Cephaloleia partita Weise, 1910

Staines, Charles L. & Garcia-Robledo, Carlos, 2014, The genus Cephaloleia Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae), ZooKeys 436, pp. 1-355 : 207

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scientific name

Cephaloleia partita Weise, 1910


Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae

Cephaloleia partita Weise, 1910 View in CoL Fig. 206

Cephalolia partita Weise 1910: 88. Weise 1911a: 9 (catalog), 1911b: 11 (catalog); Uhmann 1931: 219 (museum list), 1936a: 114 (noted).

Cephaloleia partita Weise. Blackwelder 1946: 719 (catalog); Papp 1953: 20 (catalog); Uhmann 1957a: 23 (catalog); Staines 1996: 49 (Central America species), 2004: 312 (host plants); McKenna and Farrell 2005: 119 (phylogeny), 2006: 10949 (phylogeny); Meskins et al. 2008: 163 (host plants), 2011: 483 (food web).


Elongate; subparallel; subdepressed; shining; yellowish with eyes, antennae, and apical ½ of elytra black. Head: vertex impunctate, medial sulcus absent; frons not projecting; not depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; slender; antennomere 1 clavate, longer than 3; 2 transverse, ½ length of 1; 3-5 elongate, subequal in length; 6-10 transverse, subequal in length, each shorter than 5; 11 2 × length of 10, rounded at apex; 1-3 punctate, with scattered setae; 4-11 setose. Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin straight for basal ¾ then rounding to anterior angle, margined; anterior angle rounded, not produced; posterior angle acute; anterior margin straight; disc flattened; surface with scattered punctures along basal and lateral margins; basal impression absent; pronotal length 1.0-1.1 mm; pronotal width 1.4 mm. Scutellum: triangular; impunctate. Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth, margined; apex rounded; sutural angle with minute tooth; humerus rounded, not produced; slightly constricted behind humerus; moderately punctate-striate, humerus almost impunctate, rows converge and unite apically; elytral length 4.3-4.4 mm; elytral width 1.9 mm. Venter: pro-, meso-, and metasterna impunctate; abdominal sterna punctate, each puncture with pale seta; suture between sterna 1 and 2 complete; last sternite with apical margin deeply rounded in male, broadly truncate in female. Leg: slender; impunctate; tibia with fringe of setae on inner margin of apex. Total length: 5.9-6.0 mm.


This species is similar to Cephaloleia chevrolatii and Cephaloleia elegantula . It can be distinguished by the clavate antennomere 1 and the punctate elytral humerus.

Host plant.

Adults have been collected on Heliconia sp. ( Staines 1996); Heliconia lathispatha Benth. ( McKenna and Farrell 2005) ( Heliconiaceae ); Calathea latifolia Klotzsch ( Marantaceae ), Heliconia catheta R. R. Smith ( Heliconiaceae ) ( Meskins et al. 2008); Calathea lutea G. Mey.


Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Venezuela.

Type material examined.

Syntype: Colombia, Rio Magdalena, Thieme [Green printed label]/ J. Weise det. [printed label]/ Type [printed salmon-colored label]/ Cephalolia partita m. [handwritten label] (ZMHB).

Specimens examined.

Bolivia: La Paz- Tumupasa, November-December (USNM). Colombia: Sartander- Puerto Berrío, 8 August 1938 (USNM). PANAMA: Bocas del Toro- 6 km N Punta Peña, 27 May 1993 (CDFA). Colón- Achiote Road, 10 km SW Gatun, 12 June 1976 (EGRC); 1 mi S Gamboa, 9 November 1969 (EGRC); Reserva Sobrina, Pipeline road, 23 May 1993 (AJGC, CDFA), 17 May 1993 (AGJC); Porto Bello, 18 February 1911, 20 February 1911, 26 February 1911, 27 February 1911, 28 February 1911, 2 March 1911, 3 March 1911, 4 March 1911, 11 March 1911, 12 March 1911, 13 March 1911, 16 March 1911 (USNM). Panamá- Ancón, 19-21 August 1970 (USNM); Arraijan, 25 December 1972 (EGRC); 40 km SE Cañita, 26 May 1994 (CDFA); Cerro Campana, 11-15 May 1980 (EGRC, USNM), 20 June 1985 (EGRC), 17 May 1993 (CDFA); Ft. Clayton, 21 June 1972 (EGRC); Madden Dam, 19 December 1971 (EGRC); Madden Forest, 24 December 1969 (EGRC); Madden Rd., 27 February 1959 (FSCA); farm near Summit, 17 May 1950 (USNM). Peru: Loreto- 1.5 km N Teniente Lopez, 210-240 m, 20 July 1993 (SEMC). Madre de Dios- Tambopata, 15 km NE Puerto Maldanado, Reserva Cuzco, Amazónico, 22 June 1989 (SEMC). Total: 84.













