Perelia shamsi, Csuzdi & Pavliček, 2005

Csuzdi, C. & Pavliček, T., 2005, Earthworms From Israel. Ii. Remarks On The Genus Perelia Easton, 1983 With Descriptions Of A New Genus And Two New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (2), pp. 75-96 : 84

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586507


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Perelia shamsi

sp. nov.

Perelia shamsi sp. n.

( Figs 4 View Fig , 8–10 View Figs 8–10 )

Holotype: No. 14875 Lahav , Israel, T. PAVLÍČEK, 1997.03.29.

Paratypes: No. 12476 6 ex., Lahav , Israel, T. PAVLÍČEK, 1997.03.29 . No. 12477 3+ 1 ex., Lahav , Israel, T. PAVLÍČEK, 1997.03.29 .

Additional material examined: No. 12468 0+ 6 ex., Lahav Israel, T. PAVLÍČEK 1997.02.03. No. 14252 0+ 4 ex., Lahav, Israel, T. PAVLÍČEK, 2000.03.29. No. 12463 0+ 6 ex., Lahav, Israel, T. PAVLÍČEK 1997.02.03 ( Fig. 4 View Fig ) .

Etymology: The species is named in honour of IMAD SHAMS (Majdal Shams, Israel) for his valuable help during our collection trips.

Diagnosis. Length 60–80 mm diameter 3.5–4 mm, setae closely paired. Clitellum on 21, 22–35, 36. Tubercles on 29–34. Large male pore on 15. Dissepiments 6/7–9/10 thickened. Two pairs of vesicles in 11, 12; two pairs of spermathecae in 9/10, 10/11 open in setal line cd. Calciferous glands with lateral diverticula in 10. Nephridial bladders “S” shaped, with cephalad bent ental part and an ectal vesiculum.

Description. Holotype: length 70 mm, diameter just after the clitellum 4 mm. Number of segments 133. Paratypes: 60–85 mm long and 3.5–4 mm wide. Number of segments 124–150. Colour pale, pigmentation lacking. Prostomium epilobous ½ closed. First dorsal pore at the intersegmental furrow 4/5. Setae strictly paired. Setal formula at segment xl: aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 12.5:1.25:9:1:17.5. Two pairs of spermathecal pores present in furrows 9/10 and 10/ 11 in the setal line cd. Male pores ventral just above setae b, on the segment xv intruding also to the neighbouring segments. Nephridial pores irregularly alternated between setal line b–d. Clitellum when fully developed on segments xxi–xxxvi, in lesser adult specimens xxii–xxxv. Tubercula pubertatis on segments xxix–xxxiv, 1/n xxxv. Genital papillae on ab x–xi or xi–xiii and ab xxviii–xxx. Genital setae of xi 0.600 – 0.650 mm long, spear-shaped with 0.250 –0.300 mm long longitudinal grooves ( Fig. 8 View Figs 8–10 ). Flat spermatophores present on the ventral surface of segment xxv.

Internal characteristics. Septa 6/7–9/10 thickened, 10/11–13/14 slightly strengthened. Free testes and funnels paired in segments x–xi. Seminal vesicles present in segments xi and xii. Spermathecae in segments ix, x with external openings in the setal line cd. Calciferous diverticula present in segments x with lamellae extending into xi. Paired lateral hearts appear in segments vi–xi, with a pair of small extraoesophageal vessels in xii. Nephridial bladders sigmoid with cephalad bent ental limb and an ectal vesicle ( Fig. 9 View Figs 8–10 ). Crop in segments xv–xvi, and gizzard in segments xvii–xviii. Typhosolis large, bi-lobed. Longitudinal muscle layers fasciculate with strong radial walls ( Fig. 10 View Figs 8–10 ).

Remarks. The new species is close to P. galileana sp. n. and to the widely distributed P. kaznakovi ( MICHAELSEN, 1910) , but differs from both in the position of the clitellum and the tubercles ( Table 1).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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