Hamaederus yucatecus ( Chemsak and Noguera, 1997 ) Botero, 2021

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo, 2021, A review of the history of the names Hamaticherus Dejean and Plocaederus Dejean and description of a new genus and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (887), pp. 1-32 : 21-23

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12808493

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scientific name

Hamaederus yucatecus ( Chemsak and Noguera, 1997 )

comb. nov.

Hamaederus yucatecus ( Chemsak and Noguera, 1997) View in CoL , new combination

( Fig. 65–81 View Figures 65–70 View Figures 71–81 )

Hammaticherus glabricollis Bates 1892: 147 View in CoL (misidentification).

Brasilianus yucatecus Chemsak and Noguera 1997: 6 View in CoL ; Toledo et al. 2002: 525 (distr.).

Plocaederus yucatecus View in CoL ; Turnbow et al. 2003: 6; Monné 2005: 58 (cat.); Hovore 2006: 371 (distr.); Monné and Hovore 2006: 36 (checklist); Swift et al. 2010: 12 (distr.); Maes et al. 2010: 75 (distr.); Audureau 2010: 3 (distr.); Galileo et al. 2011: 10 (distr.); Noguera et al. 2017: 460 (distr.); Monné 2021: 76 (cat.).

Plocaederus confusus Martins and Monné 2002: 243 View in CoL ; Maia et al. 2003: 411 (distr.); Monné 2005: 56 (cat.); Wappes et al. 2006: 7 (distr.); Monné and Hovore 2006: 36 (checklist); Martins et al. 2009: 504 (distr.); Monné et al. 2010: 238 (distr.); Galileo et. al. 2011: 10, 77 (distr.); Martins et al. 2014: 380 (distr.); Ferreira and Rocha 2015: 365 (distr.); Nascimento et al. 2016: 556 (distr.); Monné et al. 2017: 7 (holotype); Nascimento et al. 2017: 82 (distr.); Moura and Von Groll 2017: 440 (paratype); Lingafelter et al. 2017: 22; Wappes et al. 2018: 5 (distr.); Monné 2021: 73 (cat.). New synonym.

Hammatocherus pactor ? var.?; Gounelle 1909: 607.

Brasilianus pactor View in CoL ; Buck 1959: 582 (not Lameere, 1885).

Plocaederus barauna Martins and Monné 2002: 239 View in CoL ; Monné 2005: 56 (cat.); Galileo et al. 2011: 10, 75 (distr., hosts); Monné and Monné 2016: 7 (holotype); Monné 2021: 72. New synonym

Remarks. Chemsak and Noguera (1997) described H. yucatecus based on a series of males and females from Mexico (Yucatán, Chiapas, Quintana Roo) and Guatemala (Zacapa). According to them, H. yucatecus differs from the other species of the Brasilianus present in Mexico by the small size. However, Brasilianus mexicanus ( Thomson, 1861) currently belongs to Juiaparus Martins and Monné, 2002 , and Brasilianus plicatus ( Olivier, 1790) sensu Lacordaire (1868) (= Cerambyx rufipennis Gory, 1831 ) currently belongs to Jupoata Martins and Monné, 2002 . This species corresponds to Hammaticherus glabricollis sensu Bates (1892) : “ Hab. Mexico, Temax in North Yucatan (Gaumer). Three examples, females. The Yucatan examples resemble the unique specimen found by me on the Upper Amazons very closely, except that the 3rd and 4th antennal joints have dentiform processes at their inner apices, of which there is scarcely any trace in the type-specimen, and the spine at the sutural apex of the elytra is a little longer. They are, however, females, whilst the Amazons specimen is a male, and the spines may be a sexual character …” The different shape of the antennal tubercles is not a sexual dimorphism, and both sexes of H. yucatecus have the apex of the antennomeres III and IV distinctly projected, and not nodose as in H. glabricollis . Therefore, Bates’ (1892) reference must be removed from H. glabricollis and included in that of H. yucatecus .

Later, Martins and Monné (2002) described Plocaederus confusus based on a large series of males and females from Bolivia (Chuquisaca) and Brazil (Ceará, Mato Grosso, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná). Currently, Plocaederus confusus is also known from the Brazilian states of Alagoas, Sergipe, Maranhão, Goiás, and Piauí, and from the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz ( Monné 2021; Tavakilian and Chevillotte 2021). Probably, due to the geographical distribution, Plocaederus confusus was not compared with H. yucatecus . However, comparison of specimens from Mexico and Central America ( Fig. 72–74 View Figures 71–81 ) with South American specimens ( Fig. 65, 68–70 View Figures 65–70 , 71 View Figures 71–81 ) showed that there are no differences between H. confusus and H. yucatecus . The type series of Plocaederus confusus show that the elytral pubescence, as well as the black area on the elytra is highly variable. Accordingly, the former is synonymized with H. yucatecus .

Martins and Monné (2002) also described Plocaederus barauna ( Fig. 75–76 View Figures 71–81 ) based on males and females from Brazil (Paraíba, Pernambuco, Bahia). According to them, P. barauna differs from P. confusus by the antennomere III without spine on apex. However, comparison between the type series of P. confusus ( Fig. 65, 68–70 View Figures 65–70 ) and two paratypes of P. barauna ( Fig. 76 View Figures 71–81 ) showed that the antennomere III is the same in both species. Accordingly, P. barauna is also synonymized with H. yucatecus . The sculpturing of the scape ( Fig. 77–81 View Figures 71–81 ) in H. yucatecus is highly variable, regardless of where the specimen is from. Additionally, the apex of the dorsal surface of the scape may or may not be slightly rugose, and the projection of the apex of the antennomere III may or may not be distinctly projected (these variations also occur in the type series of H. confusus ).

Hamaederus yucatecus (including Plocaederus confusus and P. barauna ) is currently known from Mexico (Chiapas, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Oaxaca), Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, Bolivia (Santa Cruz), Brazil (Ceará, Alagoas, Sergipe, Piauí, Paraíba, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná) ( Monné 2021; Tavakilian and Chevillotte 2021). Herein, we extend its geographical distribution to Colombia and Argentina, after the examination of a series of specimens.

Material examined. MEXICO, Chiapas: El Aguacero, 1 male, 26.VI.1989, P.K. and E.B. Lago leg. ( MZSP, formerly ACMT) ; Chorreodero Canyon , 5 mi. E Chiapa de Corzo, 1 male, 15.VI.1986, Reifschneider, Thomas, Bazata and Cldwell leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; 16 km W Ocozocoautla at El Aguacero, 1 male, 10.VI.2009, Skillman and Hidelbrant leg. ( FWSC) . COSTA RICA, Guanacaste: 15 km SW Bagaces , 1 male, 14.II.1972, G. Frankie leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) . COLOMBIA (new country record), Bolivar: San Jacinto, Reserva La Flecha , 324 m, 09°51′12.4″N / 75°10′41.4″W, 1 female, 15–16.IV.2018, Trampa de luz UV, Garcia leg. ( MZSP) GoogleMaps ; 09.852705°N / − 75.17564°W, 1 male ( MZSP), 1 female ( MPUJ), 27.IV.2017, Trampa de luz, BST, I. Mendoza-Pérez leg. GoogleMaps BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Potrerillo del Guendá, Snake Farm , 17°40′S / 63°27′W, 370–400 m, 1 female, 21–24.X.2011, Wappes and Skillman leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 10–12.XI.2011, Bettela, Bonaso and Romero leg. ( FSCA formerly ACMT) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 19.XI.2013, Skillman and Wappes leg. ( FWSC) ; 1 male, 22–14.IX.2012, Wappes and Skelley leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; Reserva Natural , 40 km NW Santa Cruz, 17°40′S / 63°27′W, 1 male, 30.IX– 3.X.2007, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA) GoogleMaps ; 8 km NW Terebinto, Javier Chaco, 17°41′S / 63°24′W, 2 males, 1 female, 1.XII.2012, Skillman, Wappes, Bonaso and Romero leg. ( FWSC) GoogleMaps ; Florida, 4 km N Bermejo, Refugio los Volcanes , 18°06′S / 63°36′W, 1000–1200 m, 1 female, 6-8.XII.2015, Skillman, Wappes and Kuckartz leg. ( FWSC) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 28.X.2011, Skillman and Wappes leg. ( FWSC) GoogleMaps ; 1045–1350 m, 2 males, 2 females, 17–24.X.2014, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; 3363′, 1 male, 18–24.X.2014, Morris and Wappes leg. ( RFMC) ; 2 females, 1–10.X.2008, Morris and Wappes leg. ( RFMC) ; 3400–4200 ft., 2 males, 16–20.IX.2012, Wappes, Skelley, Bonaso and Hamel leg. ( FSCA formerly ACMT) ; Pampagrande , 1 female, 3.X.2011, Langer leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; Buena Vista, vic. Flora and Fauna Hotel , 1 female, 14–16.X.2000, R. Morris leg. ( RFMC) ; 4 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora and Fauna , 17°29′S / 63°39′W, 300–400 m, 1 female, 20.X.2011, Skillman and Wappes leg. ( FWSC) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, 17.X.2011, Skillman and Wappes leg. ( FWSC) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, 23.XI.2013, Skillman and Wappes leg. ( FWSC) ; 1 female, 3 males, 17–20.X.2000, Morris leg. ( RFMC) ; 1 female, 17–19.X.2000, Skillman and Wappes leg. ( FWSC) ; 1 female, 17–20.X.2000, Morris leg. ( FSCA) ; 1 female, 22–31.X.2002, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; 1 male, 2–14.X.2003, R. Clarke leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; 1 female, 3–8.X.2004, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; 430 m, 2 females, 14–19.X.2000, M.C. Thomas leg. ( FSCA) ; 2 males, 17–19.X.2000, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; 8 km SE Buena Vista , 1 female, 24.X.1992, E. Giesbert leg. ( FSCA) ; 1 female, 18–25.X.1992, E. Giesbert leg. ( FSCA) ; Achira Camp , 1360 m, 18°09′49″S / 63°48′83″W, 1 male, 14–15.X.2006, Wappes, Nearns and Eya leg. ( MZSP, formerly ACMT) . ARGENTINA (new country record), Cordoba: Rt. 20 km 834, 4 km E Taninga, 1 male, no date indicated, Cordo, Stange and Woodruff leg. ( FSCA) .


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology














Hamaederus yucatecus ( Chemsak and Noguera, 1997 )

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo 2021

Monne MA 2021: 76
Noguera FA & Ortega-Huerta MA & Zaragoza-Caballero S & Gonzalez-Soriano E & Ramirez-Garcia E. 2017: 460
Galileo MHM & Martins UR & Moyses E. 2011: 10
Swift I & Bezark LG & Nearns EH & Solis A & Hovore FT 2010: 12
Maes J-M & Berghe E & Dauber D & Audureau A & Nearns E & Skillman F & Heffern D & Monne MA 2010: 75
Audureau A. 2010: 3
Hovore FT 2006: 371
Monne MA & Hovore FT 2006: 36
Monne MA 2005: 58
Turnbow RH & Cave RD & Thomas MC 2003: 6

Plocaederus confusus Martins and Monné 2002: 243

Monne MA 2021: 73
Wappes JE & Santos-Silva A & Botero JP 2018: 5
Monne MA & Santos-Silva A & Casari AS & Monne ML 2017: 7
Nascimento FEL & Silva Ferreira A & Bravo FB 2017: 82
Moura LA & Von Groll E. 2017: 440
Lingafelter SW & Wappes JE & Ledezma Arias J. 2017: 22
Nascimento FEL & Botero JP & Bravo F. 2016: 556
Ferreira AS & Rocha AA 2015: 365
Martins UR & Santos-Silva A & Galileo MHM & Limeira-de-Oliveira F. 2014: 380
Monne ML & Monne MA & Martins RS & Simoes MVP & Machado VS 2010: 238
Martins UR & Galileo MHM & Limeira-de-Oliveira F. 2009: 504
Wappes JE & Morris RF & Nearns EH & Thomas MC 2006: 7
Monne MA & Hovore FT 2006: 36
Monne MA 2005: 56
Maia ACD & Iannuzzi L & Nobre CEB & Albuquerque CMR 2003: 411
Martins UR & Monne MA 2002: 243

Plocaederus barauna Martins and Monné 2002: 239

Monne MA 2021: 72
Monne MA & Monne ML 2016: 7
Galileo MHM & Martins UR & Moyses E. 2011: 10
Monne MA 2005: 56
Martins UR & Monne MA 2002: 239

Brasilianus yucatecus

Toledo VH & Noguera FA & Chemsak JA & Hovore FT & Giesbert EF 2002: 525
Chemsak JA & Noguera FA 1997: 6

Brasilianus pactor

Buck P. 1959: 582

Hammatocherus pactor

Gounelle E. 1909: 607

Hammaticherus glabricollis Bates 1892: 147

Bates HW 1892: 147
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