002, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro [USNM].

PT, ♀ (nymph n4): Dominican Republic, DR-062 ~ 5 km W Las Américas Airport, Santo Domingo, 18°28.158’N 69°43.601’W, 19.XI.2002, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro. (night) [USNM].

PT, ♀ (nymph n2): Dominican Republic, DR-060 Monte Rio, ~ 4 km W of beach, 70 m, dry scrub, 18°22.972’N 70°43.036’W, 17.XI.2002, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro. (night) [USNM].

Diagnosis: Females differ from those of the the Cuban C. alope n. sp. by: the longitudinal apical keel of the cephalad horns ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62 – 65 ); much longer subgenital plate, which projects over the abdomen by almost 1.5x the combined length of abdominal tergites IX–X ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 66 – 68 ); dorsally multi-lobate protibiae and presence of a distinct dorsal sub-apical lobe on the meso- and metatibiae. Males are very similar to those of C. laetus n. sp. but at once differ by the well developed alae ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 66 – 68 , hardly longer than the tegmina in laetus ), but also by the more slender and brownish instead of green legs, more distinct sub-apical tooth of the dorsal carinae of the meso- and metafemora and shape of the anal segment ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ).

From C. pulchellus n. sp. it differs by the shorter horns of the head ( Figs. 62–63 View FIGURES 62 – 65 ), lacking a posterior pair of tubercles on the pronotum and smaller lateral lobes of abdominal tergum VII of both sexes. ♀♀ also differ by: the longer alae; smaller crest-like lobes of abdominal tergum II ( Fig. 65 View FIGURES 62 – 65 ); lack of the lateral sub-basal lobes of the subgenital plate; lack of sub-basal dorsal lobes on the meso- and metafemora and presence of a rounded, dorsal sub-apical lobe on the meso- and metatibiae. Males furthermore differ by: the less angular anal segment ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ); pale green general colouration; pale brown legs and lack of distinct pale spots along the anterior margin of the costal region of the alae. The eggs can be distinguished from those of C. pulchellus n. sp. by: the less distinctly sculptured capsule surface and narrow anterior extension of the micropylar plate ( Figs. 71–72 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ).

Etymology: The specific name “ euchlorus ” (lat. = beautifully coloured) refers to the pretty colouration of the ♂♂, which consists of bright apple green, pale and dark brown, yellow and white.

Description: ♀ ( Fig. 66 View FIGURES 66 – 68 ): Of moderate size for the genus (body length including subgenital plate 87.5 mm) and rather slender, with a prominent pair of crenulate horns on the head, a moderately dilated abdominal tergum VII and comparatively long subgenital plate. General colouration of body and legs mid brown with a greyish wash and all over furnished with irregular whitish speckles and markings. Head with cheeks mostly white and a small, elongate black spot above eyes, a conspicuous dark brown marking near posterior margin. Eyes dark reddish brown, antennae greyish brown with indistinct blackish annulations. Tegmina and costal region of alae very dark brown with a green wash in central portion; the main longitudinal veins black. Anal region of alae bright red with all longitudinal veins broadly marked with black.

Head: Strongly globose, vertex convex and armed with a pair of prominent, apically compressed and crenulate cephalad horns (the dextral one almost 2x larger than the sinistral); both lateral surfaces of the horns with several spiniform tubercles ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Posterior of vertex with a pair of moderate tubercles and a pair of minute granules on the frons. Eyes rather small, circular and contained a little more than 2x in length of cheeks. Antennae reaching to posterior margin of mesonotum and consisting of about 45 segments. Scapus compressed dorsoventrally, roundly rectangular and about 2x longer than wide. Pedicellus cylindrical and roughly half the length of scapus.

Thorax: Pronotum about as long but narrower than head, 1.2x longer than wide and gently constricted medially with the anterior margin widened and posterior margin rounded. Transverse median sulcus distinct and almost straight. In anterior portion with a pair of short spines ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ) and the surface otherwise with irregularly disposed small tubercles. Mesothorax about 2.2x longer than head and pronotum combined. Mesonotum with a fine longitudinal median carina and irregularly tuberculate; a cluster of four short but strong spines is present at anterior margin as well as two pairs of low spines in the median portion of the dorsal surface. The mesopleurae with a longitudinal row of about ten, the metapleurae with five small tubercles. Meso- and metasternum sparsely tuberculose. Tegmina oval, strongly broadened medially, narrowed towards the base and very slightly projecting over posterior margin of metanotum; central protuberance rather distinct, rounded. Alae reaching about 3/5 the way along median segment.

Abdomen: Median segment roughly 2x longer than wide and widened towards the posterior; unarmed. Segments II–V roughly of equal length, VI slightly shorter than previous, III–VI gently narrowing; IV 3.3x longer than wide. Tergum VII slightly shorter than VI and with the lateral margin in posterior half dilated into a prominent rounded lobe, which laterally extends by about 2/3 the width of segment (broken in the unique adult ♀ available but described from a large ♀ nymph). All tergites with a few scattered granules and a longitudinal row of about five granules along lateral margins, II and III a pair of irregular, crenulate carinae posteromedial, which are less distinct on III ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). These merely represented as a pair of tubercles on IV–IX. Sternites II–VI with a pair of short carinae near posterior margin and praeopercular organ represented by an elongate wart-like structure on VII ( Fig. 336 View FIGURES 334 – 341 ). Tergites VIII–X distinctly narrower than previous and roughly of uniform width; VIII ¾ the length of VII, almost 2x longer than wide and gently constricted medially, IX 2 /3 the length of VIII. Anal segment shorter than IX, longitudinally carinate dorsally and with a concave lateral emargination; posterior portion strongly tapered towards a narrow and medially notched apex. Epiproct very small and with a posteromedian notch. Cerci short, conical and with a rather acute apex. Subgenital plate elongate, naviculate, keeled longitudinally and projecting over abdomen by more than the combined length of tergites IX–X ( Fig. 75 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ); apex rounded.

Legs: Profemora about ¾ length of mesothorax, mesofemora about as long as metathorax and metafemora slightly projecting over posterior margin of abdominal segment III. Medioventral carina of profemora with three spines, of meso- and metafemora with 4–5 rather strong spines. Posteroventral carina of meso- and metafemora with one, the anteroventral carina with two sub-apical spines; both carinae gently expanded and minutely dentate in basal portion. The dorsal carinae each with a roundly triangular lobe sub-apically. Anterodorsal carina of tibiae with a distinct rounded sub-basal and sub-apical lobe. The anterodorsal carina of profemora strongly raised, slightly undulate and with a small rounded lobe sub-apically; the same carina in protibiae furnished with 3–4 rounded lobes. Probasitarsus with a distinct rounded dorsal lobe and a little longer than following two tarsomeres combined ( Fig. 71 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Meso- and metabasitarsi slender and as long as following three tarsomeres combined.

♂ ( Figs. 67–68 View FIGURES 66 – 68 ): Of moderate size (body length 63.8–72.0 mm) and rather slender for the genus with long alae (length 32.3–34.0 mm) which reach to abdominal segment VI; body surface glabrous. General colour of body pale creamish brown, the ventral body surface and three terminal abdominal segment pale apple green. Head creamish mid brown with the lower portions of cheeks white and the frons pale apple green. Antennae ochre with a greyish wash and with some grey annulations in apical portion. Eyes dark greyish brown with sepia mottling. Pronotum with the lateral margins broadly green. Lower portion of metapleurae and lateral margins of abdominal sternites II–V white. Spines of the mesothorax ochre with dark tips, lateral lobes of abdominal tergum VII dark brown, cerci creamish mid brown. Tegmina dark brown with the median portion of the anterior margin first pale green, then with a fine white stripe, the innermost portion pale apple green ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Costal region of alae with a similar green and interiorly white marking in basal portion, the anterior margin otherwise dull brown with slight pale mottling, then green; anal region transparent pale pink with a greyish wash along outer margin ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Legs and tarsi cream to mid brown with the apex of all femora slightly darker.

Head: General shape as in ♀♀ but with the cephalad horns even longer but not crenulate, apex compressed, carinate and with a single pointed spine; dextral horn projecting by> 2/3 the height of head capsule ( Figs. 70 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Surface otherwise smooth except for a posterior pair of tubercles. Eyes prominent, circular and projecting hemispherically, no more than 1.5x length of cheeks. Antennae ± reaching posterior margin of abdominal segment II; consisting of about 50 antennomeres.

Thorax: Pronotum about as long but narrower than head, general shape as in ♀♀. Surface smooth except for a pair of short spines in the anterior portion ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Mesothorax about 2.3x longer than head and pronotum combined. Armature of mesonotum variable; usually with four distinct, pointed spines near anterior margin ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ) and 2–3 pairs of pointed spines in the median portion. Meso- and metapleurae unarmed. Mesosternum with a few irregularly disposed granules, metasternum smooth. Tegmina oval and reaching about 1/3 along median segment, central protuberance distinct and roundly conical ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ). Alae reaching about 1/3 along abdominal segment VI.

Abdomen: Segments II–V of equal length and about 3.2x longer than wide; VI–VII slightly decreasing in length with VII no more than 2.3x longer than wide. All tergites and sternites smooth, sternites IV–VI with two low carinae near posterior margin. VII with lateral margins in posterior half expanded into a ± distinct roundly triangular and retrorse lobe ( Figs. 76–77 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ); this either indistinct or extending laterally by as much as 2/3 of body width. VIII slightly shorter than VII and gently constricted in basal portion; IX shorter than VIII and constricted medially. Anal segment with a faint longitudinal median carina and narrowed posteriorly, the posterior margin rounded on both sides of the triangular median emargination ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ), slightly swollen and on ventral surface armed with several small, black in-curving denticles. Vomer with base broadly semi-circular and the terminal hook rather long, papillate and gently up-curving ( Fig. 353 View FIGURES 349 – 356 ). Cerci elongate, a little longer than anal segment, slightly laterally compressed and gently incurving. Poculum moderately convex, cup-like, longitudinally carinate and with a blunt basal protuberance ( Fig. 76 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ).

Legs: Profemora a little longer and mesofemora slightly shorter than mesothorax, metafemora reaching about half way along abdominal segment IV. Medioventral carina of profemora with 1–2 small sub-apical spines, of mesofemora with four and metafemora with five prominent, pointed spines. Dorsal carinae of meso- and metafemora with a ± distinct triangular sub-apical tooth or lobe (may be very faint). Basitarsi about as long as following three tarsomeres combined.

Nymphs: Even young nymphs show some of the characteristic features of this species, e.g. the crenulate cephalad horns or dorsal lobes of the tibiae. As in other species of the tribe, these have the whole body and leg armature much more prominently developed. The colouration includes various shades of brown furnished with a variable degree of whitish markings and speckles.

Variation: In ♂♂ some variation is seen in the size of the cephalad horns, number and size of the mesonotal spines, size of the lateral lobe of abdominal tergum VII and size of the sub-apical tooth or lobe on the dorsal carinae of the meso- and metafemora.

Egg ( Figs. 78–79 View FIGURES 69 – 79 ): Capsule 2x longer than wide, surface sparsely covered with irregular tuberculate structures, sub-glabrous. Polar-area with a distinct indentation. Micropylar plate slightly less than half the length of capsule, almost 2x longer than wide with the anterior 1/3 strongly narrowed and the posterior portion rounded. Centre of micropylar plate with arounded, wart-like protuberance. Colour plain reddish mid brown.

Measurements [mm]: Length 3.4, width 1.7, height 1.9, length of micropylar plate 1.6.

Distribution ( Fig. 379 View FIGURES 379 – 380 ): Hispaniola, S-Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo Province: Sierra Prieta & Azua Province: Monte Rio) [USNM].

Number of specimens examined: 8

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FIGURES 66 – 68. Cephaloplopus euchlorus n. gen., n. sp .. 66 ♀ PT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Province, Sierra Prieta [USNM]; 67. ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Province, Sierra Prieta [USNM]; 68. ♂ PT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Province, Sierra Prieta [USNM].

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FIGURES 69 – 79. Cephaloplopus euchlorus n. gen., n. sp .. 69. Head of ♀ PT [USNM]; 70. Head and pronotum of ♂ PT [USNM]; 71. Protarsus of ♀ PT [USNM]; 72. Abdominal tergum II of ♀ PT showing crenulate lobes [USNM]; 73 Metathorax and tegmina of ♂ PT (lateral view) [USNM]; 74. Right tegmen and ala of ♂ PT [USNM]; 75. ♀ PT, apex of abdomen (lateral view) [USNM]; 76. ♂ PT, apex of abdomen (lateral view) [USNM]; 77. ♂ PT, apex of abdomen (lateral view) [USNM]; 78. Egg PT (dorsal view) [USNM]; 79. Egg PT (lateral view) [USNM].

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FIGURES 334 – 341. Ventral view of abdominal sternum VII of ♀♀ showing the praeopercular organ. 334. Aploploides stenocephalum Rehn & Rehn, 1938 ♀ PT: NW-Cuba, Pinar del Rio [ANSP]; 335. Cephaloplopus alope n. gen., n. sp. ♀ HT: Cuba, Camagüey [ANSP]; 336. Cephaloplopus euchlorus n. gen., n. sp., ♀ PT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Province, Sierra Prieta [USNM]; 337. Cephaloplopus pulchellus n. gen., n. sp., ♀ PT: Dominican Republic, Pedernales Province, Boca de la Cañada [USNM]; 338. Haplopus bicuspidatus de Haan, 1842 ♀: captive reared from Dominican Republic [coll. FH, No. 0342 - 6] 339. Haplopus brachypterus n. sp.. ♀ PT: Dominican Republic, Santiago Province [USNM]; 340. Haplopus micropterus (St. Fargeau & Audinet-Serville, 1828) ♀: Dominican Republic, Pedernales Province, Boca de la Cañada [USNM]; 341. Haplopus scabricollis Gray, 1835 ♀: Loggerhead Key [ANSP].

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FIGURES 349 – 356. Ventral view of abdominal sternum VII of ♀♀ showing the praeopercular organ and anal segment of ♂♂ showing the vomer. 349. Diapherodes martinicensis Lelong & Langlois, 2005 ♀: captive reared from Martinique [coll. FH, No. 0750 - 1]; 350. Diapherodes achalus (Rehn, 1904) ♀: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez [ANSP]; 351. Diapherodes jamaicensis (Drury, 1773) ♀: captive reared from Jamaica [coll. FH, No. 0428 - 17]; 352. Aploploides stenocephalum Rehn & Rehn, 1938 ♂ PT: NW-Cuba, Pinar del Rio [ANSP]; 353. Cephaloplopus euchlorus n. gen., n. sp., ♂ PT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Province, Sierra Prieta [USNM]; 354. Cephaloplopus pulchellus n. gen., n. sp., ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Pedernales Province, Boca de la Cañada [USNM]; 355. Parhaplopus evadne (Westwood, 1859) n. gen., n. comb. ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo [NHMUK]; 356. Parhaplopus navarroi n. gen., n. sp. ♂ HT: Dominican Republic, Monseñor Nouel Province, Bonao [USNM].

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FIGURES 379 – 380. Maps. 379. Known records of the species of Cephaloplopus n. gen. and Parhaplopus n. gen. on Hispaniola; 380. Known records of the species of Haplopus Gray, 1835 on Hispaniola.

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FIGURES 62 – 65. Cephaloplopus alope n. gen., n. sp .. 62. ♀ HT: Cuba Camagüey [ANSP]; 63. ♀ HT head in lateral view: Cuba Camagüey [ANSP]; 64. ♀ HT, apex of abdomen (dorsal view); 65. ♀ HT, apex of abdomen (lateral view).













