Cycadolepis, Saporta 1875 emend. Harris, 1953

León, María Patricia Velasco de, Martínez, Erika Lourdes Ortiz, Barragan, Miguel Angel Flores, Madrid, Diana Silvia Guzmán & Martinez, Pedro Christian Martínez, 2024, New records of Bennettitales and associated flora from the Jurassic of the Cualac Formation, Mexico, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 14) 27 (1), pp. 1-19 : 9

publication ID 10.26879/1293

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scientific name



Cycadolepis aff. C. mexicana Wieland, 1914

Figure 3C View FIGURE 3

Material examined. CFZ-Cr 137

Description. Lanceolate bract impression, with four longitudinal veins, margin entire, 6.1 cm long and 1.8 cm wide at maximum, hairs 10.4–21.0 mm long and 0.4–1.4 mm wide on the margin, without apparent arrangement.

Discussion. Cycadolepis is used to name the set of bracts that likely surrounded the reproductive structures of some Bennettitales and detached with floral maturity ( McLoughlin, 2017). The species C. mexicana Wieland has been reported from the Jurassic of Mexico, and has the same shape, size, and presence of hairs as the specimen described in the present work ( Figure 3C View FIGURE 3 ). However, the fragmentation of the specimen only allows proposing an affinity with this species. This genus has a cosmopolitan distribution throughout the Mesozoic (Beheresmeyer and Turner, 2022).

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