Asiagone perforata Tanasevitch, 2014

Zhao, Qingyuan & Li, Shuqiang, 2014, A survey of linyphiid spiders from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China (Araneae, Linyphiidae), ZooKeys 460, pp. 1-181 : 6

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2015-12-27 19:36:40, last updated 2024-11-26 01:11:16)

scientific name

Asiagone perforata Tanasevitch, 2014


Taxon classification Animalia Araneae Linyphiidae

Asiagone perforata Tanasevitch, 2014 View in CoL Figs 1, 2, 3, 4

Asiagone perforata : Tanasevitch 2014b: 69, figs 7-14 (♂).

Material examined.

1♂, CHINA, Yunnan: Menglun Town: Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, 21°57.669'N, 101°11.893'E, elevation ca 790 m, 16.-24.09.2006, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps; 1♂2♀, 21°57.445'N, 101°12.997'E, elevation ca 744 m, 10.-14.08.2006, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps; 1♂, 21°57.669'N, 101°11.893'E, elevation ca 790 m, 16.-24.08.2006, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps; 1♂, 21°54.984'N, 101°16.982'E, elevation ca 656 m, 1.-9.11.2006, secondary tropical seasonal moist forest, pitfall traps; 1♀, 21°54.718'N, 101°16.940'E, elevation ca 645 m, 19.-25.12.2006, secondary tropical seasonal moist forest, pitfall traps; 2♂, 21°57.669'N, 101°11.893'E, elevation ca 790 m, 16.-28.02.2007, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps; 1♂4♀, 21°54.607'N, 101°17.005'E, elevation ca 633 m, 1.-15.04.2007, secondary tropical seasonal moist forest, pitfall traps; 1♂1♀, 21°54.984'N, 101°16.982'E, elevation ca 656 m, 1.-15.04.2007, secondary tropical seasonal moist forest, pitfall traps; 3♂1♀, 21°54.767'N, 101°11.431'E, elevation ca 880 m, 16.-31.04.2007, secondary tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest, pitfall traps; 3♂2♀, 21°55.035'N, 101°16.500'E, elevation ca 558 m, 1.-15.07.2007, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps; 3♂2♀, 21°54.607'N, 101°17.005'E, elevation ca 633 m, 1.-15.07.2007, secondary tropical seasonal moist forest, pitfall traps.


This genus was described from Laos by Tanasevitch (2014b), including two species: Asiagone signifera Tanasevitch, 2014 and Asiagone perforata Tanasevitch, 2014. The male is diagnosed as Asiagone perforata by the long, whip-like embolus equipped with a leaf-shaped process at the approximately midpoint (Fig. 1D), horn-shaped distal apophysis of convector (Fig. 2A), and convector’s membraniform extension that covers most part of bulb in prolateral view (Figs 1A, 4A). The female is described for the first time; it possesses a distinct lump-shaped epigyne (Fig. 3A), in which ventral and dorsal figs are fused and the margin of figs is indistinct (Fig. 3 B–C).


Male. Well described, e. g. by Tanasevitch (2014b).

Female (one of females from Xishuangbanna). Total length: 2.13. Carapace 0.75 long, 0.63 wide, unmodified, brownish yellow with dark outer margin (Fig. 3D). Sternum 0.41 long, 0.50 wide. Clypeus 0.13 high. Chelicerae promargin with 6 teeth, retromargin with 5 teeth. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.08, PME 0.08, PLE 0.08, AME-AME/AME 0.33, PME-PME/PME 0.63, AME-ALE/ALE 0.63, PME-PLE/PLE 0.63, coxae IV separated by 1.43 times their width. Length of legs: I 3.70 (1.04, 0.24, 0.96, 0.88, 0.58), II 3.85 (0.96, 0.25, 1.06, 0.92, 0.66), III 2.95 (0.83, 0.23, 0.70, 0.72, 0.47), IV 3.72 (1.00, 0.20, 1.00, 0.96, 0.56). Leg formula: II-IV-I-III. TmI 0.38, TmIV 0.31. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-1-1. Abdomen pale, with dark green patches. Epigyne: lump-shaped (Fig. 3A), copulatory openings ambiguous; copulatory ducts long and twirled (Figs 3C, 4D); spermathecae widely separated (Fig. 3C).


China, Laos.


Female of the species is reported for the first time.











