Celetrigona Moure, 1950

Camargo, João M. F. & Pedro, Silvia R. M., 2009, Neotropical Meliponini: the genus Celetrigona Moure (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Apinae), Zootaxa 2155, pp. 37-54 : 38

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.188869



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scientific name

Celetrigona Moure, 1950


Celetrigona Moure, 1950

Hypotrigona (Celetrigona) Moure 1950: 244 , 246; 1951: 26, 34, 66, 70; 1961: 183.

Type species: Trigona longicornis Friese 1903 (by original designation).

Melipona View in CoL ; Bc group, Ducke 1916: 32 (partim); 1945: 27 (partim).

Trigona (Hypotrigona) View in CoL ; Schwarz 1938: 502 (partim); 1940: 10 (partim); 1948: 169 (partim).

Trigona (Trigonisca) View in CoL ; Wille & Chandler 1964: 192 (partim); Wille 1979: 266, 267, 275 (partim).

Celetrigona ; Moure 1971: 47 (by inference); Camargo & Moure 1988: 293 –295 (by inference); Camargo & Pedro 2007: 275.

Trigonisca View in CoL ; Michener 1990: 131 (partim); 2000: 804 (partim); 2007: 829 (partim).

The diagnosis of Celetrigona was based on Moure (1950, 1951), applicable particularly to the workers. The format follows Camargo and Pedro (2005), Camargo and Roubik (2005) and Pedro and Camargo (2009). Distinctive or autapomorphic characters are indicated in boldface letters.

a―Body length between 3.5 and 4.3 mm; head width between 1.4 and 1.8 mm. b―Integument of face (especially the frons, Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ), mesoscutum and scutellum matte-microreticulate, TII–TIII smooth and shiny, metapostnotum finely tessellated, shiny. c ―Body black to brownish; antennal scape, pedicel, fl.1, tegulae and tarsomeres (sometimes the whole leg) yellow-ferruginous, labrum and mandible more redferruginous. Wing membrane transparent, slightly smoky, iridescent, veins and pterostigma ferruginous. d―True yellow markings absent on head and thorax; last flagellomere (and sometimes the apex of the penultimate), clypeus, lower parocular and supraclypeal areas yellowish to ferruginous. e ―Vestiture fine, sparse, whitish to pale yellowish, predominantly simple and short, more abundant and longer ventrally; short appressed plumose hairs on face ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ), pronotal lobes and around propodeal spiracles; some branched hairs on postero-distal corner of tibia III ( Figs. 3, 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); antennal scape with erect bristles equal to or longer than its diameter ( Figs. 5–8 View FIGURES 5 – 9 ); sides of mesepisternum with very sparse appressed pilosity and some erect, longer hairs intermixed anteriorly and ventrally; metapostnotum glabrous; sides of propodeum with sparse, erect, simple hairs intermixed with the appressed hairs. f ―Head ca. 1.2x wider than long and slightly wider than thorax; maximum interorbital distance longer than eye length; inner eye orbits slightly sinuous and parallel or slightly convergent below; upper tangent of antennal alveolus below middle of face ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); vertex rounded; malar space length 2x diameter of fl.3 ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); preoccipital ridge rounded, only a small laminar carina inferiorly, near hypostomal region; gena, in side view, little wider than eye; external orbit not delimited by carina. g ―Clypeus length ca. 3/ 5x its maximum width, 0.30x clypeocellar distance; epistomal suture, on sides, straight, divergent to apex, between subantennal sutures slightly bent down; subantennal sutures reduced. h―Labrum bituberculate, the tubercles conical and sharp ( Figs. 1, 2 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). i ―Mandible edentate, only a minute incision on the middle of apical border ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). j―Antenna very long; scape nearly cylindrical, slightly flattened on basal half, ca. 8x as long as its diameter and 1.2–1.3x the alveolocellar distance; pedicel about 2x longer than wide and as long as fl.1; fl.1 trapezoid, wider on apex than on base, a little longer than the following flagellomeres, those cylindrical and about 1.3–1.4x longer than wide ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 5 – 9 ), last flagellomere 2x longer than wide. k ―Pronotum ca. 4/ 5x scutellum length. l ―Mesoscutum wider than long; scutellum short, ca. 2x wider than long, protuberant, inclined down to apex, not projecting over metanotum, posterior margin semicircular; without basal fovea. Thorax + propodeum (= mesosoma) almost globular, not extended backwards, approximately as long as high (except pronotum). m ―Forewing slightly shorter than body length and ca. 2x longer than tibia III; pterostigma large, ca. 2x wider than diameter of fl. 3 and 4x longer than its own width; R1 ca. 3/ 5x length of pterostigma; marginal cell 3.2x longer than wide, broad on its base, narrowed and slightly open apically; bifurcation between M and Cu posterior to cu-anal, Cu dislocated upward; submarginal angle between Rs and Rs+M right, between M and Rs+M obtuse, about 130º; M ca. 6/ 7x 1st abscissa of Cu, the last one transparent; submarginal cells indistinct; only radial and 1st cubital cells closed; only Radial and Anal veins distinct in hindwing, jugal lobe ca. 1/ 2x anal lobe; hamuli, 5. n―Tibia III long and slender, slightly recurved, ca. 4x longer than wide, slender and slightly expanded to apex; posterior edge sawtoothed (the large corbicular setae arise from tubercules; Figs. 3, 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); postero-distal corner acute, strongly projected ( Figs. 3, 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); distal edge sinuous; corbicular setae simple; external surface slightly concave, corbicula slightly convex, restricted to the apico-distal third; inner surface with keirotrichiate area elevated; the glabrous posterior rim, slightly depressed (not in a step), its width about 5/ 9x keirotrichiate area ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); tibial comb and penicillum normal, setae of penicillum practically straight ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). o ―Basitarsus III narrow, ca. 3/ 4x tibia III width and 1/ 2x its own length, subrectangular, anterior margin practically straight and posterior margin slightly sinuous ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); postero-distal corner rounded and slightly projecting; inner surface of basitarsus III with setose covering arranged in 9–11 transversal rows of regular setae, increasing in size towards apex ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ), without basal sericeous area. p ―Metapostnotum + propodeum as long as scutellum; posterior vertical surface, little shorter than basal surface. q ―Abdomen short and wide, approximately ogival, triangular in transverse section. r ―Labium ca. 1.4x longer than head; galea ca. 2/5–1/ 2x length of tibia III. s ―Nest in small tree cavities, cells in cluster.












Celetrigona Moure, 1950

Camargo, João M. F. & Pedro, Silvia R. M. 2009


Michener 1990: 131


Camargo 2007: 275
Camargo 1988: 293
Moure 1971: 47

Trigona (Trigonisca)

Wille 1979: 266
Wille 1964: 192

Hypotrigona (Celetrigona)

Moure 1950: 244

Trigona (Hypotrigona)

Schwarz 1938: 502


Ducke 1916: 32
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