Monasavuhygia incola, Brailovsky & Barrera, 2022

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2022, Description of two new micropterous species of Monasavuhygia Brailovsky, 1996 from the Fiji and Solomon Islands and a key to species (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Colpurini), Zootaxa 5091 (3), pp. 495-500 : 498-499

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.3.9

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scientific name

Monasavuhygia incola

sp. nov.

Monasavuhygia incola View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1–3 , 6 View FIGURES 4–6 , 9)

Type locality. Solomon Islands, San Cristobal, Wugiroga .

Description. Holotype female. Dorsal coloration. Head pale reddish orange; antennal segments I and II pale orange (III and IV broken); pronotal disc chestnut orange with wide black longitudinal stripe across midline; scutellum chestnut orange with basal third black; hemelytra chestnut orange; connexival segments dark brown with anterior angle dark chestnut orange; dorsal abdominal segments dark reddish brown; abdominal segment VII across midline with dark orange stripe. Ventral coloration. Head dark brown; rostral segments I–IV orange; pro-, meso-, and metasternum dark brown; pro-, meso-, and metapleura dark brown suffused with chestnut orange; anterior lobe of metathoracic peritreme dark orange, and posterior lobe and evaporative dark brown; coxae and trochanters dark yellowish orange; femora dark brown with two irregular dark yellowish orange rings, one near basal third, the second near midline; tibiae dark to pale brown with two pale yellowish orange irregular rings; tarsi pale yellowish orange with apical third of tarsomeres I and III chestnut orange; abdominal sterna III-VII and genital plates dark chestnut orange; punctures darker and sterna VI-VII suffused with dark brown. Structure. Head. Longer than wide, pentagonal, dorsally convex; antenniferous tubercle truncated, externally armed with a subacute short spine; antennal segment II longer than I (III and IV broken); ocelli difficult to see; postocular tubercle hemispheric, insinuate over the surface; rostrum reaching anterior margin of abdominal sternite VII; rostral segment I shortest, III the longest, and II subequal to IV. Thorax. Pronotum wider than long, clearly bilobed; anterior lobe longer than posterior lobe; anterolateral margins of pronotum convex, rounded, with one conical tooth; anterolateral margins of posterior lobe straight with one conical tooth at humeri; collar wide; frontal angles produced forward as small conical protuberance; humeral angles not exposed; posterolateral margins and posterior margin obliquely straight; disc with faint and irregular raised callus at each side of midline behind anterior margin, separated along middle third by deep longitudinal depression; pronotal disc behind each callus with deep hole; upper margin of pro-, meso-, and metapleura strongly convex, visible dorsally. Legs unarmed; tibiae cylindrical, sulcate. Scutellum wider than long; disc with a globose expansion on each side of midline; apex rounded. Hemelytra. Micropterous; clavus and corium fused, reduced to small pads; hemelytral membrane absent. Abdomen. Dorsally exposed; dorsally and close to midline with two prominent tubercles, one at posterior margin of segment IV, the second at posterior margin of V; connexivum higher than tergites; posterior half of connexival segments II-VI swollen, anterior half flat; abdominal segment VII uniformly flat; posterior angle of each segment faintly exposed; abdominal sternite VII entire, without plica or fissure. Genital plates. Valvulae VIII elongate, outer margin convex, inner margin uniformly straight; laterotergite VIII short, spiracle visible; laterotergite IX squarish, longer than laterotergite VIII ( Figs. 6 View FIGURES 4–6 , 9). Integument. Body rather dull; acetabulae polished; thorax, abdominal sterna, and genital plates strongly punctate. Head, pronotum, scutellum, and abdominal segments with short, decumbent, silver, bristle like setae; abdominal sterna with scattered long, erect setae; antennal segments and legs clothed by long and short erect setae.

Measurements (in mm). Female. Body length 9.22; head length 1.90; width across eyes 1.55; interocular width 0.95; interocellar width 0.58; preocular distance 1.22; postocular distance 0.24; length antennal segments: I 1.20; II 1.80; III- IV broken; length rostral segments: I 1.45; II 1.75; III 1.80; IV 1.75; pronotum total length 1.40, maximum width across humeral angles 2.50; scutellum length 0.65, width 1.20; maximum width of abdomen between segments IV and V 5.00.

Male. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE female: SOLOMON ISLANDS: San Cristobal , Wugiroga, 9-VIII-1960, col. C. W. O’Brien ( UNAM).

Etymology. From the Latin word “ incola ”, meaning resident, native, in reference to the known distribution.

Discussion. Differential diagnosis. This is the first record of the genus Monasavuhygia outside of the Fijian Archipelago. Monasavuhygia incola sp. nov., is distinguished by having the antenniferous tubercle armed with a short spiny projection, humeri with a short and robust conical expansion, calli with big hole, behind the posterior third, posterior half of connexival segments III–VI conspicuously swollen, hemelytral membrane absent, and postocular surface with faint tubercle. In M. cordata and M. fodina sp. nov., the antenniferous tubercles and humeri are unarmed, and the calli lack a big hole. In M. cordata , the posterior half of connexival segments III–VI are also swollen, the hemelytral membrane absent, and the postocular tubercle is not tuberculate In M. fodina sp. nov., the posterior half of connexival segments III–VI are not swollen, the hemelytral membrane is present and reduced to a small flaps, and the postocular tubercle clearly tuberculate.

Distribution. Solomon Islands.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico













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