Yunbayin, Brazidec & Legendre & Perrichot, 2023

Brazidec, Manuel, Legendre, Frederic & Perrichot, Vincent, 2023, Diversity and phylogeny of the extinct wasp subfamily Lancepyrinae (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) revealed by mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber, Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 81, pp. 345-369 : 345

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Yunbayin gen. nov.

Type species.

Yunbayin rossei sp. nov.


Yun Bayin is one of the 37 Nat spirits, a deity of the Burmese pantheon. Gender feminine.


Female. Head and mesosoma depressed (Fig. 7A, E View Figure 7 ); compound eye located on anterior half of head; antenna filiform, shorter than head + mesosoma combined; flagellomeres 1-10 gradually thickening, flagellomere 10 almost as long as wide (Fig. 7A, F View Figure 7 ); dorsal pronotal area narrower than anteromesoscutum, with lateral margin incurved (Fig. 7B View Figure 7 ); anteromesoscutum half as long as dorsal pronotal area; metapectal-propodeal complex with carina; fore wing with 1Rs&1M slightly angled at junction with Rs+M and 1Rs shorter than 1M; [2R1] cell not closed, lanceolate (Fig. 7C, D View Figure 7 ); metasoma fusiform, stouter than head and mesosoma; petiole long and conspicuous (Fig. 7A, E View Figure 7 ).

Systematic remarks.

Following the key to the genera of Lancepyrinae of Jouault et al. (2021), the specimens key to Burmapyris due to the following characters: fore wing with Rs+M vein tubular, [2R1] cell opened, pterostigma elongate and Rs+M long, extending distally to [1M] cell, [1M] cell not fully enclosed by tubular veins. However, they differ from this genus by the antenna shorter and stouter, 1Rs&1M less strongly angled, 1Rs shorter, the [2R1] cell narrower, the pronotum with lateral margin incurved, the anteromesoscutum shorter and the metasoma not flattened and much longer than the mesosoma. They also differ from Azepyris gen. nov. by the vein Rs+M tubular and 1M aligned with cu-a; from Gwesped gen. nov. by the body less depressed, the [2R1] cell open apically, and the absence of dentiform projections of the metapectal-propodeal complex; and from Paralanceis gen. nov. by the [2R1] cell open apically and the [1M] cell not fully enclosed by tubular veins. Therefore, we propose the new genus Yunbayin gen. nov. to accommodate this morphotype.