Cephaloleia reventazonica Uhmann, 1930a

Staines, Charles L. & Garcia-Robledo, Carlos, 2014, The genus Cephaloleia Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae), ZooKeys 436, pp. 1-355 : 229-230

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scientific name

Cephaloleia reventazonica Uhmann, 1930a


Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae

Cephaloleia reventazonica Uhmann, 1930a View in CoL Fig. 223

Cephalolia reventazonica Uhmann 1930a: 226.

Cephaloleia reventazonica Uhmann. Blackwelder 1946: 719 (catalog); Uhmann 1950b: 336 (type), 1957a: 24 (catalog); Papp 1953: 21 (catalog); Gaedike and Döbler 1971: 258 (types); Wilcox 1983: 137 (catalog); Staines 1996: 54 (Central America species), 1996(1997): 16 (Nicaragua species), 1997: 414 (Uhmann species list), 2004: 312 (host plants), 2011: 50 (faunal list); Staines and Staines 1997: 19 (types); Maes 1999: 1017 (faunal list); McKenna and Farrell 2005: 119 (phylogeny), 2006: 10949 (phylogeny); García–Robledo et al. 2013a: 3 (biology).


Narrowly elongate; subparallel; subconvex; pale yellow; antennae, except antennomeres 1 and 11 black; pronotum with black subtriangular macula which extends from anterior margin ¾ way to basal margin and anterior and basal margins black; elytra with lateral margin black, humeral macula subquadrate, from puncture row 2 to lateral margin black, medial macula from suture to lateral margin black; venter and legs pale yellow. Head: vertex impunctate, fine medial sulcus present; frons not projecting; not depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; slender; antennomere 1 elongate, subequal in length to 3; 2 transverse, ⅓ length of 1; 3 elongate; 4-10 transverse, subequal in length, each shorter than 3, longer than 2; 11 elongate, 2 × length of 10, rounded at apex; 1-3 punctate with scattered setae; 4-11 setose. Pronotum: subquadrate; lateral margin straight for basal ¾ then rounding to anterior angle, margined; anterior angle rounded, not produced; posterior angle angulate; anterior margin straight; disc subconvex; surface nearly impunctate; basal impression absent; pronotal length 1.3-1.4 mm; pronotal width 1.6-1.9 mm. Scutellum: acutely triangular; impunctate. Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth, margined; apex rounded; sutural angle without tooth; humerus rounded, not produced; slightly constricted behind humerus; declivity beginning just behind humerus at puncture row 7 not edged with faint carina; moderately punctate-striate, rows converge and unite apically; elytral length 3.8-4.1 mm; elytral width 1.9-2.0 mm. Venter: pro-, meso-, and metasterna impunctate; abdominal sterna punctate, each puncture with pale seta; suture between sterna 1 and 2 complete; last sternite with apical margin truncate in male, rounded in female. Leg: slender; sparsely punctate; tibia dentate at apex, with fringe of setae on inner margin of apex. Total length: 6.1-7.1 mm.


This species is similar to Cephaloleia fenestrata , Cephaloleia histrionica , and Cephaloleia stainesi sp. n. It can be distinguished by the suture between abdominal sterna 1 and 2 being complete, by the nearly impunctate pronotum, by the vertex of the head being impunctate, by antennomeres 1-4 not compressed laterally, and by the maculate pronotum.

Host plant.

Adults have been collected feeding on Heliconia lathispatha ( Staines 1996); Heliconia pogonantha Cufod., Calathea lutea G. Mey., Cephaloleia marantifolia Standl. ( Marantaceae ) ( García–Robledo et al. 2013a); Heliconia psittacorum Sw. ( Heliconiaceae ).


Costa Rica, Nicaragua.

Type material examined.

Paralectotype female: Costa Rica, Hamburg Farm [green printed label]/ Ebene Limon, 27.I.21, F. Nevermann [reversed green label]/ Paratypus [red printed label]/ Det Uhmann/ Cephalolia reventazonica Uh. 30 (DEI).

Specimens examined.

COSTA RICA: Alajuela- 1 km S Cariblanco, 20 May 1992 (CDFA); 1 km. S Cariblanco, 30 May 1992 (USNM); Res. For. San Ramón, 9 March 1990 (MUCR); Estación Eladios, 700-800 m (INBIO); Río San Lorencito, 5 km N Colonia Palmareña, 900-1000 m (INBIO); Upala, Sector San Ramón de Dos Ríos, 1.5 km NW Hacienda Nueva Zelandia, 600-700 m (INBIO). Cartago- Grano de Oro, 1120 m, Chirripo, Turrialba, 8-30 August 1992 (INBIO); Turrialba, 28 May 1951, 4-13 August 1970 (USNM). Guanacaste- Estac. Cacao, 1000-1400 m, SW side Volcán Cacao, 1988-1989 (INBIO); Río San Lorenzo, 1050 m, Tierras Morenas, Z. P. Tenorio, March 1990, 29 March- 21 April 1992, July 1992, August 1992 (INBIO); Turrialba, Santa Teresita, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, 1100-1200 (INBIO). Heredia- Est. El Ceibo, Braulio Carillo N. P., 400-600 m, November 1989 (INBIO); Est. Biol. La Selva, 50 m, 1 April 1990 (INBIO), 6 March 1965 (BYUC); Finca La Selva, Sarapiquí, June 1972 (FSCA); F. La Selva, 3 km SE P. Viejo, 30 March 1990 (USNM); Finca La Selva, 20 August 1968, 21-30 July 1976 (USNM); Fca. La Selva, nr. Puerto Viejo, 24 July 1969, 5 August 1969 (USNM). Limón- Amubri, 70 m, Talamanca, 16-31 August 1992, 12-29 November 1992 (INBIO); Bananito, 20 April 1925 (USNM); Sector Cerro Cocorí, Fca. de E. Rojas, 150 m, June 1991, October 1991, November 1991, January 1992, 31 January- 21 February 1992, March 1992, 26 March- 24 April 1992, April 1992, 28 May- 17 June 1992, June 1992, 26 June- 16 July 1992, 12-31 August 1992, 9-30 November 1992, January 1993, February 1993, March 1993, April 1993, May 1993 (INBIO); Guápiles, 17 February 1924 (DEI); Hamburg Farm, Reventazón, Ebene Limón, 15 November 1923, 12 February 1925, 12 March 1925 (USNM), 15 May 1924, 21 August 1925 (DEI), 1 January 1932 (MUCR); Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100 m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, October 1990, 6-25 November 1991, 4-20 December 1991, 7-26 January 1992 19-29 April 1992, 30 June- 20 July 1992, November 1992, December 1992, 15-27 February 1993 (INBIO); Manzanillo, 0-100 m, RFNS, Gandoca y Manzanillo, 7-19 August 1992, 9 September- 13 October 1992, 22 October- 11 November 1992, 5-13 December 1992, 6-27 January 1993 (INBIO); Río Sardinas, 10 m, R.N.F.S., Barra del Colorado, September 1992 (INBIO); Salvadora Farm, Parismina, 10 September 1930 (USNM), 19-31 December 1930 (DEI); Waldeck, 22 July 1936 (USNM); Valle La Estrella, 100-200 m (INBIO); Est Miramar, R. B. Hitoy Cerere, 300-400 m (INBIO). Puntarenas- Est. Biol. Las Alturas, 1500 m, Coto Brus., June 1991, 1-21 March 1992, August 1992, 3-4 September 1992 (INBIO); Est. La Casona, 1521 m, Res. Biol. Monteverde, April 1992 (INBIO); Monteverde Cloud For., 27-31 May 1984 (EGRC); Monteverde Cloud For. Res., 1300 m, 17-20 May 1985 (EMEC); Osa Peninsula, 2.5 mi SW Rincón, 1-7 March 1967 (USNM); San Luis, 1040 m, R.B. Monteverde, October 1992, 24 August- 15 September 1992 (INBIO); Estación Altamira, 1 km S Cerro Biolley, 1400-1500 m (INBIO); Finca Cafrosa, El Embalse, 1300-1400 m (INBIO); Guacimal, Finca Buen Amigo, Monteverde, 1000-1100 m (INBIO); Reserva Bosque Eterno de los Niños, Sector Monteverde, 1500-1600 m (INBIO). Nicaragua: Atlantico Norte- Musawas, Waspuc River, 27 September 1955 (EMEC). Total: 278.













