Chilicola (Heteroediscelis) packeri Monckton
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Chilicola (Heteroediscelis) packeri Monckton |
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Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Colletidae
Chilicola (Heteroediscelis) packeri Monckton sp. n. Figs 4 C–D; 26 A–B; 44 A–J; 49
Males and females of Chilicola packeri are differentiated from all other species of the subgenus except for Chilicola neffi by the longitudinal depressions on the paraocular area. Males are distinguished from the latter by the narrower metabasitarsus, ≥4 × as long as maximum depth (≤3.9 × in Chilicola neffi ). Females are distinguished by the first three metasomal segments orange-brown, with the premarginal line of T1-T3 entirely dark or with paired lateral dark spots, and disc always entirely orange-brown (in Chilicola neffi T1-T3 are dark brown, or at most orange-brown only in marginal zone and pregradular area, with disc always dark brown in apical half).
Male (Holotype). Length 5.3mm, forewing length 3.0mm, head width 1.0mm, thorax width 1.1mm, median ocellar diameter (OD) 0.10mm.
Colouration: Black-brown, following parts yellow: labrum; inverted T shape on clypeus, apex dark laterad; lower paraocular area extending ~1OD above transverse epistomal suture, not reaching ventral tangent of antennal socket; apicoventral surface of scape and pedicel; ventral surface of antenna from F1 to terminal flagellomere, narrowing basally on F1, remaining flagellomeres suffused with brown basally; protrochanter apical rim posteriorly; apex of profemur broadly on anterior surface, narrowly on posterior surface; dorsal surface of protibia, including dorsal half of anterior surface; anterior surface of probasitarsus; apical half of prodistitarsus; apicodorsal rim of mesofemur, wider anteriorly; wide basal and apical rings on mesotibia, wider on apical anterior surface; basal spot on anterior surface of mesobasitarsus; apicoventral rim of metatrochanter; apicodorsal rim of metafemur; basal quarter of metatibia, and apical ring narrow on anterior surface, extending to summit of ventral convexity and widened to apical quarter on posterior surface; basal quarter of metabasitarsus ventrally; anterior spot on tegula. Apicoventral margin of metacoxa translucent yellow. Posterior metatibial carina black. Apex of T7 yellow-brown. Metasoma dark brown, T1-T6 marginal zones yellow-brown to translucent yellow at margins.
Pubescence: White, hairs generally short (0.5OD) and sparse, not especially plumose; on lower paraocular area and around antennal base moderately long and moderately dense (1OD); genal beard long and moderately dense (0.5-2.5OD) longest at midlength; discs of mesoscutum, scutellum, and metanotum mostly bare, few short hairs (0.5OD), denser and as long or longer toward lateral margin as follows: mesoscutum (0.5OD), scutellum (1-2OD) also on posterior margin, longest posteromedially, metanotum (≤2OD); propodeal hairs moderately long and dense dorsolaterally (0.5-1.5OD); T1-T3 apicolateral patches of tomentum (0.5-1OD); S2 hairs long and dense (1.5OD basolaterad, 1OD distilaterad, shorter mesad).
Surface sculpture: Microsculpture imbricate, integument generally dull; punctures generally small and deep. Clypeus moderately densely punctate (i=1-2d) very sparsely punctate medially (i≥3d); supraclypeal area irregularly punctate (i=1-3d) densely punctate toward lateral margin (i≤d); lower paraocular area densely punctate (i=d); frontal area very densely punctate (i≤0.5d); ocellocular space densely punctate adjacent to compound eye (i≤d) becoming impunctate adjacent to lateral ocellus; vertexal area very densely punctate (i≤0.5d); scape shallowly and irregularly punctate (i=1-3d); genal area microstriate and densely punctate (i≤d); hypostomal area weakly imbricate to glossy apically and sparsely punctate (i≥2d); pronotum densely punctate (0.5-1d), lateral surface coarsely imbricate; mesoscutum densely punctate (i≤d); scutellum densely punctate (i=0.5-1d) punctures crowded around median (i≤d); mesepisternum irregularly punctate, moderately dense to sparse below scrobe and anterior of episternal groove (i=1-2d), irregularly spaced on hypoepimeral area (i≤2d); metanotum densely punctate (i=0.5-1d); metepisternum densely punctate (i≤d); metapostnotum coarsely rugose; propodeum coarsely imbricate, rugulose posteriorly, moderately densely punctate throughout (i=1-2d); T1-T5 coarsely imbricate and moderately densely punctate (i≤2d); T6 imbricate and sparsely punctate (i=3d) to coarsely imbricate and densely punctate (i=0.5d) posteriorly; T7 moderately densely punctate (i=1-3d); marginal zones of terga weakly imbricate and shiny, minutely punctate to impunctate.
Structure: Labrum ~2.6 × wider than long (21:8); malar space ~0.5 × as long as clypeal lateral (3:6.5); LOT below anterior tentorial pits; clypeus ~1.2 × as long as maximum width in frontal view (30:26) extending for approximately one third of its length beyond LOT; median longitudinal groove on clypeus weakly present in dorsal half, absent ventrad; length of subantennal sutures subequal to the shortest distance between them (13:12.5); IAD ~1.6 × AOD (11.5:7); scape ~2.4 × as long as maximum width (20:8.5); pedicel shorter than wide (7:8); F1 shorter than wide (6.5:7.5); F2 ~1.2 × as long as F1 and shorter than F3 (F2:F3 - 8:9); UOD ~1.4 × LOD, IOD ~1.05 × UOD (UOD:IOD:LOD - 42:45:31); frontal line carinate in lower third, flat above; MOC longer than width of head (74:71); OOC ~0.6 × IOC (10:17); genal area ~0.6 × as wide as compound eye in lateral view (12:21); ratio of lengths of mesoscutum: scutellum: metanotum: metapostnotum - 50:18:7:11; probasitarsus 4 × as long as maximum depth (20:5); length of prodistitarsus ~0.7 × that of preceding three tarsomeres combined (from II to V - 7:5.5:4:12); metafemur ~1.9 × as long as maximum depth (55:29); summit of metatibial ventral convexity at approximately two-thirds tibial length; metatibia ~2.2 × as long as maximum depth (47:21); in apical view apical lamina of metatibia short and thick, length ~0.85 × OD (6:7); ventral metatibial carina greatly reduced and originating in apical half of posterior carina, the latter sharply inflected near base; metabasitarsus 4 × as long as maximum depth (30:7.5); S1 process apical surface weakly convex, in lateral view anterior and posterior margins subparallel apically. S7 apodemal arm sclerotized margin entire, encircling membranous portion of arm; ventral lobe ~0.5 × as broad as basal attached length; dorsal lobe somewhat anteriorly curved and digitiform, apex widened relative to midlength, with row of broad setae mesobasally to apex; apex of disc disinctly emarginate. S8 lateral process ~0.9 × as wide as long, anteromedial sclerotized margin wide and following marginal contour. Gonobase apicoventral truncate process biconvex and distinctly notched by ~2 × width of one convexity.
Female (Allotype). Length 4.8mm, forewing length 2.8mm, head width 1.0mm, thorax width 1.1mm, median ocellar diameter (OD) 0.10mm.
Colouration: Black to black-brown except as follows: mandible with apex black, and pale yellow at base to translucent yellow apically. Following parts yellow-brown: ventral surface of antenna from F3 to terminal flagellomere, flagellomeres suffused with brown basally, terminal flagellomere dark apically. Following parts yellow: dorsal surface of protibia; anterior surface of probasitarsus; apices of protarsomeres, including apical two-thirds of prodistitarsus; wide basal ring on mesotibia; anterior spot on tegula. Following parts brown: apicoventral spot on F1 and F2; narrow apical ring on mesotibia; apical half of mesodistitarsus; apicodorsal rim of metafemur; wide basal ring on metatibia. Metasoma mostly orange-brown, T1-T5 marginal zones translucent orange to translucent yellow at margins; T1 pregradular area black, T1-T2 lateral recurved portion of gradulus black, T1-T3 with lateral dark spots on premarginal line, T4-T6 black; sterna orange-brown, suffused with dark brown on disc and premarginal line.
Pubescence: As in male except as follows: clypeal hairs short and sparse (0.5OD); genal beard sparse (0.5-1.5OD); discs of mesoscutum, scutellum, and metanotum with sparse short hairs (≤0.5OD), longer and denser toward lateral margin as follows: mesoscutum (0.5OD), scutellum (1-1.5OD) also on posterior margin, longest posteromedially, metanotum (≤1.5OD); propodeal hairs moderately long and dense dorsolaterally (0.5-1OD); scopae on metafemur and metatibia (1-1.5OD); T1-T2 apicolateral patches of tomentum (0.5-1OD), T3 apicolateral hair band sparse, not tomentose; S1 hairs long and moderately dense (≤2.5OD); S2 scopal hairs (1-2.5OD).
Surface sculpture: As in male except as follows: clypeus moderately densely punctate throughout (i=1-2d); supraclypeal area irregularly punctate (i=1-2d) densely punctate toward lateral margin (i≤d); frontal area densely punctate (i≤d); ocellocular space moderately densely punctate (i=1-2d); vertexal area densely punctate (i≤d); genal area coarsely imbricate and densely punctate (i=d); mesoscutum and scutellum densely punctate (i=0.5-1d); mesepisternum irregularly punctate, moderately dense below scrobe (i=0.5-2d), sparser anterior of episternal groove (i=1-3d), irregularly spaced on hypoepimeral area (i≤2d); metanotum moderately densely punctate (i=0.5-2d); metapostnotum coarsly rugose; propodeum coarsely imbricate and moderately densely punctate (i=1-2d); T1-T5 punctures small and sparse (i≥2d; but i=1-3d on T3); T6 moderately densely punctate (i=1-2d).
Structure: Labrum ~2.5 × wider than long (23:9); malar space approximately one third as long as clypeal lateral (2.5:8); LOT below anterior tentorial pits; length of clypeus subequal to maximum width in frontal view (34:29) extending for less than half of its length beyond LOT; median longitudinal groove weak on clypeus; subantennal sutures ~1.1 longer than shortest distance between them (12.5:11); IAD 1.5 × AOD (12:8); scape 3.5 × as long as maximum width (21:6); pedicel longer than wide (8:6.5); F1 slightly longer than wide (6:5.5); F2 half as long as F1 (3) and 0.75 × as long as F3 (4); UOD ~1.3 × LOD, IOD ~1.05 × UOD (UOD:IOD:LOD - 42:44:32); frontal line carinate in lower half, flat above; MOC longer than width of head (75:69); OOC ~0.6 × IOC (10:17); genal area ~0.75 × as wide as eye in lateral view (17:23); ratio of lengths of mesoscutum: scutellum: metanotum: metapostnotum - 51:19:9:13.5; probasitarsus ~3.5 × as long as maximum depth (19:5.5); length of prodistitarsus ~0.9 × that of preceding three tarsomeres combined (from II to V - 5:4.5:4:12); metafemur 3 × as long as maximum depth (39:13); metatibia ~4.33 × as long as maximum depth (52:12); metabasitarsus 4 × as long as maximum depth (32:8)
Type material
(42 males & 96 females). Holotype (male): Region III, N of Vallenar, S 28.4142°, W 70.7213°, 658m, 15-17.ix.2010, L. Packer, pan trap (PCYU); Allotype (female): Region III, E of Llanos de Challe, S 28.1500°, W 70.9610°, 189m, 14.x.2013, S. Monckton, PCYU 0020860 (PCYU); Paratypes: Region III: three males and four females, same data as allotype, PCYU 0020858, PCYU 0020859, PCYU 0020862, PCYU 0020863, CCDB-19989 A03 // PCYU 0021665, PCYU 0020864, CCDB-19989 A04 // PCYU 0021666 (PCYU); two females, same data as allotype (PUCV); one female, same data as allotype (AMNH); four females, Parque Nacional Llanos de Challe, S 28.196°, W 71.044°, 230m, 22.x.2000, L. Packer (PCYU); one male, Panamericana km 683, N of Vallenar, S 28.395°, W 70.717°, 632m, 17.x.2000, L. Packer (PCYU); ten females, N of Vallenar, FIT Southern, S 28.414°, W 70.721°, 658m, x.2000, L. Packer (PCYU); six males, N of Vallenar, S 28.414°, W 70.721°, 658m, 11-12.x.2000, L. Packer (PCYU); two males and one female, Huasco Prov., 10 km N of Vallenar, S 28.4861°, W 70.7314°, 610m, 28.x.2000, J.G. Rozen (AMNH); one female, 10 km N of Vallenar, S 28.488°, W 70.733°, 579m, 18.x.2000, L. Packer (PCYU); one female, 6 km N of Huasco, S 28.4361°, W 71.1846°, 87m, 14.x.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); one male and two females, N of Huasco, km 11, S 28.3816°, W 71.1625°, 86m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); one female, Tres Playitas, 10 km N of Huasco Bajo, S 28.381°, W 71.177°, 22m, 13.x.2001, L. Packer (PCYU); one female, N of Huasco, km 18, S 28.3248°, W 71.1528°, 62m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); one male, Canto Agua, S 28.15°, W 70.933°, 247m, 9.x.1977, H. Toro (PUCV); one male, same locality and date, J. Magunacelaya (PUCV); two males and twelve females, N of Huasco, km 39, S 28.1472°, W 71.1562°, 55m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); two females, same data, CCDB-19989 A06 // PCYU 0021668, PCYU 0021594 (PCYU); one female, same data (AMNH); one female, N of Huasco, km 43, S 28.1131°, W 71.1542°, 55m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); two males and six females, N of Huasco, km 52, S 28.0438°, W 71.1288°, 65m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); three males and three females, N of Huasco, km 67.2, S 27.9272°, W 71.0851°, 169m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); five males and twelve females, N of Huasco, km 72, S 27.8896°, W 71.0824°, 216m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); one male and one female, same data (BBSL); one male and one female, same data (CTMI); one female, Caleta Totoral, S 27.8316°, W 71.0841°, 14m, 7.xi.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); three males and twelve females, C-451, 2.3 km E of Ruta 5, S 28.0188°, W 70.5538°, 488m, 22-25.x.2010, L. Packer, pan traps (PCYU); one male, Castilla, S 27.903°, W 70.679°, 278m, 18.ix.1986, L. Ruz (PUCV); one female, Ruta 5, 768.8km, S 27.6728°, W 70.4746°, 653m, 1.x.2013, S. Monckton, CCDB-22788 F01 (PCYU); one male and two females, Ruta 5, Km 773, S 27.6421°, W 70.4634°, 600m, 25.x.1995, L. Ruz (PUCV); one female, Rd to Nantoco km 3, S 27.6161°, W 70.4279°, 678m, 6.xi.2013, S. Monckton, CCDB-19989 A05 // PCYU 0021667 (PCYU); one male, Travesía, S 27.54°, W 70.443°, 713m, 9.x.1972, H. Toro (AMNH); one male, same locality, 29.ix.1983, O. Martinez (PUCV); one female, Quebrada del Potrero, S 26.8569°, W 70.6639°, 348m, 14.x.2010, L. Packer & E. Almeida, PCYU 0004790 (PCYU); five females, Embalse Santa Juana, C-479, km 21.5, S 28.6747°, W 70.6432°, 645m, 15.x.2013, S. Monckton, CCDB-19989 A07 // PCYU 0021669, PCYU 0020912, PCYU 0020911, PCYU 0020913, PCYU 0020914 (PCYU); one female,>2km W of Domeyko, S 28.9648°, W 70.9158°, 764m, 15.x.2013, S. Monckton (PCYU); one male, W of Domeyko, S 28.9772°, W 71.0006°, 610m, 5.x.2010, L. Packer & G.S. Fraser, PCYU 0004777 (PCYU); one female, Cta. Chañaral de Aceituno, S 29.079°, W 71.488°, 12m, 11.x.1981, O. Martinez (PUCV); one female, same locality and date, J. Magunacelaya (PUCV); four males and two females, S of Cachiyuyo, S 29.1475°, W 70.9419°, 1247m, 9.x.2010, L. Packer & G.S. Fraser, PCYU 0004713, PCYU 0004711, PCYU 0004708, PCYU 0004712, PCYU 0004714, PCYU 0004710 (PCYU).
Some females have F1-F3 more thoroughly dark, with only the apicoventral margin brown.
Intermediate Desert and one record from Coquimban Desert, distributed coastally from Quebrada del Potrero (Region III) south to P.N. Fray Jorge (Region IV) and inland east to Travesia (Region III); 12-1613m a.s.l.
Recorded September to November.
The specific epithet honours Laurence Packer, the author’s mentor and supervisor, and collector of the holotype specimen. It is formed in the genitive singular case.
Specimens of Chilicola packeri had previously all been identified as Chilicola neffi due to the longitudinal depressions on the frontal area present in both species. The former was recognized following the observation that it has a distinct, non-overlapping geographic distribution relative to Chilicola neffi , as well as a unique DNA barcode sequence, following which morphological differences were also observed.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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