Monasavuhygia fodina, Brailovsky & Barrera, 2022

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2022, Description of two new micropterous species of Monasavuhygia Brailovsky, 1996 from the Fiji and Solomon Islands and a key to species (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Colpurini), Zootaxa 5091 (3), pp. 495-500 : 496-498

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.3.9

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scientific name

Monasavuhygia fodina

sp. nov.

Monasavuhygia fodina View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1–3 , 5 View FIGURES 4–6 , 8)

Type locality. Fiji Islands, Vanua Levu .

Description. Holotype female. Dorsal coloration. Head pale chestnut orange; neck darker; antennal segments I-III pale chestnut orange, IV dark chestnut with basal and apical joint paler; pronotum dark yellow, punctures dark chestnut orange, and medial sulcus dark brown; scutellum pale chestnut orange; hemelytra pale chestnut orange with yellow reflections; connexival segments pale chestnut orange with posterior margin dark yellow; dorsal abdominal segments pale chestnut orange, punctures darker, and surface scattered with yellow reflections. Ventral coloration. Head dark brown, with dark yellow longitudinal stripe on posterior third; rostral segments I-IV pale yellowish orange; pro-, meso-, and metasternum dark brown; pro-, meso-, and metapleura pale chestnut orange with yellow reflections on acetabulae, and irregular black longitudinal stripe across midline; punctures dark chestnut orange; coxae shiny chestnut; trochanters shiny chestnut orange; femora pale yellow with three irregular rings, one dark chestnut orange near anterior third, the other two pale orange, one near posterior third and the other at distal third; tibiae pale orange with two pale yellow rings; tarsi pale yellow; anterior and posterior lobes of metathoracic peritreme, and evaporative area dark brown, with dark yellow reflections on the anterior lobe; abdominal sterna II–VII and genital plates pale yellowish orange, punctures darker.

Structure. Body stout, ovate. Head. Longer than wide, pentagonal, dorsally convex; antenniferous tubercle truncated, unarmed; antennal segment II the longest, IV the shortest, and I longer than III; ocelli absent; postocular tubercle hemispheric, protuberant; rostrum long, reaching anterior margin of abdominal sternite VII; rostral segments II and IV subequal and longest than I and III which are subequal. Thorax. Pronotum wider than long, bilobate; anterior lobe longer than posterior lobe; anterolateral margins convexly rounded; collar wide; frontal angles produced forward as small conical protuberance; humeral angles weakly globose, not exposed; pronotal disc large, raised, almost rounded; callus at each side, behind anterior margin, and separated along midline by a longitudinal depression located mesally; upper margin of pro-, meso-, and metapleura strongly convex, visible dorsally. Legs unarmed; tibiae cylindrical, sulcate. Scutellum wider than long, with prominent, globose basal tubercle at each side; apex rounded. Hemelytra. Micropterous; clavus and corium fused, reduced to small pads; hemelytral membrane reduced to widely separated small expansion. Abdomen. Dorsally exposed; disc with two prominent tubercles or expansions at midline, one at posterior margin of segment IV, the second at posterior margin of V; connexivum higher than tergites; connexival margins entire, posterior angle of each not raised or swollen; abdominal sternite VII entire, without plica or fissure. Genital plates. Valvulae VIII large, outer margin convex, inner margin slightly depressed, and concave near posterior third; laterotergite VIII short, spiracle visible; laterotergite IX squarish, larger than laterotergite VIII (figs, 5, 8). Integument. Body rather dull; acetabulae polished; thorax, abdominal sterna, and genital plates strongly punctate. Head, pronotum, scutellum, hemelytra and abdominal segments clothed with short, decumbent, silver, bristle-like setae; abdominal sterna scattered with long erect setae; antennal segments and legs covered with long and short erect setae.

Measurements (in mm). Female. Body length 7.70; head length 1.58; width across eyes 1.27; interocular width 0.75; interocellar width 0.31; preocular distance 1.05; postocular distance 0.26; length antennal segments: I 1.00; II 1.70; III 0.95, IV 1.10; length rostral segments: I 1.20; II 1.35; III 1.70; IV 1.70; pronotum total length 1.30; maximum width across humeral angles 2.10: scutellum length 0.60; width 0.95; maximum width of abdomen between segments IV and V 4.00.

Male. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE female: FIJI ISLANDS: Vanua Levu , Ndelaikoro, 800 m, 27-X-1977, col. G. Kuschel ( BPBM).

Etymology. From the Latin “ fodina ” meaning pit or mine.

Discussion. Differential diagnosis. Monasavuhygia fodina sp. nov., represents the second species of the genus and like, M. cordata , is distributed in Fiji the Islands. In M. fodina , the postocular tubercles are hemispheric and protuberant, the head length is less than 1.60 mm, the hemelytral membrane is short and reduced to a small flap, and the anterolateral margins of the pronotal disc lack a tubercle near the middle. In M. cordata , the postocular tubercles and hemelytral membrane are absent, the head longer than 1.83 mm, and the anterolateral margins of the pronotal disc with a short tubercle near the middle ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–3 ).

Distribution. Fiji Islands.













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