Ichnea atra Opitz

Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65 : 26-29

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scientific name

Ichnea atra Opitz

sp. nov.

Ichnea atra Opitz , new species

( Figs. 42, 129 View Figs , 156 View Figs , 166 View Figs ; Map 2 View Map 2 )

Holotype. ♂. Brazil: Amazonas : Manaus, 1 km W Taruma Falls, 100 m, 15-II-1-III-81, G. Ekis, on felled trunk of Manilkara (MZSP) . (Specimen point mounted, gender label affixed to paper point; support card; locality label; MZSP acronymic label; Holotype label; plastic vial with abdomen and aedeagus.)

Paratypes. Seventeen specimens: French Guiana: Guyane, Régina, Montagne de Kaw PK 36, 9-III- 2000, Malaise trap, J.A. Cerda ( GMCF, 1); idem, 29-VI-2000, Malaise trap, J.A. Cerda ( WOPC, 1); idem, 6-VII-2000, Malaise trap, J.A. Cerda ( GMCF, 1); idem, 7-VII-2002, Malaise trap, J.A. Cerda ( GMCF, 1); idem, 2-XI-2003, Malaise trap, J.A. Cerda ( WOPC, 1); Saint Laurent Maroni, PK 20.6, piste crique Serpent, 23-VI-2001, Malaise trap, J.A. Cerda ( GMCF, 1); Kourou Mgne des Singes, II-2008, Malaise trap, D. Faure ( GMCF, 1). Guyana: Rupununi: Iwokrama Forest, Pakatau Hill, 4°44′54″N 59°1′36″W, 27-V-2001, 70 m on bark downed tree, R. Brooks & Z. Falin ( SEMC, 2, WOPC, 2). Brazil: Amazonas, Manaus, 1 km W Taruma Falls, 15-II-1-III- 1981, 100 m, on felled trunk of Manilkara, G. Ekis ( CMNH, 1; FSCA, 1; WOPC, 2); Rio Negro, Tapuruquara, 5-11-II-1963, J. Bechyné ( WOPC, 1). Sirinam: Commewijne, Akintosoela, 32 km SE Sirinam, River Bridge, road to Redi Doti, 5°16′17″N 54°55′15″W, 29-VI-3-VII- 1999, 40 m, flight intercept trap, Z. H. Falin, B. DeDijn & A. Gangadin ( SEMC, 1).

Diagnosis. This species is distinguishable from the superficially similar specimens of I. acanthomelina by the less profuse of golden setae on the pronotum and the more elongate antennal capitulum (compare Figs. 158 and 166 View Figs ).

Description. Size: Length 6.0 mm; width 1.8 mm. Form ( Fig. 156 View Figs ): Oblong subovoid. Integumental color ( Fig. 42): Cranium mostly dark brown, epicranium behind eyes and vertex light brown, antennal apex yellow; pronotal and elytral integument dark brown. Head: HW/ PW 1.0; frons indented; EW/VW 2.5; antenna as in Fig. 166 View Figs , funicle not compressed. Thorax: PL/ PW 1.0; pronotum vested with golden setae; elytra subovoid, EL/PL 4.9; EL/ EW 2.6; anterior margin of protibia with 12 spines. Male genitalia: Aedeagus as in Fig. 129 View Figs .

Variation. Size: length 5.5–7.3 mm; width 1.6– 2.6 mm. The pronotum may be faintly yellow at the anterior angles and the elytra may show a medially located yellow fascia that varies in its extent of expression. Also, the antennal apex may be black or yellow; the latter color being faintly noticed in some specimens.

Natural History. Specimens have been captured during February, March, May, June, and July. Most of the available members of this species were collected on fallen logs; four on a log of Manilkara sp. One other specimen was collected with a flight intercept trap.

Distribution. The known distribution of this species extends from Guyana and Suriname southward to north central Amazonia in Brazil ( Map 2 View Map 2 ).

Etymology. The specific epithet atra is a Latin adjective meaning black and refers to the dark coloration of this beetle.

aequinoctialis species-group

This group is comprised of two species whose members are readily identifiable by the subcontiguous eyes in combination with the narrow, wedgeshaped body form. The distance between the eyes, in dorsal view, is less than the maximal width of the scape. Also, the elytral punctations are seriate on the elytral disc. The range of this group extends from Honduras to Argentina.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













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