Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934

Wang, Cheng-Bin, Ruzicka, Jan, Perreau, Michel, Nishikawa, Masaaki & Park, Sun-Jae, 2016, Revision of the genus Ptomaphagus Hellwig (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from the Russian Far East and the Korean Peninsula, ZooKeys 637, pp. 33-45 : 38-43

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Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934


Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934 View in CoL Figs 1A, D–F; 4; 5

Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel 1934: 165 ( Ptomaphagus (s. str.); type locality: [RUSSIA, Far East] Wladiwostok; SDEI); Jeannel 1936: 72, 84 ( Ptomaphagus (s. str.); in key; distribution); Nishikawa 1983: 1 ( Ptomaphagus (Ptomaphagus) ; in check-list); Perreau 2000: 364 ( Ptomaphagus (s. str.); in catalogue); Perreau 2004: 178 ( Ptomaphagus (Ptomaphagus) ; in catalogue); Zinchenko and Lyubechanskii 2008: 340 ( Ptomaphagus ; distribution); Perreau 2015: 249 ( Ptomaphagus (Ptomaphagus) ; in catalogue).

Material examined.

Type material.Holotype: ♀, [RUSSIA, Far East] Wladiwostok [ca. 43°10'N 132°00'E] // Reitter // Coll. Koltze // Pt. variicornis / Rosenh. // Ptomaphagus sibiricus Jeann. / type / R. Jeannel det. // DEI Müncheberg / Col - 07069 (SDEI).

Additional material.RUSSIA, Far East: 1♀, FE.Russia, SW Khabarovsky / kray reg., Strel’nikova / range Mts., 46°43'N 134°08'E / Samur Riv., 130-550 m alt. / 25.VI.-28.VII.2014 / A. Plutenko leg. (CMNE); 1♀, Vladivostok [ca. 43°10'N 132°00'E] / Christov [leg.] IX.[18]76 // Ptomaphagus sibiricus / Jeannel det. // Ptomaphagus / (Ptomaphagus) sibiricus / Jeannel, 1934 / Ex. M. Nishikawa, 2008 / # MNHN 103377Ch1S ♀ (MNHN); 10♂♂10♀♀, RUSSIA: Primorsky / 30 km NE Vladivostok / Tajvaza / 29. VII– 5.VIII.1992 / B. D. Gill [leg.] (CJRZ); 1♀, RUSSIA: Primoryi / Nakhodka [ca. 42°49'N 132°52'E] / 6-8.VIII.1999 / B. D. Gill [leg.] (CJRZ); 1♂, USSR: Sadgorod [ca. 43°15'N 132°03'E]/ (in forest; trap with / bait), Vladivostok // Primorskyi Kray / 16.VI.1978 / E. Berlov leg. (CMNE); 1♂, Primorskiy Kray, Ussuriyskiy Region, Uss. [uriyskiy] Zapov. [ednik, = Reserve], Staraya Baza, 43.64°N, 132.34°E, poch.l. [= pitfall trap], V. Zinchenko & A. Korshunov [leg.], 9.-19.viii.2011 // Ptomaphagus / sibiricus / V. Zinchenko det. 2002 (CCBW). South Korea: 1♂, KOREA: Gangwon Prov., / Pyeongchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, / Dongsan-ri, Mt. Odaesan, Sangwonsa [ca. 37°47'N 128°33'E], / 4.VI.-22.VI.2001, K.-J. Ahn, S.-J. / Park, M.-S. Kim, M.-J. Jeon [leg.], ex FIT // Ptomaphagus / baekamsanensis / n. sp. / det. S.-J. Park 2005 // 1 (CNUIC); 1♂, KOREA: Gangwon Prov., / Hongcheon-gun [ca. 37°41'N 127°50'E], Mt. Baekamsan, / 25.V.-20.VI.2002, K J Ahn, / C W Shin, J S Park, ex FIT // Ptomaphagus koreanus / new species / det. Sun-Jae Park (CNUIC); 1♀, KOREA, Chungbuk Prov., / Danyanggun, Youngchunmyeon, / Namcheonri, Namcheon valley, / Mt. Sobaeksan [ca. 36°57'N 128°26'E], (M.T), / 25.V.-6.VII.2006 (CNUIC); 1♂, same data as previous except: 2006.VII.6-VII.28 (CNUIC); 1♀, Korea, Kyungsangbuk-do / Yuongdong-gun / Sangchon-myun, Mulhan-ri / Mt. Minjujisan [ca. 36°02'N 127°50'E] / VI.16-18.2000, / Y.B. Cho / coll. / ex bait trap // ♀ No.9 (CNUIC); 1♀, same data as previous except: ♀ 10 (CNUIC); 4♂♂1♀, Korea, Chonrabukdo / Selchonmyun / Mt. Deokyusan / Baekyeonsa Temple [ca. 35°26'N 126°52'E] // vi.16.1999 / D. S. Kim coll. / ex bait trap // Ptomaphagus / sp. / Det. M. Nishikawa // [5, 6, 13, 14 & 15, respectively] (CNUIC); 1♂2♀♀, KOREA: Chungbuk Prov., / Boeun-gun, Mt. Sokrisan [ca. 36°32'N 127°54'E], / Bubjusa, 2004.VI.1-28, / Y.-B. Cho [leg.], FIT (CMNE).


Male. EBL: 3.1-3.8 mm (3.1 mm in holotype). Length of different body parts: HL: AL: PL: ELL = 0.6: 1.0: 1.0: 1.8 mm; width: HW: EW: PW: ELW = 1.0: 0.1: 1.5: 1.6 mm. Proportion of antennomeres from base to tip in μm (length × width): 134 × 66, 107 × 65, 77 × 67, 55 × 81, 54 × 88, 47 × 102, 88 × 125, 35 × 128, 82 × 140, 82 × 140, 147 × 127.

Habitus (Figs 1D, E) elongated oval, regularly convex and sublustrous. Well pigmented: mostly dark brown; mouthparts, basal three antennomeres and apical half of ultimate antennomere, protarsi, and apex of meso- and metatarsi more or less paler. Dorsum continuously clothed with fine, recumbent, yellowish pubescence. Insertions of pubescence on dorsal surfaces of pronotum, elytra and femora align along transverse striolations; interspace between two striolations glabrous.

Head quite transverse, HW/HL = 1.7. Clypeofrontal suture absent. Clypeus with anterior margin almost straight. Compound eyes well developed, EW/HW = 0.1. Antennae (Fig. 4A) slender, AL/HW = 1.0; antennomere III shorter than II; VI with length/width = 0.5; XI peach-shape.

Pronotum (Fig. 4B) transverse, widest just before hind angles, PW/PL = 1.4. Sides gently arched, gradually narrowing from posterior to anterior; hind angles projected backwards and acute. Posterior margin widely protruded in middle part, distinctly emarginate near hind angles.

Elytra oval, widest at about basal 1/3, ELL/EW = 1.2. Sides weakly arched, gradually narrowing from widest part to apices; apices (Fig. 4G) narrowly to widely rounded (all examined specimens from South Korea with wide elytral apices). Sutural striae present. Metathoracic wings fully developed.

Prolegs robust, with basal three protarsomeres (Fig. 4C) strongly expanded: TW/BTW = 1.3. Protibiae (Fig. 4E) distinctly expanded towards apex. Profemora broad. Mesotibiae arcuate, mesotarsi simply linear. Metatibiae slender and straight.

Abdominal ventrite VIII (Fig. 4I) rounded and with an inconspicuous median notch at posterior edge. Spiculum gastrale (Fig. 4J) of genital segment with about 1/5 of length protruding beyond anterior edge of epipleurite IX.

Aedeagus (Fig. 5A) long, slender but relatively strong, with median lobe gradually narrowing towards a wide subpentagonal apex and terminated to a widely rounded knob in dorsal view; opening of genital orifice situated on dorsal surface, deeply cut inwards on preapical left margin of median lobe. Ventral surface of the apex of the median lobe (Fig. 5C) inserted with 6 ventrally oriented setae on the left side and 5 ventrally oriented setae on the rigth side; parameres narrow, reaching about apical 1/6 of median lobe, each apex (Fig. 5D) with 2 lateral setae and 1 apical seta distinctly shorter. In lateral view (Fig. 5B), median lobe thick, regularly bent ventrad, and gradually tapering to a thin apex. Endophallus with stylus quite slender, a cheliform complex just below base of stylus, and a circular complex in the basal region.

Female. Similar to male in general appearance (Fig. 1A, F), including elytral apices (Fig. 4H) and protibiae (Fig. 4F), but distinguished by the following characteristics: protarsi (Fig. 4D) simply linear; abdominal ventrite VIII (Fig. 5E) rounded at posterior edge; genital segment and ovipositor as shown in Fig. 5F; spermatheca (Fig. 5F) curved in distal part and coiled in proximal part.


See under Ptomaphagus (s. str.) hayashii sp. n. above. Other remarks on this species see Wang et al. (2016a).


Russia (Far East), South Korea (Fig. 6).


















Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934

Wang, Cheng-Bin, Ruzicka, Jan, Perreau, Michel, Nishikawa, Masaaki & Park, Sun-Jae 2016

Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus

Jeannel 1934: 165