Paramixogaster halmaherensis Reemer, 2024

Reemer, Menno & Sankararaman, Hariharakrishnan, 2024, Revision of the Oriental species of the hoverfly genus Paramixogaster Brunetti, 1923 (Diptera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae), ZooKeys 1208, pp. 1-48 : 1-48

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1208.122829

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scientific name

Paramixogaster halmaherensis Reemer

sp. nov.

Paramixogaster halmaherensis Reemer sp. nov.

Figs 54–59 View Figures 54–59 , 131 View Figures 130–137

Type material.

Holotype. Indonesia • 1 ♂; Halmahera , Dodinga (sealevel); 2–4 Nov. 1951; coll. RMNH. Label 1: “ Isl. halmaheira // Dodinga (sealevel) // 2, 4 - XI- 1951 // Native Collector ”; label 2: “ Mus. Zool. Bogor // Microdon ves- // piformis de Meijere // Det. Adisoemarto ”; label 3 (red): “ HOLOTYPE // Paramixogaster // halmaherensis // Reemer 2024 ”.


Only male known. Body length: 8 mm. This is one of the three species with a swollen frons with lateral bulges (Figs 56 View Figures 54–59 , 57 View Figures 54–59 ) and without golden setulae along the transverse suture on the scutum (Fig. 58 View Figures 54–59 ) (the other two are P. brunettii and P. yunnanensis ). From P. brunettii it differs because tergite 2 is black (reddish in P. brunettii ) with a pair of yellow maculae. From P. yunnanensis it differs by the yellow postalar calli (dark in P. yunnanensis ), postpedicel 6 × as long as scape (8 × as long as scape in P. yunnanensis ), and the infuscate apical 1 / 2 of wing cells r 1 and r 2 + 3 (wing entirely clear in P. yunnanensis ). Male genitalia as in Fig. 131 View Figures 130–137 .


(based on holotype). Adult male. Body length: 8 mm.

Head. Face occupying ~ 1 / 2 of head width in frontal view, with sides somewhat converging ventrad; brown with widely yellow lateral and ventral margins; golden yellow setulose except for narrow median bare line. Gena yellow; yellow setulose. Oral margin not notched anteriorly, laterally weakly produced. Frons posteriorly with blackish pair of lateral bulges which are short black setulose, separated by narrow pale brown crease; anteriorly with pair of slightly concave areas which are yellow setulose, separated from face by pair of shiny black bare maculae. Vertex swollen; brown; short black setulose. Occiput yellow, somewhat darker dorsally and ventrally; white setulose. Eye bare. Antennal fossa approximately as high as wide. Antenna orange-brown; postpedicel ~ 6 × as long as scape. Arista slender, yellow, a little longer than the scape.

Thorax. Mesoscutum blackish brown with lateral and posterior margins somewhat paler; short black setulose, except for small patch of golden yellow setulae anterior to notopleuron and large patch of pale yellowish setulae anterior to scutellum. Postpronotum pale brown, bare. Postalar callus yellow, yellow setulose. Scutellum without calcars; yellow; yellow setulose. Pleura yellowish brown. Anepisternum entirely covered with thick golden yellow setulae, appressed and directed hindward. Katepisternum long golden yellow setulose dorsally; bare ventrally. Katepimeron with a few long yellow setulae. Katatergite and anatergite short microtrichose. Metanotum shining brown. Calypter greyish yellow. Halter yellow.

Wing: hyaline; microtrichose, except bare in cell r 1 narrowly along Rs, basal 1 / 3 of r 4 + 5, entirely on br (except for microtrichia along vena spuria), antero-basal 1 / 4 of dm, entirely on bm, basal 2 / 3 of cup.

Legs: yellowish brown, except mid-femora and hind-legs darker brown; yellow setulose.

Abdomen. Constricted basally, narrowest at transition between tergites 1 and 2, widest at transition between tergites 3 and 4. Tergite 1 dark brown; short white setulose, except long black setulose at antero-lateral callus. Tergite 2 dark brown with two large, elongate, pale yellow maculae from anterior margin to ~ 1 / 2 of tergite; short black setulose, except bare on yellow maculae and narrowly yellow setulose along lateral margin. Tergite 3 dark brown; black setulose except for triangular patch of white setulae at postero-lateral corners. Tergite 4 dark brown; short black setulose with sparse longer golden yellow setulae intermixed and with patch of white setulae at antero-lateral corners. Sternite 1 brown; short black setulose. Sternite 2 yellow; bare. Sternites 3 and 4 brown; short black setulose. Genitalia as in Fig. 131 View Figures 130–137 .


Only known from Halmahera ( Indonesia).


The specific epithet is to be treated as a noun and refers to the type locality.


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis











