Bonthaina Heller

Riedel, Alexander, 2024, Taxonomic review of weevils of the tribe Celeuthetini, mainly from Sundaland, Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), Zootaxa 5464 (1), pp. 1-75 : 20

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5464.1.1

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scientific name

Bonthaina Heller


Bonthaina Heller View in CoL

Bonthaina Heller, 1900: 20 View in CoL .

Type species: Bonthaina solitaria Heller, 1900 View in CoL , by present designation.

Description. Integument black (in B. nodifer ( Voss, 1940)) or ferruginous, sparsely covered with greenish or transparent appressed scales or almost nude. Head short; with curved to subangulate sulcus separating rostral base dorsally distinct, ending near eye; vertex with radial furrows. Eyes protruding, with coarse facets; separated from apex of prothorax by ca. length of eye. Profile ( Fig 40a View FIGURE 40 ) anteriorly with marked constriction. Rostrum with dorsum medially simple, without furrow; apical declivity distinct, subglabrous, with few long setae; dorsal profile subangulate. Antenna. Scape basally curved, longitudinally rugose or microreticulate, with erect setae. Funicle with length of article 1 and 2 subequal. Pronotum longer than wide; coarsely punctate or scabrous-nodulate. Thorax. Metanepisternum largely covered by elytra. Elytra subovate; with 12 regular striae; with or without distinct tubercles. Legs. Protibia ventrally denticulate. Venter. Procoxae subcontiguous, positioned slightly closer to apex than base of prothorax. Mesoventral process trapezoid, 1.50 X as long as wide. Abdomen. Female ventrites 3–5 exposed, laterally slightly shorter than ventrites 1–2. Penis ( Fig. 11b View FIGURE 11 ) with sides of body subparallel to rounded apex. Apodeme [tips broken in only male available] at least as long as body of penis, attached to body with flexible loop. Endophallus long, with flagellum.

Notes. All currently described species of Bonthaina Heller come from a single mountain, Mt. Lompobattang. This genus is closely related to Apotomorhamphus Faust based on the genital morphology and unpublished molecular data. In fact, it may become necessary to place it in synonymy with Apotomorhamphus Faust.

Key to the species of Bonthaina Heller View in CoL

1 Elytra from base to apex with rows of distinct tubercles on alternate intervals. Pronotum wider than long.................................................................................................. B. nodifer ( Voss, 1940) View in CoL

1´Elytra in basal half simple; above declivity with indistinct tubercles or calli. Pronotum longer than wide................. 2

2 (1´) Pronotum with coarse sculpture, acinose-punctate; granules subglabrous. Elytral declivity with distinct tubercles on alternate intervals, bearing short curved scales.................................................... B. solitaria Heller, 1900 View in CoL

2´Pronotum punctate; interspaces covered with scales. Elytral declivity with indistinct swellings and granules bearing long stiff setae............................................................................... B. fausti Heller, 1900 View in CoL












Bonthaina Heller

Riedel, Alexander 2024


Heller, K. M. 1900: 20
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF