Decapauropus Remy, 1931

Scheller, Ulf, Pfliegler, Walter P. & Korsós, Zoltán, 2015, Pauropoda (Myriapoda) Records From Hungary With Description Of A New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 61 (2), pp. 81-86 : 82

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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Decapauropus Remy, 1931


Genus Decapauropus Remy, 1931 View in CoL

Decapauropus cuenoti Remy, 1931

Material. Hajdú-Biharcounty, Újszentmargita, MargitaiForest, approx. 47°44’10”N 21°05’50”E, underoaksandmaplesinsalt- oakforest, ~90 ma.s.l., waterflotation, 1 ad. 9(m). 1 juv. 5, May 12, 1973, P.H. Enckell leg. Found together with the symphylans Symphylellavulgaris (Hansen) and Scolopendrellopsissubnuda (Hansen).

Generaldistribution. ThespeciesiscommoninEurope, moreoftenfoundinthenorth thaninthesouth: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, GreatBritain, France, CzechRepublic, Spain, Ro- mania, BosniaandHerzegovina, Greece. OutsideEuropeithasbeencollectedinAlgeria, Morocco, Israel, Madeira, CanaryIslands, RéunionandUSA.

Decapauropusgracilis (Hansen, 1902)

Material. Hajdú-Biharcounty, Újszentmargita, MargitaiForest, approx. 47°44’10”N, 21°05’50”E, underoaksandmaplesinsalt- oakforest, ~90 ma.s.l., waterflotation, 2 ad. 9(f), May 12. 1973, P. H. Enckell leg.

Generaldistribution. D. gracilis seemstohavea (sub)cosmopolitandistribution. Itis oneofthespeciesmostoftenfoundinEuropebutisalsoknownfromAfrica, SouthAsia andtheAmericas.

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