Tunaima mejdalanii, Meneghetti & Paladini, 2022

Meneghetti, Jéssica & Paladini, Andressa, 2022, Reborn from ashes: a new species of Tunaima (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha Cercopidae) from Southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5094 (3), pp. 489-494 : 490-493

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5094.3.8

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scientific name

Tunaima mejdalanii

sp. nov.

Tunaima mejdalanii , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–11 View FIGURES 1–11 )

Measurements (in mm, male/female, n = 1 male and 1 female): body length: 11.0/11.0; head length: 0.87/0.87; head width: 2.0/1.96; pronotum length: 1.89/1.80; pronotum width: 3.24/3.12; tegmen length: 9.5/9.5; tegmen width: 3.0/2.9.

Diagnosis. Tegmen brownish with two orange spots; spine-like process located between middle and apical third of dorsal margin of subgenital plate; paramere booth-shaped, perpendicularly positioned in relation to subgenital plate, dorsal margin irregular with a mountain-shape elevation.

Description. Holotype. Head reddish-brown ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–11 ), subtriangular; eyes brown, rounded; vertex rectangular, without median carina; ocelli yellowish, separated from each other by around one width of ocellus but closer to each other than to eyes. Tylus rectangular, reddish, with scarce and brownish pubescence, without median carina. Antenna brownish; subcylindrical, pedicel sparsely setose; basal body of flagellum ovoid, with single and short arista shorter than pedicel. Postclypeus reddish, inflated, slightly laterally compressed, with scarce pubescence, longitudinal carina present, lateral grooves strongly marked; profile of postclypeus convex. Anteclypeus reddishbrown, longer than wide; rostrum with second segment reddish and third segment brownish, reaching mesocoxae. Pronotum brownish with anterolateral margins reddish, without median carina, scarce pubescence; anterior margin slightly concave, anterolateral margin convex, humeral angles rounded, posterolateral margin with slight sinuosity, posterior margin medially slightly grooved. Scutellum brownish, subtriangular, with dense short pubescence. Tegmina ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1–11 ) brownish with two light orange spots: one located between median and apical third of tegmina, extending from the height of vein M to costal margin; second spot smaller, located between basal and median third of tegmina, not reaching costal margin and extending to the height of claval area; venation weakly apparent, veins M and Cu 1 united at base, vein A 1 weakly apparent and A 2 absent; apical reticulation developed. Hindwings hyaline with brown venation, Cu 1 not thickened at base, hamuli with three spines. Legs reddish-brown; prothoracic, mesothoracic and metathoracic femora reddish, tibia and tarsus brown; metathoracic femur with small apical dark spine; tibia with two lateral spines, basal one smaller than the ones located at apical crown and apical spine larger; apical crown with two spine rows; basitarsus with two rows of spines covered by long setae; subungueal process present. Abdomen reddish-brown.

Male genitalia. Pygofer ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–11 ) with one small finger-like process located between anal tube and subgenital plate; subgenital plate ( Figs 3, 4 View FIGURES 1–11 ) somewhat long, narrowing towards apex, which is acute and spiniform; dorsal margin of subgenital plate with subrectangular elevation; spine-like process located between middle and apical third of dorsal margin of subgenital plate, directed toward the apex of subgenital plate. Paramere ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–11 ) subrectangular, booth-shaped and perpendicularly positioned in relation to subgenital plate; dorsal margin irregular with a mountainshaped elevation; apical spine-like process ventrally inserted and directed mesad. Aedeagus ( Figs 6, 7 View FIGURES 1–11 ) with basal third broad and narrowing towards apex; medial third ventrally covered by small tooth-like spines; ventral margin spinose almost until the slightly enlarged apex.

Female genitalia. First valvula of ovipositor ( Figs 8, 9 View FIGURES 1–11 ) long, with acute apex; two developed rounded basal processes, directed downwards; second valvula ( Figs 10, 11 View FIGURES 1–11 ) with rounded apex and dorsal margin covered by teeth in apical third; third valvula short and wide.

Remarks. Tunaima mejdalanii sp. nov. and T. brunneolutea Carvalho, 1990 have a similar pattern of tegmina with two rounded spots, but the second species has a third elongated spot at base of clavus. Besides, the body length of males and females of T. brunneolutea is smaller than in T. mejdalanii sp. nov. The male genitalia of T. brunneolutea differ in several aspects: the subgenital plate has a prominent spine on its dorsal margin, making the subgenital plate looks bifid ( Carvalho 1990); dorsal margin of paramere has a rounded elevation and subapical spine is hook-shaped; aedeagus is straight and its apex is not enlarged. Species of Tunaima are usually found in high altitudes (up to 1,300m), suggesting a possible habitat for the genus ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ).

Etymology. The new species is named in honor of Dr. Gabriel Luis Figueira Mejdalani (Museu Nacional, UFRJ) in recognition of his contributions to the study of Hemiptera .

Examined material. Holotype ♂: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia, L. 41, 1300m, 06/ 10-12-1950, Trav. & H. Trav. leg. Paratypes: 3♂: same data as holotype ; 2♂: Brasil, Minas Gerais, Passa Quatro , 915 m, J. Zikán leg. ; 1♂: Brasil, Minas Gerais, Passa Quatro , Fazenda dos Campos, 1916, J. F. Zikán leg. ; 1♂: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Resende , 450m, I/1957, U. Barth leg. ; 1♀: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Resende , 450m, I/1957, U. Barth leg.













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