Sophiodela ferriei ( Fleutiaux, 1895 ), 2019

Fukuda, Yuki, Ogawa, Ryo & Hori, Michio, 2019, The reclassification of Sophiodela and other tiger beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) based on the structure of the everted internal sac of the male genitalia, Zootaxa 4661 (2), pp. 271-308 : 285

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Felipe (2020-08-24 21:56:40, last updated 2020-08-24 21:56:43)

scientific name

Sophiodela ferriei ( Fleutiaux, 1895 )

comb. nov.

Sophiodela ferriei ( Fleutiaux, 1895) , comb. nov.

( Figs 7D, 12A)

Cicindela ferriei Fleutiaux, 1895 : cclxxxi.

Cicindela ferriei indigonacea Miwa, 1935:15 [synonymy by Fukuda et al. 2015: 275].

Cicindela (Sericina) ferriei: Rivalier 1961:123 .

Cicindela (Sophiodela) ferriei: Nakane 1976:4 .

Specimens examined. (N = 2) [ Japan] 1♂ ( EUMJ), Tobe (27°47′11′′ N / 128°57′17′′ E) (Alt. 240 m), Tokunoshima Is., Kagoshima Pref., 3. VII. 2013, M. Ito leg GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ( EUMJ), Chuou Path (28°21′42′′ N / 129°27′48′′ E) (Alt. 270 m), Amamiohshima Is., Kagoshima Pref., 5. VII. 2013, M. Ito leg. GoogleMaps

Description. Internal sac everted dorsally in lateral view. DLL largest in the bladders; VA same as large as B and DA; A exist. VLR, BLR and VB not exist.

VA short triangular everted dorsally. DA everted dorsally. B roundly swollen right laterally, with well sclerotized spines, which are forming an oblong band. DLL swollen dorsally, covered with numerous well-sclerotized spines, which are a forming band. Flagellum well short, curved and formed S shape. Medial tooth long, gently curved right ventro-laterally, gently tapered at apex.

Fleutiaux, E. (1895) Description d'une nouvelle espece de Cicindela du groupe des Calochroa vrais et une note sur deux especes du genre Peridexia. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 1894, cclxxxi-cclxxxii.

Fukuda, Y., Yamasako, J., Ogawa, R. & Sakai, M. (2015) Review of the Japanese species of the genus Cicindela (Sophiodela) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cicindelinae) based on the characters of internal sac. Elytra, New Series, 5 (2), 269 - 280.

Miwa, Y. (1935) Coleoptera from Amami-Islands in Loo-Choo Archipelago. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society of Osaka, 6, 11 - 30.

Nakane, T. (1976) Check-list of Coleoptera of Japan, Cicindelidae. The Coleopterists' Association of Japan, 3, 1 - 7.

Rivalier, E. (1961) Demembrement du genre Cicindela Linne, IV. Faune indomalaise. Revue francaise d'Entomologie, 28, 121 - 149.


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