Phytoecia (Helladia) euimperialis Faizi & Danilevsky, 2020

Faizi, Fardin, Danilevsky, Mikhail L., Ghobari, Hamed & Nozari, Jamasb, 2020, Two new species of Phytoecia Dejean, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Iran, Zootaxa 4868 (4), pp. 591-595 : 592-593

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scientific name

Phytoecia (Helladia) euimperialis Faizi & Danilevsky

sp. nov.

Phytoecia (Helladia) euimperialis Faizi & Danilevsky View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1–6 )

Type material. Holotype, male, Iran, Kurdistan province, Marivan-county, Bardeh Sepi , 35°31’8.8”N, 46°24’29.22”E, 01.05.2017, Fardin Faizi leg. ( MD); paratype, female with same label ( MD). GoogleMaps

Description. Body black; integument of antennae, prothorax, elytra, legs and abdomen partly orange. Scape, pedicel and antennomeres III-V bicolored, black dorsally and orange ventrally; bases of femora and tarsi black; anterior femora black in basal third, middle femora black to about middle, posterior femora black on about basal ¾; setae brushes of middle tibiae orange; tarsomere I partly orange.

Head with long dark erect setae, densely covered with orange recumbent pubescent on frons, genae and occiput; vertex in male black, with two wide orange stripes divided by narrow shining glabrous line; vertex in female totally covered with orange recumbent pubescence; frons transverse; genae relatively short, about two times narrower than lower eye lobe; the distance between upper eye lobes in male about two times wider than apical width of scape, in female slightly wider; lower and upper eye lobes connected by very narrow bridge of about three ommatidia width; mandibles unicuspid; antennae thin, reaching elytral apices in male, and apical elytral fifth in female; antennomeres without apical swellings; scape nearly cylindrical, slightly widened distally; antennomere III slightly longer than antennomere IV and longer than scape; antennomere IV about 1.3 times longer than V; several antennomeres with a few hardly visible small erect setae.

Prothorax strongly transverse, strongly widened medially where is wider than head; about 1.8 times wider than long in male, and 1.6 times in female; pronotal central area with wide orange, smooth, shining spot, which is covered with sparse fine orange pubescence in male, and glabrous in female; orange spot in female much wider than in male; bordered with black shining areas, without recumbent pubescence, with several scattered long orange erect setae in male, and nearly glabrous in female; pronotal lateral areas densely covered with long erect and recumbent orange pubescence in male, and almost glabrous in female; scutellum transverse semicircular, with dense recumbent orange pubescence.

Elytra with sides strongly converging posteriorly in male, and nearly parallel sided in female; about 2.5 times longer than basal width in male, and about 2.4 times in female; no costae or longitudinal depressions present; yellow dense elytral cover rather regular, totally hiding punctation in male, and much sparser in female, consisting of very fine recumbent setae; so female elytra looking dark-grey; orange humeral spot of curved elytral margin is not visible from above, it is as wide anteriorly as width of curved margin, disappearing posteriorly at about middle level of metathorax in male, and at about posterior margin of metathorax in female; with numerous short oblique black setae on anterior third, diminishing to the apex; elytral apices rounded, with angles indistinct.

Metatarsomere I shorter than II-III combined; metatarsomere III wider than long, as long as II; denticles of the tarsal claws moderately wide, sharpened apically in anterior legs, but rounded in posterior.

Metepisternum black with narrow dorsal orange line; thoracic ventral side black with sparse yellow erect setae; first three abdominal segments with posterolateral angles densely covered with recumbent orange pubescence; in male ventrite IV and V orange, ventrite IV with two small anterior black spots; in female ventrite IV black with orange posterolateral angles, ventrite V with wide orange lateral areas; pygidium in male rounded, postpygidium emarginated, with two lateral tufts of black setae; last ventrite of male flattened, truncated and with two lateral tufts of black setae; in female, last ventrite convex, truncated apically; last abdominal sternite with distal central impression and truncated apically.

Body length in male: 11.5 mm, humeral width: 3.2 mm, body length in female: 9.4 mm, humeral width: 2.7 mm.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is very close to Iranian Ph. (H.) imperialis Sama & Rejzek, 2001 described from Azarbaygan-e-Garbi, Serou (37°39’N, 44°45’E) and to Ph. (H.) dorud (Sama, et al., 2007), stat. n. described from Lorestan, Dorud by the wide transverse prothorax with a big pale spot in the middle of pronotum and monochrome elytra regularly covered with dense pubescence. In males of Ph. (H.) euimperialis Faizi & Danilevsky , sp. n. the elytral pubescence is very dense, and the bright orange hide the elytral punctation, while in Ph. imperialis and Ph. dorud stat. n. the elytral pubescence is not hiding the elytral punctation; in the new species the metanepisternum is black with narrow dorsal orange line, in Ph. imperialis and Ph. dorud stat. n. the metanepisternum is totally covered by orange pubescence. Phytoecia imperialis is generally lighter than Ph. dorud stat. n., but Ph. (H.) euimperialis Faizi & Danilevsky , sp. n. is the lightest.

Distribution. The new species is known from Iranian Kurdistan (Marivan-county, Bardeh Sepi) ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 ). Its type locality is situated just between type localities of Ph. (H.) imperialis Sama & Rejzek, 2001 , described from Azarbaygan-e-Garbi (Serou, 37°39’N, 44°45’E), and Ph. (H.) dorud ( Sama et al., 2007) , stat. n. described from Lorestan (Dorud): in about 280 km south-eastwards Serou and in about 330 km north-westwards Dorud.

Etymology. The new species is named on the base of the name of the closest species Ph. (H.) imperialis and Greek “eu”—true.


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