Published, First, 2007, Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types, Zootaxa 1418, pp. 1-628 : 203-207

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ICTALURIDAE Gill, 1861 View in CoL View at ENA

Ictaluri Gill, 1861c: 49. Type genus: Ictalurus Rafinesque, 1820 .

Ameiurina Günther, 1864: 98. Type genus: Ameiurus Rafinesque, 1820 .

Ichthaelurinae Meek, 1904: 10. Type genus: Ichthaelurus Cope, 1868.

† Astephinae Grande & Lundberg, 1988: 146. Type genus: † Astephus Cope, 1873 .

Reviews: Lundberg (1975, fossil forms).

Identification guide: Page & Burr (1991, Canada and U.S.).

Checklist: Espinosa Pérez, et al. (1993, Mexico).

Phylogeny: Le Grande (1981, chromosomal evolution); Hardman (2002); Lundberg (1982, 1992).

7 genera, 64 species; 1 fossil genus and 14 fossil species.

AMEIURUS Rafinesque, 1820

Ameiurus Rafinesque, 1820c: 359 . Type species: Silurus lividus Rafinesque, 1820 . Type designated by plenary powers (ICZN, Opinion 1584; see Bailey & Robins, 1988, for justification). Gender: Masculine. Also described as new in Rafinesque (1820a: 65). Originally proposed as subgenus of Ictalurus .

Amiurus Agassiz, 1846: 17 . Type species: Silurus lividus Rafinesque, 1820 . Unjustified emendation of Ameiurus Rafinesque, 1820 . Gender: Masculine.

Gronias Cope, 1864: 231 . Type species: Gronias nigrilabris Cope, 1864 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Remarks: See Bailey & Robins (1988) for information on type species.

Relationships: Hardman & Page (2003).

Ameiurus brunneus Jordan, 1877

Amiurus brunneus Jordan, 1877a: 366 . Type locality: South Fork of Ocmulgee R., at Flat Shoals, Georgia. Lectotype: USNM 20148 About USNM , designated by Jordan & Evermann (1896: 142).

Distribution: Atlantic coast basins from southern Virginia to Georgia; Gulf Coast basins of Georgia, Alabama and Florida (Page & Burr, 1991).

Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Silurus catus Linnaeus, 1758: 305 . Type locality: America; Asia [the latter in error]. No types known; based on illustrations in Catesby (1731–1743: pl. 23), and Marcgravius (1648: 173).

Pimelodus albidus Lesueur, 1819: 148 . Type locality: la Delaware [River]. Type (s): Whereabouts unknown (Gilbert, 1998).

Pimelodus lynx Girard, 1859b: 160 . Type locality: Potomac River, in a deep run, a tributary of Patapsco River, and at Carlisle, Pa [ U. S. A.]. Syntypes: at USNM, but not found .

Ichthaelurus Kevinskii Stauffer, 1869: 578. Type locality: Susquehanna River drainage, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. Holotype: Whereabouts unknown.

Ichthaelurus McCaskei Stauffer 1869: 578. Type locality: Shenk's Ferry , Susquehanna River (or tributary thereof), Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. Holotype: Whereabouts unknown.

Amiurus lophius Cope, 1870a: 487 . Type locality: Washington, D. C. market, which came from the lower course of the Potomac River. Syntypes (3): ANSP 8461–62 About ANSP (2).

Amiurus niveiventris Cope, 1870a: 488 . Type locality: Neuse River , N. Ca. [North Carolina, U.S.A.]. Syntypes: ANSP 8466–67 About ANSP (2).

Distribution: Atlantic and Gulf coast drainages from Hudson River to Pascagoula River, Mississippi; introduced elsewhere (Page & Burr, 1991).

Ameiurus hazenensis (Baumgartner, 1982)

Ictalurus (Amiurus) hazenensis Baumgartner, 1982: 38 . Type locality: Laminated diatomaceous beds of Miocene Middle Truckee Formation (ca. 39º 31'36"N, 119º 06'27"W), Two Tips Quadrangle , T19 N, R26 E, Sec. 7 (center), near Nazen , Churchill County. Nevada. Holotype: UMMP V 74320 View Materials (anterior portion of fish). GoogleMaps

Distribution: Churchill County, Nevada, Middle Truckee Formation; Miocene.

Ameiurus lavetti (Lundberg, 1975)

Ictalurus lavetti Lundberg, 1975: 31 , fig. 4 a–e; pl. 11, fig. a. Type locality: Sec. 7, T. 11 S, R. 37 W, Old Vincent Ranch, 22 mi. NE of Wallace, Logan County, Kansas; middle Pliocene .

Distribution: Olallala Group, Logan County Kansas, and Basal Ash Hollow formation, South Dakota; lower to middle Pliocene (Lundberg, 1975).

Ameiurus leidyi (Lundberg, 1975)

Ictalurus leidyi Lundberg, 1975: 35 , fig. 4 f; pl. 5, fig. a, pl. 8, fig. k. Type locality: Observation Quarry, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 4, T. 31 N, R. 47 W. Dawes County, Nebraska; early Miocene. Holotype: AMNH 10509 About AMNH (nearly complete skull).

Distribution: Observation Quarry, Nebraska; Valentine Formation, Nebraska; Ash Hollow Formation, Nebraska; lower Pliocene (Lundberg, 1975).

Ameiurus macgrewi (Lundberg, 1975)

Ictalurus macgrewi Lundberg, 1975: 29 , fig. 3; pl. 10, fig. a. Type locality: Banks of Horse Creek , Sec. 3, T. 17 N, R. 66 W, Laramie County, Wyoming; middle Miocene. Holotype: University of Wyoming 3298.

Distribution: Banks of Horse Creek, Laramie County, Wyoming; middle Miocene (Lundberg, 1975).

Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque, 1820)

Silurus melas Rafinesque, 1820b: 51 . Type locality: Ohio River. No types known. Also described as new as Pimelodus melas in Rafinesque (1820a: 66 and 1820c: 360).

Pimelodus catulus Girard, 1858b: 208 , pl. 41 (figs. 4–6). Type locality: Fort Smith , Arkansas. Syntypes: USNM 926 About USNM (1), USNM 927 About USNM (5, missing).

Pimelodus confinis Girard, 1859b: 159 . Type locality: Root River, near Racine, Wis. Syntypes: MCZ 35993 (1), USNM 1514 About USNM (7) , USNM 1515 About USNM (3).

Pimelodus cupreoides Girard, 1859b: 159 . Type locality: Aux Plaines, Ill. Syntypes: USNM 1497 About USNM (4).

Amiurus obesus Gill 1861b: 45 . Type locality: Nebraska. Syntypes: USNM 8968 About USNM (3).

Amiurus brachyacanthus Cope, 1880: 35 . Type locality: Wallace Creek, headwaters of Medina River, Bandera Co., Texas. Syntypes: ANSP 20527–28 About ANSP (2).

Amiurus cragini Gilbert, 1884: 10 . Type locality: “The Lake” (a blind arm of the Arkansas River), at Garden City , Finney Co., Kansas. Holotype: USNM 36814 About USNM . Also appeared as new (and synonymized in a footnote) in Gilbert (1885: 512).

Distribution: North American Great Lakes, Hudson Bay, Mississippi River basin and Gulf Coast basins; introduced elsewhere (Page & Burr, 1991).

Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur, 1819)

Pimelodus natalis Lesueur, 1819: 154 . Type locality: Haut-Canada. No types known. Placed on Official List (ICZN, Opinion 1584).

Silurus lividus Rafinesque, 1820b: 50 . Type locality: Ohio River. No types known. As Pimelodus lividus in Rafinesque (1820a: 65; and 1820c: 359).

Silurus lividus Fuscatus Rafinesque, 1820b: 51 . Type locality: Ohio River. No types known. Originally as Silurus lividus var. Fuscatus.

Silurus (Pimelodus) coenosus Richardson, 1836: 132 . Type locality: Penetanguisheue, Lake Huron. Holotype: Whereabouts unknown.

Pimelodus ailurus Girard, 1858b: 210 . Type locality: Lake Amelia, near Fort Snelling , Minnesota. Syntypes: USNM 904 About USNM (2, originally 1), USNM 905 About USNM (1, missing).

Pimelodus antoniensis Girard, 1858b: 209 . Type locality: Near San Antonio, Tex. Holotype: USNM 923 About USNM .

Pimelodus felinus Girard, 1858b: 209 . Type locality: Trib. of Gypsum creek, Canadian. Lectotype: USNM 924 About USNM , designated by Jordan & Evermann (1896: 140).

Pimelodus puma Girard, 1859b: 160 . Type locality: Charleston, S. C. [South Carolina]. Holotype: USNM 1536 About USNM .

Amiurus natalis analis Jordan, 1877c: 87 , pl. 18 (fig. 31). Type locality: Little Red River , Judsonia, White Co., Arkansas. Holotype: USNM 31088 About USNM (missing).

Amiurus erebennus Jordan, 1877c: 85 , pl. 13 (figs. 19–20). Type locality: St. John's River , Florida. Holotype: USNM 19093 About USNM .

Amiurus bolli Cope, 1880: 35 . Type locality: Little Wichita River, in northern Texas. Syntypes: ANSP 20512–13 About ANSP (2).

Amiurus prosthistius Cope, 1884a: 132 . Type locality: Batsto River, Mullica System , New Jersey. Syntypes: ANSP 20546–49 About ANSP (4).

Distribution: Atlantic and Gulf coast drainages, from New York to northern Mexico, Great Lakes and Mississippi River basin (Page & Burr, 1991).

Remarks: Amiurus erebennus Jordan, 1877 , was treated as a valid subspecies in Gilbert (1998).

Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur, 1819)

Pimelodus nebulosus Lesueur, 1819: 149 . Type locality: Philadelphie .... la Delaware. No types known.

Pimelodus atrarius De Kay, 1842: 185 , pl. 36 (fig. 116). Type locality: Wappinger's Creek , trib. to Hudson R., Dutchess Co., New York. Syntypes: New York State coll. (whereabouts unknown; Gilbert, 1998).

Pimelodus pullus DeKay, 1842: 184 , pl. 37 (fig. 117). Type locality: Lake Pleasant, Lake Janet and other lakes in n. districts, New York. Syntypes: New York State coll. (whereabouts unknown; Gilbert, 1998).

Pimelodus vulgaris Thompson, 1842: 138 . Type locality: Lake Champlain , Vermont. Holotype: Whereabouts unknown.

? Pimelodus felis Agassiz, 1850: 281 . Type locality: Lake Superior. Type (s): Whereabouts unknown.

Pimelodus marmoratus Holbrook, 1855: 54 , pl. 6 (fig. 4). Type locality: Altamaha River , Georgia. Holotype: USNM 9031 About USNM . As Pimelodus marginatus on table of plates (p. 58).

Pimelodus marginatus Holbrook, 1855: 58 , pl. 6 (fig. 4). Type locality: Altamaha River , Georgia. Holotype: USNM 9031 About USNM . Name made available from table of plates for illustration corresponding to species account of Pimelodus marmoratus Holbrook.

Pimelodus dekayi Girard, 1859b: 160 . Type locality: Oswego, Lake Ontario, and in four mile creek, near Oswego [New York]. Syntypes: USNM 1512 About USNM (missing), USNM 1513 About USNM (4).

Pimelodus hoyi Girard, 1859b: 159 . Type locality: In the neighborhood of Racine, Wis. Syntypes: MCZ 35945 (1), USNM 1539 About USNM (3).

Pimelodus vulpeculus Girard, 1859b: 160 . Type locality: Charleston, S.C. [South Carolina]. Holotype: USNM 1530 About USNM .

Gronias nigrilabris Cope, 1864: 231 . Type locality: Conestoga Creek, trib. to Susquehanna River, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. Syntypes: ANSP 22082–83 About ANSP (2).

Amiurus mispilliensis Cope, 1870a: 486 . Type locality: Mispillion Creek, a sluggish stream in the southern part of the State of Delaware. Holotype: ANSP 8536 About ANSP .

Ictalurus nebulosus pannonicus Harka & Pinter, 1990: 69 View in CoL , figs. 3–4. Type locality: Tisza R. at Poroszló, Hungary. Holotype: MNSB 87.1 View Materials .1. [Name based on an introduced population.]

Distribution: Atlantic and Gulf coast drainages, from Canada to Alabama; Great Lakes, Hudson Bay, and Mississippi River basin; introduced elsewhere in North America (Page & Burr, 1991); also in Europe and New Zealand.

Remarks: Pimelodus marmoratus Holbrook, 1855 , was treated as a valid subspecies, with no synonyms, in Gilbert (1998).

Ameiurus pectinatus (Cope, 1874)

Ictalurus pectinatus Cope, 1874a: 49 . Type locality: Florissant lake beds, Oligocene, Florissant , Colorado. Holotype: USNM 4086 About USNM .

Distribution: Florissant lake beds, Colorado; Oligocene (Lundberg, 1975).

Ameiurus platycephalus (Girard, 1859)

Pimelodus platycephalus Girard, 1859b: 161 . Type locality: In the neighborhood of Anderson, S.C. [South Carolina]. Lectotype: ANSP 8473 About ANSP , designated by Yerger & Relyea (1968: 364).

Distribution: Atlantic drainages of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia (Page & Burr, 1991).

Ameiurus reticulatus Smith, Morgan & Gustafson, 2000

Ameiurus reticulatus Smith, Morgan and Gustafson, 2000: 16 , figs. 9 b, c. Type locality: Blufftop local fauna, Ringold Formation , Franklin Co., Washington; middle Pliocene. Holotype: UMMP 104009 View Materials , complete mandible.

Distribution: Ringold Formation, Washington; Miocene (Smith, Morgan and Gustafson, 2000).

Ameiurus sawrockensis (Smith, 1962)

Ictalurus sawrockensis Smith, 1962: 527 , fig. 8. Type locality: Beaver locality, Sawrock Canyon , west side of Sec. 36, T. 34 S, 312 W. Seward County, Kansas; upper Pliocene. Holotype: UMMP V 37066 View Materials (pectoral-fin spine).

Ictalurus benderensis Smith, 1962: 527 , fig. 9. Type locality: Bender local fauna, Rexroad formation above Rexroad local fauna, Cottrell pasture NW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 16., T. 33 S, R. 29 W. Mead County, Kansas, upper Pliocene. Holotype: UMMP V 37664 View Materials (pectoral-fin spine).

Distribution: Sawrock Canyon local fauna, Rexroad Formation, Kansas; upper Pliocene (Lundberg, 1975).

Ameiurus serracanthus (Yerger & Relyea, 1968)

Ictalurus serracanthus Yerger & Relyea, 1968: 373 View in CoL , fig. 4. Type locality: N. shore of Lake Talquin, 6.8 mi. westsouthwest of Ochlockonee R., Gadsden Co., Florida. Holotype: USNM 231711 About USNM .

Distribution: Gulf Coast drainages of northern Florida, western Georgia, and eastern Alabama (Page & Burr, 1991).

Ameiurus vespertinus (Miller & Smith, 1967)

Ictalurus vespertinus Miller & Smith, 1967: 15 . Type locality: roadcuts on state highway 45 about 1.5 mi. SE of Fossil Butte, sec. 16, T. 4 S, R 1 W. Glenns Ferry Formation , lacustrine facies, late Pliocene. Holotype: UMMP V 55561 View Materials (right lower jaw).

Ictalurus peregrinus Lundberg, 1975: 39 , fig. 5 a–e; pl. 7, fig. c, d; pl. 8, fig. a. Type locality: Sec. 14, T. 21 S, R. 37 E, Malheur County, Oregon. Upper member of the Juntura Formation , Black Butte local fauna. Holotype: UO 28035 (pectoral spine).

Distribution: Glenns Ferry Formation; Chalk Hills Formation; Chalk Butte Formation; Rome Beds, Oregon; Juntura Formation, Black Butte local fauna, Pliocene-Pleistocene (Lundberg, 1975).

Remarks: Synonymy based on Lundberg (1992).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













Published, First 2007

Ameiurus reticulatus

Smith, Morgan and Gustafson 2000: 16

Ictalurus nebulosus pannonicus

Harka & Pinter 1990: 69

Ictalurus serracanthus

Yerger & Relyea 1968: 373

Amiurus cragini

Gilbert 1884: 10

Amiurus prosthistius

Cope 1884: 132

Amiurus brachyacanthus

Cope 1880: 35

Amiurus bolli

Cope 1880: 35

Amiurus natalis analis

Jordan 1877: 87

Ictalurus pectinatus

Cope 1874: 49

Amiurus lophius

Cope 1870: 487

Amiurus niveiventris

Cope 1870: 488

Amiurus mispilliensis

Cope 1870: 486

Gronias nigrilabris

Cope 1864: 231

Amiurus obesus

Gill 1861: 45

Pimelodus lynx

Girard 1859: 160

Pimelodus confinis

Girard 1859: 159

Pimelodus cupreoides

Girard 1859: 159

Pimelodus puma

Girard 1859: 160

Pimelodus dekayi

Girard 1859: 160

Pimelodus hoyi

Girard 1859: 159

Pimelodus vulpeculus

Girard 1859: 160

Pimelodus platycephalus

Girard 1859: 161

Pimelodus catulus

Girard 1858: 208

Pimelodus ailurus

Girard 1858: 210

Pimelodus antoniensis

Girard 1858: 209

Pimelodus felinus

Girard 1858: 209

Pimelodus marmoratus

Holbrook 1855: 54

Pimelodus marginatus

Holbrook 1855

Pimelodus felis

Agassiz 1850: 281

Pimelodus atrarius

De Kay 1842: 185

Pimelodus vulgaris

Thompson 1842: 138

Silurus (Pimelodus) coenosus

Richardson 1836: 132

Silurus lividus Rafinesque, 1820b: 50

Fuscatus Rafinesque 1820: 50

Pimelodus albidus

Lesueur 1819: 148

Pimelodus natalis

Lesueur 1819: 154

Pimelodus nebulosus

Lesueur 1819: 149

Silurus catus

Linnaeus 1758: 305
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