Hepiopelmus variegatorius (PANZER, 1800)

Riedel, Matthias, 2021, A New Contribution to the Knowledge of the East Palaearctic Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 171-240 : 188

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Hepiopelmus variegatorius (PANZER, 1800)


Hepiopelmus variegatorius (PANZER, 1800) View in CoL

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: China, Jilin province, 200 km SE Jilin city, Erdaobaike , 42.2517°N 128.0438°E, 800 m, 1♀ 2♁♁ 25.VI.2017, leg. E. Jendek & O. Sauša GoogleMaps ; China, Beijing municipality, Xiaolongmen National Park , 39.58°N 115.26°E, 1♁ 4-10.VI.2016, leg. E. Jendek & O. Sauša (all Linz) GoogleMaps .

R e m a r k: The coloration of the Chinese ♁ is only slightly different from European material by: mesoscutum with two short paramedian stripes and metapleuron without central yellow spot; but is otherwise typical. The Chinese ♀ has a rather different color pattern compared to European ♀♀: stripes on flagellomeres 9-13, side of clypeus, frontal orbit up to vertex (widened dorsally), upper margin of pronotum, spot on subtegular ridge, scutellum, area dentipara, posterolateral spots on 1 st and 2 nd tergites and frontal spots on fore and mid coxae yellow. Central spot on face, outer orbit, ventral spot on scape and frontal spot on mesosternum reddish. Femora, tibiae and tarsi reddish-brown, femora and tibiae with dorsal blackish stripes; 2 nd to 4 th hind tarsomeres with yellowish spots.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Palaearctic, new record for China.

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