Kemponia, Bruce, A. J., 2004

Bruce, A. J., 2004, A partial revision of the genus Periclimenes Costa, 1884 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae), Zootaxa 582, pp. 1-26 : 8-10

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gen. nov.

Key to the species of Kemponia gen. nov.

1. Merus of second pereiopod with distoventral tooth ...................................................... 2

­ Merus of second pereiopod unarmed .......................................................................... 15

2. Supraorbital spines present............................................................................................ 3

­ Supraorbital spines absent........................................................................................... 11

3. Distal tooth of scaphocerite distinctly exceeding lamella ............................................. 4

­ Distal tooth of scaphocerite not, or scarcely, exceeding lamella; R. 1+6­8/1­3.............. ........................................................................................................... K. demani (Kemp)

4. Rostrum shallow, ambulatory pereiopods long and slender, fifth exceeding scaphocerite ....................................................................................................................................... 5

­ Rostrum moderately deep, ambulatory pereiopods relatively stout, fifth not exceeding scaphocerite.................................................................................................................8

5. Carpus of second pereiopod with conspicuous tooth on inner side .............................. 6

­ Carpus of second pereiopod without conspicuous tooth on inner margin .................... 7

6. Carpus of male second pereiopod subequal to or shorter than merus, carpus with dis­ tomedial tooth; R. 1+6­8/2­4................................................ K. andamanensis (Kemp)

­ Carpus of male second pereiopod conspicuously longer than merus, carpus without distomedial tooth; R. 1+5­6/2 ........................................ K. suvadivensis (Borradaile)

7. Carpus of first pereiopod at least 1.75 times chela length; male second pereiopod with chela not more than 1.25 of carpal length; in females subequal to chela or slightly shorter; R.1+6­8/2­3............................................................................ K. agag (Kemp)

­ First pereiopod carpus less than 1.5 of chela length; chela of second pereiopod more than 1.3 times carpus length in both sexes; R. 1+5­6/2­3. K. longirostris (Borradaile)

8. Distal margin of second pereiopod carpus with 1–2 acute teeth ................................... 9

­ Distal margin of second pereiopod carpus without acute teeth; R. 7­8/3........................ ...................................................................................................... K. ensifrons (Dana) View in CoL

9. Carpus of second pereiopod with two acute distal teeth ............................................. 10

­ Carpus of second pereiopod with single distomedial tooth only; R. 1+5­9/2­5.............. .................................................................................................... K. grandis (Stimpson) View in CoL

10. Ambulatory pereiopods with propods strongly spinulate; chela of second pereiopod (male only?) finely tuberculate; R. 1+5­7/2­3.............................. K. elegans (Paulson) View in CoL

­ Ambulatory pereiopods with propods with small distoventral spine only; chelae of second pereiopods not tuberculate; R. 1+ 6­7/3...................... K. amymone ( De Man)

11. Rostrum greatly exceeding scaphocerite..................................................................... 12

­ Rostrum subequal to scaphocerite............................................................................... 13

12. Second pereiopods with ischium distoventrally unarmed, rostrum sinuous, upcurved, ambulator y propods segmented, non­spinulate; R. 1­8­11 /6­9 ........................................ ............................................................................................... K. tenuipes (Borradaile)

­ Second pereiopods with strong distoventral ischial tooth, rostrum straight, horizontal, ambulatory propods not segmented, spinulate; R.1+10/6 .............. K. lacertae (Bruce)

13. Second to fourth dorsal rostral teeth enlarged and grouped over orbital region; ambula­ tory propods with distoventral spines only; R. 1+6­7/3­4......... K. kororensis (Bruce)

­ Dorsal rostral teeth evenly distributed, similar ........................................................... 14

14. Inferior orbital angle rounded; second pereiopod carpus with two strong distal teeth, dactylus with proximal lateral flange; R. 1+6/5­6 ................ K. platycheles (Holthuis)

­ Inferior orbital angle acute; second pereiopod carpus without strong teeth; dactylus without lateral flange; R. 1+6­7/2 .......................................... K. darwiniensis (Bruce)

15. Supraorbital spines present.......................................................................................... 16

­ Supraorbital spines lacking ......................................................................................... 19

16. Second pereiopod carpus much longer than palm; R. 1+6­9/2­3.................................... ................................................................................................ K. anacanthus (Bruce)

­ Second pereiopod carpus not longer than palm .......................................................... 17

17. Inferior orbital angle obsolete; R. 1+5/3 ...................................... K. paulsoni (Bruce)

­ Inferior orbital angle distinct....................................................................................... 18

18. Rostral lamina slender; second pereiopod carpus distinctly shorter than merus; R. 1+7­ 8/3­4 ................................................................................ K. nilandensis (Borradaile)

­ Rostral lamina deep; second pereiopod carpus subequal to merus; R. 1+7/3 ................ ................................................................................................ K. edwardsii (Paulson)

19. Robustly built species, with two teeth situated on carapace posterior orbital margin 20

­ Slenderly built species, with one tooth situated on carapace posterior to orbital margin ..................................................................................................................................... 21

20. Eyestalk with conspicuous dorsal tubercle; carpus of second pereiopod distinctly shorter than chela; R. 2+6­8/2­5.................................... K. seychellensis (Borradaile)

­ Eyestalks without dorsal tubercles, carpus of second pereiopod about 0.8 of chela length; ambulatory dactyl about 0.25 of propod length; R. 2+5/3 .................................. .................................................................................................. K. ungujaensis (Bruce) View in CoL

21. Two postorbital teeth present, first tooth epigastric; carpus and fingers of second pereiopod subequal to palm; ambulatory dactyl about 0.35 of propod length; R. 2+6­7/ 3–4 ................................................................................................ K. akiensis ( Kubo) View in CoL

­ One postorbital tooth only........................................................................................... 23

22. Postorbital tooth epigastric; distolateral angle of basal antennular segment multidentate; second pereiopods weakly developed, chelae about 0.6 of carapace length, fingers without diastemal notches; R. 1+ 9­8/4­5............................. K. johnsoni (Bruce)

­ Postorbital tooth not epigastric; distolateral angle of basal antennular segment with distolateral tooth only; second pereiopods well developed, chelae about 0.9–1.1 of carapace length, fingers with distinct diastemal notches ................................................. 22

23. Second pereiopod carpus about 0.5 of palm length; ambulatory dactyl about 0.5 of propod length; R. 1+6­9/2­3 .............................................. K. americanus (Kingsley)

­ Second pereiopod carpus subequal or longer than palm length; ambulatory dactyl about 0.35 of propod length; R. 1+7­8/4­5 ............................ K. calmani (Tattersall)

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