Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) fortepunctatus (Luederwaldt, 1923), revalidated name

Chamorro, William, Marin-Armijos, Diego, senjo, Angelico & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records, ZooKeys 826, pp. 1-343 : 123-125

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scientific name

Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) fortepunctatus (Luederwaldt, 1923), revalidated name


Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) fortepunctatus (Luederwaldt, 1923), revalidated name View in CoL Plates 28B, 57 C–D

Pinotus fortepunctatus Luederwaldt, 1923: 4 (original description. Type locality: Bucay, west- Ecuador 300 m).

Pinotus fortepunctatus : Luederwaldt 1929: 76 (characters in key); Blackwelder 1944: 207 (list of species of Latin America); Pereira 1947: 318 (characters in key), 320 (redescription); Pereira 1953: 387 (synonym of Dichotomius globulus (Felsche, 1901), comment).

Dichotomius fortepunctatus : Carvajal et al. 2011: 320 (cited for Ecuador).

Dichotomius (Dichotomius) fortepunctatus : Chamorro et al. 2018: 90 (figure 13A), 95 (cited for Ecuador).

Pinotus fortepunctatus var. catenatus Luederwaldt, 1931b: 300 (original description); Blackwelder 1944: 207 (list of species of Latin America); Pereira 1947: 318 (characters in key), 322 (redescription).

Pinotus globulus Felsche, 1901: 141 (original description. Type locality: Amazonas).

Pinotus globulus : Blackwelder 1944: 208 (list of species from Latin America); Pereira 1947: 316 (characters in key), 319 (redescription, comment); Pereira 1953: 387 (comment).

Dichotomius globulus : Vulcano and Pereira 1967: 586 (characters in key, cited for Ecuador); Medina et al. 2001: 138 (cited for Colombia); Carvajal et al. 2011: 320-321 (cited for Ecuador); Krajcik 2012: 92 (complete list of species); Sarmiento-Garcés and Amat-García 2014: 97 (characters in key), 98 (diagnosis).

Type specimens.

Pinotus fortepunctatus Luederwaldt, 1923. The lectotype (♂) (here designated) and one paralectotype are deposited at the MZUSP. Locality: Bucay, Equador, examined.

Lectotype (here designated) (♂): "Bucay 200 m / F. Ohs. II. 05 [p]", "Equador / Bucay / II. 90 5 [hw]", "Pinotus ♀ / fortepuntatus Lüd. i. Lit. [hw]", "♀ [p]", "COTIPO [p, pink label, black margin]", "17741 [p]", "LECTOTYPE ♂ / Pinotus / fortepunctatus / Luederwaldt, 1923 / des. F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello. 2018 [p and hw, red label, black margin]".

Paralectotype (♂): "Equador / Bucay / 12. VI. 905 [hw]", "COTIPO [p, pink label, black margin]", "Pinotus ♂ / fortepunctatus / Lüd. i. Lit. [hw]", "17741 [p]", "PARALECTOTYPE ♂ / Pinotus / fortepunctatus / Luederwaldt, 1923 / des. F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello. 2018 [p and hw, yellow label, black margin]".

Pinotus globulus Felsche, 1901. The lectotype (♂) (here designated) and six paralectotypes are deposited at the SMTD. Locality: Iquitus. Examined.

Lectotype (here designated) (♂): "Iquitos [p, green label]", "Coll. C. Felsche / Kauf 21 1918 [p, green lable, black margin]", "Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde Dresden [p]", "Typus [p, red label]", "globulus / Felsche [illegible] [hw, purple margin]", "LECTOTYPE ♂ / Pinotus / globulus /Felsche / des. F.Z.Vaz-de-Mello, 2014 [p and hw, red label, black margin]".

Paralectotype (♀): "Iquitos [p, green label]", "Coll. C. Felsche / Kauf 20 1918 [p, green lable, black margin]", "Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde Dresden [p]", "PARALECTOTYPE / Pinotus ♀ / globulus / Felche / des. F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello. 2014 [p and hw, yellow label, black margin]".

Paralectotype (♀): "Manaos [p, green label]", "Coll. C. Felsche / Kauf 20 1918 [p, green lable, black margin]", "Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde Dresden [p]", "PARALECTOTYPE / Pinotus ♀ / globulus / Felche / des. F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello. 2014 [p and hw, yellow label, black margin]".

Paralectotype (♀): "Rio Cachiyacu / Iquitos / Stuart. 93 [p,]", "Coll. C. Felsche / Kauf 20 1918 [p, green lable, black margin]", "Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde Dresden [p]", "PARALECTOTYPE / Pinotus ♀ / globulus / Felche / des. F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello. 2014 [p and hw, yellow label, black margin]".

Paralectotype (♀): "Iquitos [p, green label]", "Coll. C. Felsche / Kauf 20 1918 [p, green lable, black margin]", "Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde Dresden [p]", "PARALECTOTYPE / Pinotus ♀ / globulus / Felche / des. F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello. 2014 [p and hw, yellow label, black margin]".


Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Records examined.

CARCHI: Tobar Donoso, 300 m (7 specimens MECN). COTOPAXI: Guasaganda km 4, 500 m (3 specimens CEMT; 4 specimens MQCAZ). ESMERALDAS: Colón del Onzole (4 specimens MQCAZ; 6 specimens MECN); Charco Vicente (6 specimens MQCAZ; 5 specimens MECN); Gualpi (2 specimens MECN); Gualpi, El Pajonal (11 specimens MECN); El Progreso (2 specimens MECN); Salto del Bravo (7 specimens MQCAZ; 12 specimens MECN). GUAYAS: Bucay (2 specimens MZUSP). IMBABURA: El Chontal, El Cauchero, 900 m (1 specimen MUTPL). LOS RÍOS: 47 km S. Sto Domingo, Río Palenque Station, 250 m (4 specimens CEMT; 3 specimens MQCAZ); Río Palenque Station (34 specimens CEMT). PICHINCHA: Bosque Protector Milpe-Río Pachijal, 1200 m (1 specimen MUTPL); El Encuentro, 620 m, San Miguel de los Bancos (1 specimen MUTPL); La Florida (1 specimen MQCAZ); Guayabilla, 520 m, Río Guayllabamba Manduriacus; Mindo; Pedro Vicente Maldonado, 600 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Llurimaguas, 290 m, Río Guayllabamba Pedro Vicente Maldonado (1 specimen MUTPL); Tortugo, 450 m, Río Guayllabamba Pedro Vicente Maldonado (1 specimen MUTPL); San Roque, 580 m, Río Guayllabamba Pedro Vicente Maldonado (1 specimen MUTPL). SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS: Hda Pupusa (1 specimen MQCAZ); Río Silanche (1 specimen MQCAZ); Santo Domingo, Puerto Limón, 395 m (2 specimens MUTPL).

Literature records.

GUAYAS: Bucay ( Luederwaldt 1923: 4).

Temporal data.

Collected in all months except January.


Inhabits coastal lowland evergreen forests and coastal evergreen foothill forests from 290-1200 m a.s.l. Collected using canopy fogging methods and pitfall traps baited with human feces.

Luederwaldt (1923) described Pinotus fortepuctatus (original designation) for Equador [= Ecuador, Bucay west]. Subsequently, Pereira (1953) considered this species as a synonym of Dichotomius globulus [= Pinotus globulus original designation, described by Felsche in 1901, with type locality Amazonas]; according to Pereira, the two species have the same morphological characteristics. However, upon examining the external morphology (specifically, the depressions of the pronotal disc and elytral microsculpture) of the type specimens, P. fortepuctatus (lectotype ♂ here designated, deposited at the MZUSP, Plate 57C) and P. globulus (lectotype ♂ here designated, deposited at the SMTD, Plate 57D), we could confirm they belong to distinct species. Therefore, maintaining the specific name originally proposed by Luederwaldt, we elevate it to species level under the following status: Dichotomius (Luederwaltinia) fortepunctatus (Luederwaldt, 1923) revalidated name. Two lectotypes (♂, with localities Bucay and Iquitos) are here designated and illustrated (Plate 57C, D).















