Coryanthes, Hooker, 1831

Chiron, Guy R. & Marçal, Sidney, 2022, Coryanthes charlesiana (Stanhopeinae, Cymbidieae, Orchidaceae), a new species from Brazil, Phytotaxa 575 (2), pp. 173-178 : 177

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.575.2.7


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Key to the species with pubescent lips in the subgenus Coryanthes View in CoL

1. Plants rather small, pseudobulbs up to 5–6 cm high ..........................................................................................................................2

- Plants bigger, pseudobulbs over 8–10 cm and up to 17 cm high .......................................................................................................3

2. Inflorescence ca. 10 cm long; flowers 2, white ................................................................................................. Coryanthes vasquezii View in CoL

- Inflorescence up to 30 cm long; flower 1, yellow with red spots........................................................................... Coryanthes lanata View in CoL

3. Visible part of mesochile over 1.5 times higher than hypochile ........................................................................................................4

- Visible part of mesochile as high as or less high than hypochile .......................................................................................................6

4. Hypochile 2 times wider than deep, with a short pubescence covering almost all the abaxial face .................. Coryanthes tefeensis

- Hypochile about as wide as deep, with a more limited pubescent area .............................................................................................5

5. Flower ca. 7 cm high, mesochile adorned with warts, hypochile with a semicircular pubescence on the superior portion................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ Coryanthes maduroana View in CoL

- Flower ca. 9 cm high, mesochile without any wart, hypochile pubescent only on a median abaxial strip........ Coryanthes bergoldii View in CoL

6. Apex of the hypochile long acuminate........................................................................................................... Coryanthes cavalcantei View in CoL

- Apex of the hypochile rather truncate ................................................................................................................................................7

7. Flowers cream, pubescence of the hypochile restricted to the longitudinal clefts, mesochile pubescent on an abaxial median longitudinal strip............................................................................................................................................... Coryanthes miuaensis View in CoL

- Flowers yellow, pubescence of the hypochile covering a broad median band, mesochile glabrous............. Coryanthes charlesiana

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