Kalanchoe longiflora Schltr. ex Wood (1903

Smith, Gideon F., 2023, Who published the name Kalanchoe longiflora (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae)? The correct author attribution and typification of this species name, Phytotaxa 618 (3), pp. 254-264 : 261-262

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.618.3.3



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scientific name

Kalanchoe longiflora Schltr. ex Wood (1903


Kalanchoe longiflora Schltr. ex Wood (1903 View in CoL View at ENA : t. 320) ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Type:—[ SOUTH AFRICA.] NATAL [KWAZULU-NATAL province]. Near the brook Dumbeni, Weenen District [—2830 (Dundee): between Greytown and Weenen , (—CD)], 15 April 1891, J. Medley Wood 4439 (cited as “holo.” by Tölken 1985: 69, here corrected to lectotype, NH barcode NH0005206-0 ; isolectotype K barcode K000232852 [specimen accessible at http://specimens.kew.org/ herbarium/K000232852, specimen annotated as “co-Type”]) .

Nomenclatural notes:—In the protologue of the name K. longiflora , the only material cited by Wood was “ Wood, No. 4439”. At least two specimens, NH barcode NH0005206-0 and K barcode K000232852, collected on 15 April 1891 of J. Medley Wood 4439 exist. This represents a single gathering and the two specimens are syntypes. Tölken (1985: 69) regarded the Herb. NH specimen as the holotype; however, given that this gathering consists of (at least) two specimens, the name K. longiflora does not have a holotype ( Turland et al. 2018: Art. 9.6). The use of “holo.” by Tölken (1985: 69), which was followed by Smith & Figueiredo (2017: 124) and Smith et al. (2019: 183), represents an effective lectotypification by Tölken ( Turland et al. 2018: Arts 7.11, 9.10) and the citation is here corrected to lectotype.

The “co-type” specimen with barcode K000232852 held at Herb. K is, in fact, an isolectotype. “Co-type” is an obsolete term no longer in use in plant nomenclature that generally meant ‘syntype’ ( Hawksworth 2010: 55), but also ‘paratype’ and ‘isotype’ (https://www.iapt-taxon.org/historic/glossary.htm).

As discussed above under ‘ Liaison between Wood and Schlechter about Kalanchoe longiflora ’, the Herb. B specimen with barcode B 10 0153770 is not a duplicate of the J. Medley Wood 4439 material that is dated 15 April 1891, as it was collected on a different date, namely 3 April 1895. This is some four years after Wood prepared the specimens with barcodes NH0005206 -0 and K000232852 , held at Herb. NH and Herb. K, respectively .


South African National Biodiversity Institute


Royal Botanic Gardens


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


University of the Witwatersrand

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