Dalmochrimnus insularis, Peredo, Luis Cervantes & Brailovsky, Harry, 2014

Peredo, Luis Cervantes & Brailovsky, Harry, 2014, Two new endemic species of Lygaeinae from Baja California, Mexico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), Zootaxa 3861 (6), pp. 591-597 : 592

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3861.6.6

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scientific name

Dalmochrimnus insularis

sp. nov.

Dalmochrimnus insularis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 )

Diagnosis. This species is very similar to D. defessus , although the pale spot on vertex of head is almost yellow in D. defessus , while in D. insularis sp. nov. it is orange. The eyes and ocelli of D. insularis sp. nov. are bright red, while in D. defessus only the ocelli are red. The male holotype of D. insularis sp. nov. is slightly smaller than males of D. defessus .

Description. Head black, except for pale orange spot on vertex. Eyes and ocelli bright red. Antenna and rostrum black. Venter of head also black with margin of buccula whitish. Pronotum dark brown to black, with anterior, posterior, and lateral margins of posterior pronotal lobe orange; middle line of posterior pronotal lobe also orange. Scutellum and hemelytron dark brown to black, except lateral margins of hemelytra which are orange, and this coloration widens from base to apex; clavus with base slightly orange, especially on internal side. Membrane dark brown to black with extremely narrow white margin.

Thorax with pleura dark brown to black; propleuron with broad white anterior and posterior margins; meso-, and metapleura with thin white posterior margin; acetabula whitish; ostiolar peritreme black to dark brown. Legs dark brown to black. Abdomen ventrally with segments III-V variegated with brown and red; segment VI with just a few red markings, and segment VII and genital segments dark brown to black.

Hairs silvery and dense on head and venter of all body, longer on venter. Head declivent, vertex convex; ocellus raised above surface; antennal segment I surpassing tylus by about 1/3 its length. Rostrum reaching mesocoxae or anterior border of metacoxae. Pronotum with anterior margin just slightly concave; posterior and lateral margins almost straight, except humeral angles that are rounded. Callus distinct, with callar impression unbranched and curved. Just a few punctures visible in front and behind callus. Scutellum with stem and arms of median carina equally broad; anterior and lateral areas deep. Hemelytron with corial and membrane veins slightly raised ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Male Holotype Measurements. Body length 6.81; head length 0.85; width across eyes 1.52; interocular distance 1.0; eyes touching anterior margin of pronotum; antennal segments: I 0. 38, II 1.0 5, III 0.82, IV 1.05; rostral segments: I 0.62, II 0.58, III 0.7, IV 0.58; pronotum: length 1.48, width across anterior margin 1.4, width across humeral angles 2.25; scutellum: length 0.78, width 1.12; length hind femora 2.12; length hind tibia 2.0; length hind tarsi: I 0.62, II 0.15, III 0.32.

Type Specimen. Holotype. Male. MEXICO. Baja California Sur, Isla San Ildefonso 16-VIII-1986, 26° 37´59" N, 111° 25´47" W, at sea level, L. Cervantes (CNIN).

Etymology. From insula meaning “island”, referring to Island of San Ildefonso where it was collected.

Distribution. Mexico, Baja California Sur, endemic to San Ildefonso Island.

Discussion. This species is closely related to Dalmochrimnus defessus , although they can be differentiated because D. insularis sp. nov. has completely red eyes, while D. defessus eyes are brown to black; D. insularis is smaller in size and segments III-V of the abdomen in D. insularis are variegated with red and brown, while in D. defessus are red. D. insularis sp. nov. runs in A. Slater’s (1992) key to D. defessus , and can be differentiated by the above characters.















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