Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893

LeCroy, Mary, 2013, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 (381), pp. 1-155 : 29

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/832.1



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scientific name

Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild


Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild

Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893g: 95 (key), 97, pl. 50 (Hawaii).

Now Hemignathus munroi H.D. Pratt, 1979 View in CoL . See Amadon, 1950: 169; Greenway, 1968: 99; Pratt, 1979: 1581; Olson and James, 1995: 383; American Ornithologists’ Union, 1998: 675; Dickinson, 2003: 758; Pratt, 2005: 254–257; and Pratt, 2010: 657.

LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453541 About AMNH , male, collected on Hawaii Island, Hawaii, on 26 September 1891, by Henry Palmer (no. 1342). From the Rothschild Collection.

COMMENTS: In the original description, Rothschild did not designate a type, describing the adult male and female and ‘‘young birds.’’ He did not enumerate his specimens but gave measurements for 12 adult males and seven adult females. Hartert (1919a: 170) listed Palmer’s no. 1342 as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. The label was only marked ‘‘pl. 12’’ (?) and ‘‘50’’ (the plate number in Rothschild, 1893g). The following paralectotpes, collected on Hawaii Island by Palmer in September and October 1891 and February 1892, are in AMNH: AMNH 453542 (Palmer no. 1359), AMNH 453543 (1350), males, 29 September; AMNH 453544 (1328), AMNH 453545 (1329), males, 25 September; AMNH 453546 (1325), immature male, 25 September; AMNH 453547 (1559), AMNH 453548 (1561), males, 15 February; AMNH 453549 (1364), female, 1 October; AMNH 453550 (1385), female, 6 October; AMNH 453551 (1794), female, 30 October; AMNH 453552 (1352), female, 29 September; AMNH 453553 (1327), female, AMNH 453554 (1324), unsexed, 25 September. AMNH 453554 is also marked ‘‘pl. 12’’ of unknown significance. Two additional specimens, AMNH 453540, male, collected by S.B. Wilson in March 1888 and AMNH 453555, female, collector and date unknown, but marked ‘‘ ♀ no. 3’’ may also be paralectotypes of H. wilsoni , but I do not know when they came into Rothschild’s possession. Others may be in BMNH as part of the Rothschild Bequest.

From Palmer’s diary ( Rothschild, 1900: (Di)), one can determine that he reached Kealake[a]kua (19.31N, 155.56W, Times atlas) on 5 September 1891 and on 22 September he camped at 5000 ft; on 5 October he noted that he was on the slopes of Mauna Loa. Munro’s journal, which was transcribed by Storrs Olson, indicated that the type of H. wilsoni was almost certainly collected on 24 September (S. Olson, personal commun.).

Pratt (1979: 1581) provided Hemignathus munroi as a replacement name for Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893 , preoccupied by Himatione wilsoni Rothschild, 1893 , when both are included in the genus Hemignathus . Pratt (2010: 656, 657) included Hematione wilsoni in Chlorodrepanis virens and therefore again used Hemignathus wilsoni for this form.














Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild

LeCroy, Mary 2013

Hemignathus munroi H.D. Pratt, 1979

Pratt, H. D. 2010: 657
Pratt, H. D. 2005: 254
Dickinson, E. C. 2003: 758
Union 1998: 675
Olson, S. L. & H. F. James 1995: 383
Pratt, H. D. 1979: 1581
Greenway, J. C., Jr. 1968: 99
Amadon, D. 1950: 169

Heterorhynchus wilsoni

Rothschild, W. 1893: 95
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