Flexicoelotes, Chen, Lu, Li, Shuqiang & Zhao, Zhe, 2015

Chen, Lu, Li, Shuqiang & Zhao, Zhe, 2015, A new genus of Coelotinae (Araneae, Agelenidae) from southern China, ZooKeys 541, pp. 41-56 : 43-44

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scientific name


gen. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Araneae Agelenidae

Genus Flexicoelotes View in CoL View at ENA gen. n.

Type species.

Flexicoelotes jiaohanyanensis sp. n.


The generic name is derived from the species’ similarity to Coelotes and the Latin adjective “flexus”, meaning "bent, curved", referring to the shape of the conductor. The gender is masculine.


Males can be easily distinguished from other coelotines, except Tonsilla Wang & Yin, 1992 and Lineacoelotes Xu, Li & Wang, 2008, by the broad conductor, the spoon-like median apophysis, and the elongate cymbial furrow. They can be distinguished from Tonsilla by the bent conductor apex, rather than a lobed conductor, the presence of an anterior apophysis, and the broad cymbial furrow (Fig. 2 A–C; Wang and Yin 1992: figs 3-5). They can be distinguished from Lineacoelotes by the broad, bent and less modified conductor, the presence of an anterior apophysis, and the thin, simple patellar apophysis (Fig. 2 A–C; Xu et al. 2008: figs 13-15). Females can be easily distinguished from other coelotines, except Tonsilla and Lineacoelotes , by the long epigynal teeth and the absence of epigynal hoods. They can be distinguished from Tonsilla by the large and simple atrium, rather than a posteriorly extended anterior atrial margin, an atrium with the anterior part wider than the posterior part, epigynal teeth that are separated rather than near one another, the short and posteriorly located spermathecae, and the broad, long copulatory ducts (Fig. 3 A–B; Wang and Yin 1992: figs 8-10). They can be distinguished from Lineacoelotes by the large atrium, the short, simple spermathecae, and the absence of a long, coiled spermathecal head (Fig. 3 A–B; Xu et al. 2008: figs 11-12).


Flexicoelotes are small to medium-sized, with a total length of 4-9 mm; chelicerae with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth; male palp with one patellar apophysis; RTA with pointed tip, extending beyond the distal margin of the tibia; LTA short; conductor broad and wider than tibia; median apophysis spoon-like; anterior apophysis present; epigynal teeth very long; atrium large; spermathecae simple, located posteriorly; copulatory ducts broad, located dorsal to the spermathecae.


China (Yunnan, Guangxi) (Fig. 9).









