Cryptocercus arcuatus, Wang & Li & Che & Wang, 2015

Wang, Zong-Qing, Li, Yang, Che, Yan-Li & Wang, Jin-Jun, 2015, The wood-feeding genus Cryptocercus (Blattodea: Cryptocercidae), with description of two new species based on female genitalia, Florida Entomologist 98 (1), pp. 260-260 : 260-

publication ID 10.1653/024.098.0143

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cryptocercus arcuatus

sp. nov.

C. arcuatus sp. nov. ( China: Yunnan Province)

1. Cryptocercus primarius Bey-Bienko, 1938 ( Figs. 1-3 View Figs , 16-25 View Figs ) Cryptocercus primarius Bey-Bienko, 1938: 237 .


Male,pronotum: length × width:6.0-6.5 × 8.0-9.0 mm,body length: 23.0 mm; female, pronotum: length × width: 5.9-6.0 × 8.0 mm, body length: 22.5-23.0 mm.


Body medium, brown to dark brown ( Fig. 1 View Figs ). Vertex pale brown, ocellar spot dark brown; head with strong punctation. Antenna brown, apex pale brown and scape gradually darker. Vertex with interocular space slightly less than distance between antennal sockets. Maxillary palps reddish brown and apical segment with tiny hairs ( Fig. 2 View Figs ). Pronotum blackish brown with peculiar shape, disc depressed with 2 pairs of well delimited but feeble protuberances, the fore ones more or less sharp; also with a protruding fore margin ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Front femur Type D 4 (only 4 large spines), tarsus with pulvilli, tarsal claws symmetrical and unspecialized. Abdominal tergites brown, margins of tergites slightly upturned and sterna pale brown; both tergites and sterna punctured, tergite VII and sterna with minute hairs. Area between tergites II and III slightly depressed.

Tergite VII with anterior margin arched and posterior margin slightly truncate at middle ( Fig. 19 View Figs ). Sternum VII produced at apical part, posterior margin truncate; with a conspicuous pair of intersternal shelves (ints.f.) at apex, which are slightly sclerotized at apex and highly sclerotized at base. Vestibular sclerite (vst.s.) broad, well delimited and unmusculated ( Fig. 18 View Figs ). Tergite X rounded at apex; paraprocts (pp.) developed, whose apices extending beyond posterior margin of tergite X ( Fig. 16 View Figs ).


In the roof of the genital chamber, basivalvulae (bsv.) well-developed and elliptical; darker at apex and base,also highly sclerotized ( Fig. 23 View Figs ). Spermatheca, sitting beyond the basivalvulae, fused with them. Valve I (v.I) bases situated posterior to the basivalvulae, but not fused with valvifers I ( Fig. 20 View Figs ). Valvifers I (vlf.I) small and posterolateral to base of valve I, almost covered by inserted muscles; paratergites (pt.) long and slightly curved, situated between valvifers I and base of valve I ( Fig. 25 View Figs ). Valvifer II ring (vlf.II) well sclerotized, located at the central apodeme (c.a.) that is well-developed. Anterior arch (a.a.) with punctures in the middle ( Fig. 22 View Figs ). Laterosternites IX (ltst.IX) small and sheet-like, fused with the bases of paratergites ( Fig. 25 View Figs ). Laterosternal shelf ( large and translucent, nearly oblong; with dense spinules at apical half which are denser near the anterior margin ( Fig. 24 View Figs ).


One male and 1 female, Sichuan Prov., Pingwu County, Wanglang , 2800m, 3-VIII-2011, host: Pine, coll. Dong Wang ; 4 males and 1 female, Sichuan Prov., Pingwu County, Wanglang , 2800m, 3-VIII-2011, host: Pine, coll. Keliang Wu.


Pronotum of this species has inconspicuous punctation similar to C. convexus sp. nov. and C. arcuatus sp. nov. ( Figs. 3, 12, 15 View Figs ). Paraprocts with apices are nearly or slightly extending to the posterior margin of tergite X ( Fig. 16 View Figs ).

2. Cryptocercus hirtus Grandcolas & Bellés, 2005 ( Figs. 4-6 View Figs , 26-35 View Figs )

Cryptocercus hirtus Grandcolas & Bellés, 2005: 727 View in CoL View Cited Treatment .


Male, pronotum: length × width: 7.0 × 9.5 mm, body length: 27.0 mm; female, pronotum: length × width: 6.6-8.0 × 9.3-10.0 mm, body length: 24.1-25.0 mm.


Body medium, brown to dark brown ( Fig. 4 View Figs ). Vertex pale brown, ocellar spot dark brown; head with strong punctation. Antenna brown, apex pale brown and scape gradually darker. Vertex with interocular space slightly less than distance between antennal sockets. Maxillary palps reddish brown and apical segment with tiny hairs ( Fig. 5 View Figs ). Pronotum blackish brown with strong punctation, anterior margin elevated; disc depressed with 4 protuberances, the fore 2 small but sharp; protuberances also strongly depressed, and narrowing posteriorly to median incised line and terminating at short transverse groove ( Fig. 6 View Figs ). Front femur Type D 4 (only 4 large spines), tarsus with pulvilli, tarsal claws symmetrical and unspecialized.Abdominal tergites brown, margins of each tergite slightly upturned, sterna pale brown.Both tergites and sterna punctured,tergite VII and sternum with minute hair; area between tergites II and III slightly depressed.

Tergite VII with anterior margin slightly truncate and posterior margin obtuse ( Fig.29 View Figs ). Sternum VII slightly produced at apex,posterior margin truncate; with a conspicuous pair of intersternal shelves (ints.f.) at apex which are slightly sclerotized at anterior margins. Vestibular sclerite (vst.s.) broad, clearly defined, with anterior margin slightly concave in the middle and unmusculated; membrane surrounding vestibular sclerite which is connected with tergite X (TX) ( Fig. 28 View Figs ). Tergite X rounded at apex; paraprocts (pp.) developed with apices extending to the posterior margin of tergite X, with the gap between paraprocts narrow ( Fig. 26 View Figs ).


In the roof of the genital chamber, the basivalvulae (bsv.) well-developed and divided into 2 parts which are symmetrical, lef basivalvula nearly elliptical, apex slightly dilated on the lef, and slightly narrow on the right, with 1 long and narrow prominence ( Fig. 33 View Figs ). Spermatheca, sitting beyond the basivalvulae and fused with them. Valve I (v.I) bases situated posterior to the basivalvulae but not fused with valvifers I ( Fig. 30 View Figs ). Valvifers I (vlf.I) small and posterolateral to bases of valve I, almost covered by inserted muscles; paratergites (pt.) slightly straight and situated between valvifers I and base of valve I ( Fig. 35 View Figs ). Valvifer II ring (vlf.II) highly sclerotized, located at the central apodeme (c.a.) that is well-developed. Anterior arch (a.a.) dark, with punctures in the middle ( Fig. 32 View Figs ). Laterosternites IX (ltst.IX) large and irregular, fused with the bases of paratergites ( Fig. 35 View Figs ). Laterosternal shelf ( large and translucent, nearly oblong, with dense spinules at apical half ( Fig. 34 View Figs ).


One male nymph, 4 female nymphs, Gansu Prov., Mt. Shimen , 20- VII-2012, coll. Jinjin Wang, Yang Li ; 1 male, 1 female and 1 male nymph, Shaanxi Prov., Mt. Taibaishan , 2,600 m, 15-VII-2011, host: White birch, coll. Chen Luo ; 1 male and 1 male nymph, Shaanxi Prov., Mt. Taibaishan , 2600m, 15-VII-2011, host: White birch, coll. Dong Wang.


Pronotum of this species has conspicuous punctation, like that of C. meridianus ( Figs. 6, 9 View Figs ). But tergite VII is obtuse at posterior margin ( Fig. 29 View Figs ) and sternum VII is slightly produced at apex ( Fig. 28 View Figs ). Valvule II of this species is highly scleritized at lateral margins, clearly forming 2 pale yellow stripes ( Fig. 31 View Figs ).

3. Cryptocercus meridianus Grandcolas & Legendre, 2005 ( Figs. 7-9 View Figs , 36-45 View Figs )

Cryptocercus meridianus Grandcolas & Legendre, 2005: 727 View in CoL View Cited Treatment .


Male, pronotum: length × width: 6.0 ×7.5 mm, body length: 25.0 mm; female, pronotum: length × width: 5.0 × 8.0 mm, body length: 19.9 mm.


Body medium, brown to dark brown ( Fig. 7 View Figs ). Vertex pale brown, ocellar spot dark brown, densely scattered with punctures. Antenna moniliform, brown, apex pale brown and scape gradually darker. Vertex with interocular space slightly more than distance between antennal sockets. Maxillary palps reddish brown and apical segment with tiny hairs ( Fig. 8 View Figs ). Pronotum blackish brown with dense punctation, anterior margin elevated; disc depressed with faint protuberances, protuberances also strongly depressed and narrowing posteriorly to median incised line and terminating at short transverse groove ( Fig. 9 View Figs ). Front femur Type D 4 (only 4 large spines) or D 5, males with different lef and right front femur types; tarsus with pulvilli, tarsal claws symmetrical and unspecialized.Abdominal tergites brown, margins of each tergite slightly upturned, sterna pale brown. Both tergites and sterna punctured, the tergite VII and sternum with minute hair; area between tergites II and III slightly depressed.

Tergite VII with anterior margin slightly arched and posterior margin truncate, which is strongly extending backwards ( Fig. 39 View Figs ). Sternum VII strongly produced at apex, posterior margin truncate; with a conspicuous pair of intersternal shelves (ints.f.) at apex, which are slightly sclerotized at anterior margins, dark and with punctures. Vestibular sclerite (vst.s.) broad, clearly defined, anterior margin arched, apex with dark and linear marks; the whole sclerite unmusculated, membrane surrounding vestibular sclerite which is connected with tergite X (TX) ( Fig. 38 View Figs ). Tergite X rounded at apex; paraprocts (pp.) developed, triangular, with apices not extending to the posterior margin of tergite X, with the gap between paraprocts narrow ( Fig. 36 View Figs ).


In the roof of the genital chamber, the basivalvulae (bsv.) well-developed and similar, nearly triangular or elliptic, anterior and posterior parts obscure and dark brown, anterior area sheet-like, and posterior area linear, both highly sclerotized ( Fig. 43 View Figs ). Spermatheca, sitting beyond the basivalvulae and fused with them. Valve I (v.I) bases fingerlike, highly sclerotized at base, situated posterior to the basivalvulae but not fused with the valvifers I ( Fig. 40 View Figs ). Valvifers I (vlf.I) small and posterolateral to base of valve I, almost covered by inserted muscles; paratergites (pt.) weakly curved, situated between valvifers I and base of valve I ( Fig. 45 View Figs ). Valvifer II ring (vlf.II) highly sclerotized, located at the central apodeme (c.a.) that is well-developed. Anterior arch (a.a.) dark, sheet-like in the middle ( Fig. 42 View Figs ). Laterosternites IX (ltst.IX) large and irregular, fused with the bases of paratergites ( Fig. 45 View Figs ). Laterosternal shelf ( nearly oblong,with dense spinules at apical half ( Fig. 44 View Figs ).


Four males and 1 female, Yunnan Prov., Lijiang City , Mt. Yulongxue- shan, 2-24-VII-2012, host: Pine, coll. Dong Wang and Lin Du.


Pronotum of this species has inconspicuous punctation ( Fig. 9 View Figs ). Front femur type of this species is greatly varied, D 4 or D 5, and different types of lef and right femur only exist in males.

4. Cryptocercus convexus sp. nov. ( Figs. 10-12 View Figs , 46-55 View Figs )


Male, pronotum: length × width: 6.5 ×9.5 mm, body length: 23.5 mm; female, pronotum: length × width: 6.0 × 8.0-9.5 mm, body length: 21.0-24.0 mm.


Body medium, brown to dark brown ( Fig. 10 View Figs ). Vertex pale brown, ocellar spot dark brown, head with dense punctation. Antenna brown, apex pale brown and scape gradually darker. Vertex with interocular space slightly less than distance between antennal sockets. Maxillary palps reddish brown and apical segment with tiny hairs ( Fig. 11 View Figs ). Pronotum blackish brown, trapezoid with dense punctation, anterior margin elevated; disc depressed with faint protuberances, protuberances also strongly depressed, and narrowing posteriorly to median incised line and terminating at short transverse groove ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Front femur Type D 3, D 4 or D 5, sometimes lef and right femur type different; tarsus with pulvilli, tarsal claws symmetrical and unspecialized. Abdominal tergites brown, margins of each tergite slightly upturned, sterna pale brown. Both tergites and sterna punctured, the tergite VII and sternum with minute hairs; area between tergites II and III slightly depressed.

Tergite VII with anterior margin arched and posterior margin obtuse, weakly concave at middle ( Fig. 49 View Figs ). Sternum VII distinctly produced at apex, posterior margin truncate; with a conspicuous pair of intersternal shelves (ints.f.) at apex which are slightly sclerotized at anterior margins. Vestibular sclerite (vst.s.) broad, clearly delimited and unmusculated; membrane surrounding vestibular sclerite, which is connected with tergite X (TX) ( Fig. 48 View Figs ). Tergite X finely acute at apex; paraprocts (pp.) developed, with apices extending to the posterior margin of tergite X, with the gap between paraprocts narrow ( Fig. 46 View Figs ).


In the roof of the genital chamber, the basivalvulae (bsv.) well-developed, elliptical, and similar, posterior parts obscure and dark brown, narrow margin of anterior area dark brown, both highly sclerotized ( Fig. 53 View Figs ). Spermatheca,sitting beyond the basivalvulae,fused with them.Valve I (v.I) bases situated posterior to the basivalvulae, but not fused with valvifer I ( Fig.50 View Figs ).Valvifer I (vlf.I) small and posterolateral to the valve I base, almost covered by inserted muscles;paratergites (pt.) slightly curved,situated between valvifers I and base of valve I ( Fig. 55 View Figs ). Valvifer II ring (vlf.II) highly sclerotized, located at the central apodeme (c.a.) that is well-developed. Anterior arch (a.a.) dark,with punctures in the middle ( Fig. 52 View Figs ). Laterosternites IX (ltst.IX) small and irregular, fused with the bases of paratergites ( Fig. 55 View Figs ). Laterosternal shelf ( large and light yellow, nearly oblong, and brown at disc, with dense spinules at apical half ( Fig. 54 View Figs ).


HOLOTYPE, male, CHINA: Sichuan Prov., Yaan City, Baoxin Mt. Jia- jinshan, 3,300m, 6-VIII-2011, coll. Dong Wang and Keliang Wu. PARA- TYPES, 3 males and 2 females, same data as holotype .


China (Sichuan).


The specific epithet “ convexus ” is derived from the Latin and refers to the hind margin inter-stylus being distinctly convex.


This species resembles other Cryptocercus species in structure, but can be distinguished as follows: pronotum of this species has inconspicuous punctation ( Fig. 12 View Figs ); there are 3 main types of front femur, D 3, D 4 orD 5, and sometimes different types of lef and right femur; tergite VII is weakly concave at posterior margin ( Fig. 49 View Figs ) and tergite X is slightly acute at apex ( Fig. 47 View Figs ).

5. Cryptocercus arcuatus sp. nov. ( Figs. 13-15 View Figs , 56-65 View Figs )


Male, pronotum: length × width: 6.0 × 9.0 mm, body length: 21.0 mm; female, pronotum: length × width: 6.0 × 9.0 mm, body length: 22.0 mm.

C. hirtus C. primarius C. meridianus C. convexus sp. nov. C. arcuatus sp. nov.

Protuberances of the pronotum Strong, more or less Flat and obtuse Flat and obtuse Flat and obtuse Flat and obtuse tapered

Front femur type D 4 D 4 D 4 andd 5 D 3, d 4 ord 5 D 4

Hind margin of Tergite VII More or less arched Truncate Truncate Concave Truncate

Sternum X Rounded at apex Rounded at apex Rounded at apex Acute at apex Rounded at apex

Sternum VII Slightly produced at the Protruded at apex Protruded at apex Protruded at apex Protruded at apex apex

Valvulae II Highly sclerotized lateral Lateral margins not Lateral margins not Lateral margins not Slightly sclerotized margins sclerotized sclerotized sclerotized lateral margins

Laterosternites IX With long or short Without protuberance With long or short With long or short Without protuberance protuberance protuberance protuberance

Paratergites Nearly straight Weakly curved Weakly curved Weakly curved Weakly curved

Paraprocts Well beyond the Nearly to or slightly Does not extend to Does not extend to the Does not extend to posterior margin of beyond the posterior the posterior margin posterior margin of the posterior margin tergite X margin of tergite X of tergite X tergite X of tergite X

The anterior margins of the vestibular sclerites Slightly concave at the Distinctly arched Distinctly arched Distinctly arched Slightly concave at middle the middle


Body medium,brown to dark brown ( Fig. 13 View Figs ).Vertex pale brown,ocellar spot dark brown, head with dense punctation. Antenna brown, apex pale brown and scape gradually darker. Vertex with interocular space slightly less than distance between antennal sockets. Maxillary palps reddish brown and apical segment with tiny hairs ( Fig. 14 View Figs ). Pronotum blackish brown with punctation indistinct, anterior margin elevated; disc depressed with faint protuberances, protuberances also strongly depressed, and narrowing posteriorly to median incised line and terminating at short transverse groove ( Fig. 15 View Figs ). Front femur Type D 4 (only 4 big spines), tarsus with pulvilli, tarsal claws symmetrical and unspecialized. Abdominal tergites brown, margins of each tergite slightly upturned, sterna pale brown. Both tergites and sterna punctured, the tergite VII and sternum with minute hairs; area between tergites II and III slightly depressed.

Tergite VII with anterior margin arched, and posterior margin slightly truncate at middle ( Fig. 59 View Figs ). Sternum VII distinctly produced at apex, posterior margin truncate; with a conspicuous pair of intersternal shelves (ints.f.) at apex, which are slightly sclerotized at anterior margins and highly sclerotized at base. Vestibular sclerite (vst.s.) broad, clearly delimited and unmusculated; membrane surrounding vestibular sclerite, which is connected with tergite X (TX) ( Fig. 58 View Figs ). Tergite X rounded at apex; paraprocts (pp.) developed, with apices not extending to the posterior margin of tergite X, with the gap between paraprocts narrow ( Fig. 56 View Figs ).


In the roof of the genital chamber, the basivalvulae (bsv.) well-developed, elliptical, obscure at apex and base, which are highly sclerotized ( Fig. 63 View Figs ). Spermatheca sitting beyond the basivalvulae and fused with them. Valve I (v.I) bases situated posterior to the basivalvulae, but not fused with the valvifers I ( Fig. 60 View Figs ). Valvifers I (vlf.I) small and posterolateral to the valve I bases, almost covered by inserted muscles; paratergites (pt.) slightly curved and situated between valvifers I and base of valve I ( Fig. 65 View Figs ). Valvifer II ring (vlf.II) highly sclerotized, located at the central apodeme (c.a.) that is well-developed. Anterior arch (a.a.) dark, with punctures in the middle ( Fig. 62 View Figs ). Laterosternites IX (ltst.IX) small and sheet-like, fused with the bases of paratergites ( Fig. 65 View Figs ). Laterosternal shelf ( very large and translucent, nearly oblong; with dense spinules at apical half, which are denser near the anterior margin ( Fig. 64 View Figs ).


HOLOTYPE, male, CHINA: Yunnan Prov., Xianggelila , Mt. Shikaxue- shan, 3,756 m, 20-VII-2012, coll. Dong Wang and Lin Du. PARATYPES, 2 males and 1 female, same date as holotype.


China (Yunnan).


The specific epithet is derived from the Latin adjective “ arcuatus ” referring to the posterior margin between 2 styli being rounded.


The following characteristics make this new species distinctive and easily noticed. Firstly, the pronotum of this species has inconspicuous punctation ( Fig. 15 View Figs ). Secondly, valvule II is strongly protruding at base and lateral margins are slightly scleritized at middle ( Fig. 61 View Figs ).














Cryptocercus arcuatus

Wang, Zong-Qing, Li, Yang, Che, Yan-Li & Wang, Jin-Jun 2015

Cryptocercus hirtus Grandcolas & Bellés, 2005: 727

Grandcolas P & Legendre F & Park YC & Belles X & Murienne J & Pellens R. 2005: 727

Cryptocercus meridianus Grandcolas & Legendre, 2005: 727

Grandcolas P & Legendre F & Park YC & Belles X & Murienne J & Pellens R. 2005: 727
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