Orectochilus Dejean, 1833

Lee, Dae-Hyun & Ahn, Kee-Jeong, 2015, A taxonomic review of the Gyrinidae (Coleoptera) in Korea, ZooKeys 509, pp. 87-107 : 95

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scientific name

Orectochilus Dejean, 1833


Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Gyrinidae

Genus Orectochilus Dejean, 1833 Figs 32-40

Orectochilus Dejean, 1833: 59. Type species: Gyrinus villosus Müller, 1776.


Body long oval, with micro-reticulation, compact setae present on most dorsal part. Labrum semicircular, slightly wider than long, long setae present on anterior margin. Antenna with 9 antennomeres. Pronotum without transverse depression. Scutellum (Fig. 32) transverse and visible when elytra closed. Elytron (Figs 33, 34) with compact setae. Prosternum (Fig. 35) with few setae on anterior part. Prosternal process (arrow in Fig. 35) sagittiform, widest anterior three forth (Fig. 35). Mesoventrite (Fig. 36) with setae on anterior margin, vertical plica on postero-medial part; anterior part acute. Metaventrite cruciform, vertical process on median part (arrow in Fig. 37). Metepisternum (Fig. 36) without pit and groove. Metatibia with two spines of equal length. Sternite II (Fig. 38) without pit, transverse groove present on anterior part. Sternites IV–VI (Fig. 39) with short setae on median parts. Sternites VII–VIII (Figs 39, 40) with compact long setae on medial parts. Sternite VII (Fig. 39) with long setae on posterior margin. Sternite VIII (Fig. 40) longer than wide, long setae present on medial and lateral parts; apex bifid.

Key to the species of Korean Orectochilus