Anillinus micamicus, Harden & Caterino, 2024

Harden, Curt W. & Caterino, Michael S., 2024, Systematics and biogeography of Appalachian Anillini, and a taxonomic review of the species of South Carolina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Anillini), ZooKeys 1209, pp. 69-197 : 69-197

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.125897

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Anillinus micamicus

sp. nov.

Anillinus micamicus sp. nov.

Figs 12 B View Figure 12 , 21 H View Figure 21 , 24 H View Figure 24 , 25 A View Figure 25 , 34 F View Figure 34 , 35 J – L View Figure 35 , 36 View Figure 36

Type material.

Holotype male ( USNM): point mounted, with abdominal ventrites glued to point and genitalia in Euparal on microslide pinned beneath specimen. Original labels: “ USA: SC, Pickens Co. Clemson Experimental Forest Waldrop Stone Falls . 34.7393, - 82.8205. 8. x. 2021. CW Harden. Under rock on steep slope near falls. ” “ [QR code] CLEMSON-ENT CUAC 000168229 About CUAC ” “ Harden DNA Voucher CWH- 402 Anillinus “ wildcat ” M Ext. 19 - December- 2021 [green-bordered cardstock] ” “ HOLOTYPE Anillinus micamicus Harden & Caterino [orange cardstock] ” GoogleMaps

GenBank: OR 853291, OR 839296, OR 838075.

Paratypes (n = 4; CUAC). USA • South Carolina • Pickens Co. • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same data as Holotype; CUAC 000168228 About CUAC and CUAC 000168230 About CUAC , CWH- 404 and CWH- 405 GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Clemson Experimental Forest ; 34.74265, - 82.84167; 23 Nov. 2019; CW Harden leg.; On underside of large embedded rock during rain, oak-hickory woods, clay soil; CUAC 000168227 About CUAC , CWH- 061 GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; 3 mi N Clemson ; 34.7252, - 82.8247; 24 Oct. 2021 to 10 Apr. 2022; CW Harden leg.; Buried pipe trap. Mica-rich sand / clay. Trap 07; CUAC 000170085 About CUAC GoogleMaps .

GenBank accession numbers for paratypes: OR 853293, OR 839298, OR 839414, OR 837797, OR 837958, OR 838148, OR 853292, OR 839297, OR 838077, OR 853290, OR 839295, OR 838078, OR 838252.


Closely similar to A. mica , differing in: metafemora of males not strongly modified (Fig. 12 B View Figure 12 ); the shape of the median lobe (Fig. 35 L View Figure 35 ), especially the sinuate ventral margin near the apex and the armature of the internal sac, which lacks the two distinct saddle-like sclerites present in A. mica . The single known female of A. micamicus has a spermatheca with a larger proximal coil and slightly shorter stem beyond the coil, and lacks sclerotized folds in the bursa.


Habitus ABL = 1.77–1.93 mm, average = 1.87 ± 0.07 mm. Moderately flattened dorsoventrally, body relatively narrow (average EW / ABL = 0.35) (Fig. 34 F View Figure 34 ). Integument Isodiametric microsculpture present on most of dorsal surface of head, stretched and weakly impressed on center of vertex and sides at base in some specimens; absent from disc of pronotum, but present along all outer margins. Head HW / PW = 0.75–0.80; antennomeres IV – X moniliform; frontoclypeal horn small, inconspicuous in lateral view; labrum shallowly emarginate; three pairs of supraorbital setae present. Pronotum PL / ABL = 0.24, PW / EW = 0.81–0.84; Moderately constricted posteriorly (Pbw / PW = 0.76–0.80); sides slightly sinuate before the slightly obtuse hind angles; 3 or 4 basal serrulations present. Elytra Dorsoventrally flattened, parallel-sided; relatively long (EL / ABL = 0.56–0.57); humeri not sloped; with traces of 3–5 weakly impressed striae; without prominent subapical plica. Legs Profemora of males unmodified; protarsi of males with first protarsomere moderately expanded and spinose in inner margin, with ventral adhesive setae; second protarsomere of males not expanded and without ventral setae; metafemora of males not swollen, posterior surface weakly tuberculate medially, without prominent projection (Fig. 12 B View Figure 12 ). Abdominal ventrites Unmodified in either sex. Male genitalia Ring sclerite large (RL / ABL = 0.29), subtriangular and slightly asymmetrical in anterior 1 / 2. Median lobe (Fig. 35 L View Figure 35 ) of aedeagus arcuate, enlarged distally, slightly twisted from plane of basal lobes; dorsal margin weakly sclerotized for ~ 1 / 2 its length; ventral margin asetose, bisinuate before apex, which is abruptly narrowed to a slightly obtuse point. Internal sac with flagellum small and curved, not rotated dorsally, “ open ” laterally; two groups of small, elongate spines present on left side of sac in repose, in right lateral view appearing as a long U-shaped row below flagellum and a separate small, dark shape behind base of flagellum; left side of ostium with a lightly sclerotized fold, situated above apex of flagellum in right lateral view. Right paramere (Fig. 35 K View Figure 35 ) partially membranous and enclosed in a feathery membranous sheath, with four setae apically. Left paramere (Fig. 35 J View Figure 35 ) subtriangular, with four long subequal setae on ventral margin near apex. Female genitalia Spermatheca long, gradually enlarged distally, stem coiled proximally (Fig. 21 H View Figure 21 ). Spermathecal duct present, short, slightly curved, without coils. Bursa without sclerotized folds.


Known from three nearby localities in southern Pickens Co., SC (Fig. 36 View Figure 36 ).


All of the hand collected specimens were found with A. mica under the same rocks. At Waldrop Stone Falls (Fig. 25 A View Figure 25 ), A. murrayae was also collected with both species.

Natural history.

Specimens have been collected beneath embedded rocks in clay-rich soils and in buried pipe traps. They are presumably endogean in habit. Hand collected specimens were found in October and November.

Species status justification.

The combined male genitalic and secondary sexual modifications are unique within the genus, and the DNA sequence data indicate reproductive isolation from other sinuaticollis - group species. See justification under A. mica above.

Derivation of species name.

A noun in apposition created by combining mica and amicus, meaning friend or companion in Latin, in reference to the repeated cooccurrence of this species and the closely related A. mica .


The following female specimens belong to either A. mica or A. micamicus (n = 5, CUAC): USA • South Carolina • Pickens Co.; • 4 ♀; Central, 3 mi N Clemson; 34.7252, - 82.8247; 26 Apr. to 12 Jul. 2020; C. W. Harden & M. S. Caterino leg.; Buried pipe trap baited w / cheese. Mica-rich clay soil, beech, oak; CUAC 00017074 to CUAC 000170077 ; • 1 ♀; same locality as previous; 11 Apr. to 14 Aug. 2021; C. W. Harden leg.; Buried pipe trap. Mica-rich sand / clay. Trap- 01; CUAC 000170078 .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Clemson University Arthropod Collection











