Titanodula attenboroughi, Vermeersch, 2001

Vermeersch, Xavier H. C., 2020, Titanodula gen. nov., a new genus of giant Oriental praying mantises (Mantodea: Mantidae: Hierodulinae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 100, pp. 1-18 : 1-18

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13587531

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scientific name

Titanodula attenboroughi

sp. nov.

Titanodula attenboroughi View in CoL sp. nov.


( Figs 1−3 View Fig View Fig View Fig , 5−6 View Fig View Fig )

DIAGNOSIS. Very large and robust praying mantis. Head triangular, antennae filiform. Long but robust pronotum, with smooth dorsal surface. Pronotum very finely denticulate along the margins of the prozone in female, without denticulations in the metazone, entirely smooth edges in males. Spinal formula: F = 4DS/15AvS/4PvS; T = 13−14AvS/10PvS. Ratios ♂: MzL/PzL: 3.2; ♀: MzL/PzL: 2.9. With black spots on the anterior side of the profemora located at the base of the 2 nd, 10 th and 15 th anteroventral spine. Protarsus (all segments) entirely black on the anterior side. Both sexes macropterous. Phalloid apophysis (afa) with two sclerotised processes, anterior process (aafa) small and tubercle-shaped, broad and dome-like at the base with a smaller rounded projection on top of it, located posteriorly from the middle. Posterior process (pafa) spear-shaped, with weakly developed base, almost straight, long and heavily sclerotised, projecting straight or slightly diagonally posteriad.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( Figs 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig A−C): Vietnam, Gia Lai Province., Kon Chu Rang N. R., 14°28’28”N; 108°32’27”E, 13−20.VII.2018, At Light, leg. J. Constant, J. Bresseel, X. Vermeersch, Genitalia prep. Vermeersch Nr. GEN1840, GTI Project, I.G.: 33.769 ( RBINS). GoogleMaps

Paratypes (3♂♂, 6♀♀): 2♀♀ ( Fig. 2 View Fig ): same data as holotype, Night Collecting. Paratypes (2♂♂): Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, Kon Chu Rang N. R., 15 km from HQ, 1110 m asl, 14°31’13”N; 108°28’12”E, 27−28.V.2019, At Light, leg. L. Bartolozzi, S. Bambi, A. Bandinelli, E. Orbach. Stored in ethanol (UniFI); 1♂, 4♀♀ GoogleMaps : Vietnam, Quang Tri Province, Da Krong N. R., 16°37’N; 106°47’E, 5-10.VII.2011, Day Collecting, leg. J. Constant, J. Bresseel, Genitalia prep. Vermeersch Nr. GEN1910, GTI Project, I.G.: 31.933 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. MALE ( Figs 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig A−C). Measurements (see Tables 1−2 View Table 1 View Table 2 ). Colouration ( Figs 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig A−C): All known male specimens of T. attenboroughi sp. nov. feature a uniformly green colouration without any variations in darkness or tone between individuals. The dorsal side of pronotum is green and covered in both sexes with a whitish waxy secretion that is easily removed by touch. Underside of pronotum is entirely reddish-brown with a hint of magenta (purplish-red colour, sometimes also referred to as Fuchsia ), but posterior end of pronotum is mostly magenta and is consistently covered with same whitish waxy secretion as on dorsal side. Ventral side of meso and metanotum are also magenta. Meso- and metacoxa are bright green but their trochanters are magenta while rest of legs are green.

Head ( Figs 1 C View Fig ; 3 View Fig A−C): Wider than long with large, rounded compound eyes. Vertex flat. Ocellar tubercle not visible, in same plane as frons, without protruding ridges. Ocelli small, all about same size. Lower frons transverse with external margins posteriorly and laterally, no margin anteriorly, with two faintly defined vertical ridges internally that run from posterior end towards middle where they are abruptly interrupted. Two more clearly defined tubercules are placed in their extension and border anterior part of lower frons. Clypeus and labrum smooth.

Thorax ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 3 A−C): Pronotum long, straight and robust. Margins smooth, without denticulations or projections. Dorsal surface also entirely smooth, with a darker spot at each side laterally adjacent to the posterior margin of pronotum. Largest width before one third of pronotum, narrowest width located after middle of pronotum. Cervix with strongly sclerotized lateral and intercervical sclerites, merged in the middle. Postcervical plate and posterior ventral part of pronotum entirely smooth. Ventral lateral margins concolour with rest of pronotum.

Prothoracic legs ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B, D; 3 A−C): Coxa with 8−10 very small more or less blunt spinules of more or less equal size with same colour as coxa. Dorsal and ventral coxal lobes rounded, equal in length and adjacent, both lobes equally as broad. Black spot at proximal edge of ventral coxal lobe. Trochanter with black spot at anterior tip, adjacent matching black spot of same size on anterior side of femur. Femur with gently convex but straight dorsal margin, surface entirely smooth. Femoral brush ellipse-shaped, starting from 12 th or 13 th AvS and ending just a little distally of 15 th AvS. Genicular lobes large and rounded, with minute, almost invisible genicular spur. Colouration of prothoracic legs green posteriorly, yellow anteriorly. Tibial spine groove proximally placed from middle of femur. AvS 1, 2, 10 and 15 black, black only along the distal and proximal edges or strongly apically infuscate (variable colouration between specimens) with black spot at base of AvS 2, 10 and 15 that slightly extends on anterior surface of femur; other AvS concolour with femur, only apically infuscate; AvS 10 and 12 large, but with 2 much smaller spines of equal size between them. Large and medium spines alternate between AvS 1 and 12, first spine being a medium one; medium spines subtly inclined towards anterior side of femur. PvS 4 smaller than others, PvS 1, 2 and 3 about equal in size; all concolour with femur and slightly apically infuscate. DS 1 and 4 more or less equal in size, DS 2 slightly longer than DS1, DS 3 longest and about 2x size of DS 2; DS 1 and 3 entirely black on anterior side (note: in some specimens only DS1 entirely black and DS3 apically infuscate), apically infuscate on posterior side, others apically infuscate on both sides. DS1 with black spot at base on anterior side. Protibiae smooth with longitudinal groove across entire length of posterior side. Tibial AvS gradually elongated towards tibial spur, all concolour to tibia but apically infuscate. PvS slightly more procumbent, spines gradually longer towards distal end. Tibial spur apically infuscate. Protarsi apically darkened posteriorly, entirely black anteriorly; first tarsomere longer than others combined. Spinal formula: F = 4DS/15AvS/4PvS; T = 13−14AvS/10PvS.

Meso- and metathoracic legs ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 3 A−C): Long and slender, without dilatations or projections. Femora with rounded genicular lobes and a short genicular spur. Tibiae with two apical spurs. Tarsi 5-segmented, green and slightly darkened apically. First tarsomere of mesotarsus shorter than remaining segments combined, first tarsomere of metatarsus about equal in length compared to remaining segments combined.

Tegmina and alae ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 3 A−C): Tegmina uniformly green on costal area, hyaline in discoidal area, longer than tip of abdomen when folded in rest. Veins green, stigma white with strong hue of yellowish-green. Stigma located anteriorly from middle of tegmen. Alae fully developed, hyaline with only greenish anterior margin.

Abdomen ( Fig. 1 View Fig A−B): Fusiform, uniformly green ventrally, yellowish-green dorsally. Cerci setose, not flattened, with 22−23 segments, proximal segments being merged together and difficult to distinguish.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 5 View Fig B−D): Ventral phallomere of left phallic complex elongated, much longer than broad, with two short and strongly sclerotised distal processes (sdp) of about the same length with acute apex. Median process (sdpm) bend at the middle and pointing sideways, lateral process (sdpl) much more strongly bend and pointing upwards, with broader base than sdpm. Apical process of left phallomere (paa) complex in shape, with sclerotised apex and sclerotizations near the base, but membranous in the middle. Apex abruptly projecting dorsally and to the left, the apex sharply curved in a 90° hook with narrower but rounded tip. Phalloid apophysis (afa) with two sclerotised processes, anterior process (aafa) small and tubercle-shaped, broad and dome-like at the base with a smaller rounded projection on top of it, located posteriorly from the middle. Posterior process (pafa) spear-shaped, almost straight from the base onwards, long and heavily sclerotised, projecting straight or slightly diagonally posteriad. Membranous lobe loa rounded and small. Genital lobe goa strongly developed, extending laterally over its whole length. Right phallomere with sclerite R1A more or less triangular. Sclerite R3 shovel-shaped, very wide at its anterior end. Ventral process (pia) triangular with many longitudinal grooves on its surface, sclerified ventral process (pva) strongly sclerotized, finger-shaped, ending in a blunt hook. Coxosternite IX (subgenital plate) with small black spikes on the right lateral edge, sometimes also in the middle of the distal edge.

FEMALE ( Figs 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig D−E). Measurements (see Tables 1−2 View Table 1 View Table 2 ). Similar to male, with following differences:

Thorax ( Figs 2 View Fig A−B, 3 D−E): Margins of pronotum finely denticulated anteriorly, fading out after pronotal supracoxal dilatation, absent in posterior end.

Prothoracic legs ( Figs 2 View Fig A−B, D, 3 D−E): Coxae with 8−10 small sharp and regularly interspaced spinules of more or less equal size with same colour as coxa, spinules larger and more pronounced than in the male.

Tegmina and alae ( Figs 2 View Fig A−B, 3 D−E): Tegmina uniformly green in costal area, partly hyaline in discoidal area, being green anteriorly, then quickly becoming hyaline in a gradient posteriorly. Tegmina reaching tip of abdomen when folded in rest. Alae fully developed, hyaline with faintly green anterior margin.

Abdomen ( Figs 2 A View Fig , 3 D View Fig ): Elongated ovaliform, much broader than in male, uniformly green ventrally, bright yellowish dorsally with a hint of green near the edges.

NOTE: The shape of the pronotum in females appears to be somewhat variable between different locations. Females from Da Krong N.R. have a noticeably more pronounced supracoxal dilatation and a metazona that appears thinner, while females from Kon Chu Rang N.R. have a more subtle sinusoidal transition of the pronotal edge between these parts. Male genitalia are the same between different locations and provide the most stable and reliable characters to correctly identify the species.

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet is a patronym dedicated to Sir David Attenborough, one of the world's most beloved naturalists, in acknowledgment for his life-long endeavours to disseminate knowledge on all the beings that are part of the natural world and to advocate for their protection and conservation.

DISTRIBUTION. Titanodula attenboroughi sp. nov. appears to be an endemic of undisturbed forests in the Vietnamese Annamite mountains. However, forests in the known distribution area are highly threatened and continue to disappear at an alarming rate. More distribution data are needed to evaluate the conservation status according to the IUCN Red Lists assessment guidelines, in the meanwhile the species is considered DD (Data Deficient).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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